On January 1, 2024, it was reported on the Internet that a motorcycle celebrity with the ID name "Ou Keai", who had more than 1 million fans on a certain video platform, recently drowned in a car accident in Wanning, Hainan. He was only in his 20s. Red Star News learned from many

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On January 1, 2024, it was reported on the Internet that a motorcycle celebrity with the ID name "Ou Keai", who had more than 1 million fans on a certain video platform, recently drowned in a car accident in Wanning, Hainan. He was only in his 20s. Red Star News learned from many relatives and friends of "Ou Kaitai" that her relatives and friends have rushed to Hainan and are handling the funeral arrangements for "Ou Kaitai". The vehicle in the accident fell into the river while driving on a curve. Three of the four people in the vehicle survived. The window next to "Ou Keai" could not be opened and she drowned. Red Star News called Hainan Wanning Traffic Police, and the other party responded that it was inconvenient to disclose the matter.

The family members of "Ou Kaitai" recounted the incident.

The car window close to her could not be opened.

Red Star News noticed that "Ou Kaitai" wrote "Ordinary people, doing what they like" in the profile of their account. Videos posted on her account show that she is petite, loves motorcycles and traveling, and often wears a variety of ethnic costumes. On December 27, 2023, "Ou Kaitai" posted her boarding pass and shared a video of her trip to Riyue Bay in Wanning, Hainan.

On January 1, 2024, it was reported on the Internet that a motorcycle celebrity with the ID name 'Ou Keai', who had more than 1 million fans on a certain video platform, recently drowned in a car accident in Wanning, Hainan. He was only in his 20s. Red Star News learned from many - Lujuba

▲"Ou Keai's" personal account

"Ou Keai"'s friends and fans before her death have mourned her online. "She has an optimistic attitude, straightforward temperament, and is extremely sincere to her friends. She touches everyone around her; she has been brave and kind-hearted Ou Ou along the way..." A friend of "Ou Keai" during his lifetime told Red Star News, Ou Keai She has indeed passed away, and her family has gone to Hainan to handle the funeral arrangements.

Mr. Li (pseudonym), a friend of "Ou Kaitai" before his death, told Red Star News that "Ou Kaitai's" mother had a disease herself. After "Ou Kaitai" passed away, her parents fell into grief. Mr. Li has been staying with the family of "Ou Keai" recently to deal with the funeral arrangements.

On January 1, the family members of "Ou Kaitai" told Red Star News that the accident occurred at around 5:30 on December 29, 2023, and the family members had arranged to cremate the body on January 1.

"Ou Kaitai"'s family described the incident in detail to reporters: On December 29, 2023, "Ou Kaitai" gathered with many motorcycle enthusiasts in a town in Riyue Bay, Wanning, Hainan, and made some friends. At about 5:30 that day, a young man drove "Ou Keai" and another man and woman away from the party. Several young people in the car were new acquaintances. Not long after the car drove out, it drove to an elevated road with a curve. When the young man turned right, the car rushed off the elevated road, and then rolled over into the river beside it and was submerged in the water. The river was not deep. At that time, the car windows next to the other three people were open, but the car window near "Ou Keai" was closed and could not be opened. The other three people were able to escape, but the petite "Ou Keai" drowned.

"Ou Keai"'s god sister:

She didn't bring goods, and her reply to netizens before her death actually made it true.

"Ou Keai"'s godmother Xiaoyu (pseudonym) learned the bad news from a friend on the evening of December 31, 2023. of. Xiaoyu found it hard to believe. In Xiaoyu's impression, "Ou Keai" is a girl with a true temperament and full of positive energy. "She smiles every day and is so cute every day."

"Ou Keai" is from the Buyi ethnic group. She likes the costumes of various ethnic groups. Xiaoyu is in the business of ethnic costumes on weekdays. Most of the ethnic costumes worn by "Ou Keai" are handmade by Xiao Yu. Xiaoyu's account is also featured in the account profile of "Ou Keai". When "Ou Kaitai" passed away, Xiaoyu had only finished half of the Yi costumes she had made for "Ou Kaitai".

Xiaoyu told Red Star News that although "Ou Keai" has a certain number of fans, it does not have any products. She once said before her death that she "didn't want to cut off the leeks of fans." Xiaoyu emphasized that "Ou Kaitai" just likes ethnic costumes and there is no business relationship between them. "Ou Keai"'s sharing brought customers to Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu once wanted to transfer money to express her gratitude, but "Ou Keai" refused, saying that she was just sharing.

A year ago, "Ou Keai" started sharing videos of her travels across the country. In Xiaoyu's eyes, "Ou Keai" lives out her own . Xiaoyu looked through the past chat records of "Ou Kaitai" and the content of "Ou Kaitai"'s replies to netizens before her death. Netizens asked her where she slept at night, and she said she slept in the sea. Then netizens asked her how long it had been since she returned to Guiyang, but she said she couldn't reply. Unexpectedly, the last words turned out to be a prophecy.

On January 1, 2024, it was reported on the Internet that a motorcycle celebrity with the ID name 'Ou Keai', who had more than 1 million fans on a certain video platform, recently drowned in a car accident in Wanning, Hainan. He was only in his 20s. Red Star News learned from many - Lujuba

▲"Ou Keai" replied to netizen

In the past year, "Ou Keai" has been doing what she likes to her heart's content. Xiaoyu mentioned that after the death of "Ou Keai", some netizens spread rumors or slandered "Ou Keai". Xiaoyu hopes that netizens will not be like this and let the deceased rest in peace.

Xiaoyu originally planned to finish the clothes and try them on "Ou Keai". "Ou Keai" suddenly passed away. Xiaoyu still planned to finish the last piece of clothing she made for "Ou Keai" and participate in "Ou Keai's" funeral.

Tags: entertainment