Source | Urban Live Original. Please do not reprint without permission. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the events in Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, are rising one after another with fireworks and new visions. On New Year's Eve 2023-2024, Nanchan

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Source | Urban Live Original

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At the end of the year and the beginning of the year

One after another, the activities in Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, are rising with fireworks and new visions

Source | Urban Live Original. Please do not reprint without permission. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the events in Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, are rising one after another with fireworks and new visions. On New Year's Eve 2023-2024, Nanchan - Lujuba

On New Year's Eve 2023-2024, Nanchang "Full of sincerity". Not only are there many New Year's Eve events held in Nanchang City, but surrounding counties and districts have also joined in, kicking off a vibrant new year with a large number of cultural and tourism activities! City light and shadow show, national tide party, fireworks show, artificial snowfall, every event site is crowded with people, and it is extremely lively. The extremely high "popularity" at the scene directly filled the New Year's Eve atmosphere!

Source | Urban Live Original. Please do not reprint without permission. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the events in Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, are rising one after another with fireworks and new visions. On New Year's Eve 2023-2024, Nanchan - Lujuba

College Student Tourist Wang: This is also our first time to visit Nanchang. We hope that we can encounter different activities in the future, participate in different cultural exchanges, and enrich our experience.

Source | Urban Live Original. Please do not reprint without permission. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the events in Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, are rising one after another with fireworks and new visions. On New Year's Eve 2023-2024, Nanchan - Lujuba

Zhejiang University Student Tourist Chen: "The Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion" is very beautifully written. Let me take a look at what the real Prince Teng's Pavilion looks like. This city is quite lively, and these activities are held in abundance. Today we have a tight schedule, so we went out immediately with our suitcases.

Source | Urban Live Original. Please do not reprint without permission. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the events in Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, are rising one after another with fireworks and new visions. On New Year's Eve 2023-2024, Nanchan - Lujuba

Not only New Year’s Eve, Nanchang in 2023 is actually continuing to expand its recruitment. From the grand fireworks show, to the flag-raising ceremony in Bayi Square, the annual Nanchang Flying Conference, to the International Dragon Boat Races, to the cheering of thousands of people crossing the Gan River on both sides of the strait, to the 2023 Nanchang Marathon and the New Year's Walk, they all let "Hero City" Nanchang is making great strides on the road to "exiting the circle", stepping on the top of traffic every step of the way.

Source | Urban Live Original. Please do not reprint without permission. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the events in Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, are rising one after another with fireworks and new visions. On New Year's Eve 2023-2024, Nanchan - Lujuba

Tourist Ms. Liu: I have participated in the fireworks display and the national flag raising, which has increased Nanchang’s visibility on Douyin. People in other cities will also increase their yearning for Nanchang and their willingness to travel.

Nanchang: Welcome the "Red" Jiangxi Tourism is making another effort

With the help of college student special forces, Hero City has successfully become a new Internet celebrity city. Its sudden popularity is inseparable from the frequent cultural feasts. After becoming popular, the question is how to stay popular and how to extend the traffic from 2023 to the new year.

Source | Urban Live Original. Please do not reprint without permission. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the events in Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, are rising one after another with fireworks and new visions. On New Year's Eve 2023-2024, Nanchan - Lujuba

Cao Guoxin, deputy director of the Institute of Economic and Social Development of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, said that in addition to the rapid recovery in quantity, the post-epidemic revival of the tourism industry is that people are paying more attention to health and leisure. Through the creation of a series of large-scale activities, Nanchang is expected to become a high-quality city that combines tourism distribution center, destination and consumption place in the future.

Source | Urban Live Original. Please do not reprint without permission. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the events in Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, are rising one after another with fireworks and new visions. On New Year's Eve 2023-2024, Nanchan - Lujuba

Cao Guoxin, deputy director of the Institute of Economic and Social Development of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics: During the course of this year, Nanchang held a large number of large-scale activities, some specifically to promote tourism, and some combined with festive events. There are also activities that combine celebration activities and tourism promotion for the use of new large-scale facilities. This year, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, was elected as an Internet celebrity city, which is an affirmation of this market image and a lot of work.

In the current era of Internet communication, the popularity of Nanchang tourism marketing cannot be separated from the joint efforts of traditional media and new media. The high-quality videos planned to be launched by the tourist self-media creation and promotion department are an important part of this.

Source | Urban Live Original. Please do not reprint without permission. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the events in Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, are rising one after another with fireworks and new visions. On New Year's Eve 2023-2024, Nanchan - Lujuba

Cao Guoxin, deputy director of the Institute of Economic and Social Development of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics: Internet celebrity cities themselves are a combination of online and offline. Offline is the landing point of Internet celebrities, and online is the place where Internet celebrities create. The birthplace of Nanchang. From the series of Internet celebrity communication and hot product recommendations we have seen now, Nanchang will have wave after wave of Internet celebrity craze in the future.

seizes the traffic, increases the core growth, and achieves strong cultural flavor, full of fireworks and good experience. It integrates the tourism resources of Jiangxi Province and organizes group promotions. Nanchang will play a vital leading role.

Source | Urban Live Original. Please do not reprint without permission. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the events in Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, are rising one after another with fireworks and new visions. On New Year's Eve 2023-2024, Nanchan - Lujuba

Cao Guoxin, deputy director of the Institute of Economic and Social Development of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics: For example, other cities in the province such as Jiujiang, Shangrao, and Ganzhou should also start from the perspective of where Internet celebrities check in and where Internet celebrities pass through, and quickly promote themselves The development of the city has made Jiangxi truly a tourism core and tourism gateway city, a combination of rich tourism formats.

In 2023, Nanchang will wear the crown of “Internet Celebrity City” for the first time. For Nanchang Cultural Tourism, 2024 is a new starting point to welcome the "red" and continue to write glory. This New Year's Eve event of "city-wide linkage to celebrate the New Year and full coverage to welcome the New Year" is a sincere greeting.

Source | Urban Live Original. Please do not reprint without permission. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the events in Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, are rising one after another with fireworks and new visions. On New Year's Eve 2023-2024, Nanchan - Lujuba

Cao Guoxin, deputy director of the Institute of Economic and Social Development of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics: In 2024, we should give Nanchang a new cultural soul through work, publicity, and cultural creation, as an important aspect of urban construction and urban renewal, and build our Nanchang It will become a pearl of an ecological civilization experimental zone, a shining pearl above the Yangtze River National Cultural Park, and an important node city in the century-old history of military construction.

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