At 6 o'clock in the morning on the first day of 2024, the first ray of sunshine of the New Year has not yet fallen, and Chengdu Tianfu Square is already crowded with citizens and tourists waiting to watch the flag-raising ceremony. Accompanied by the impassioned national anthem,

entertainment 4009℃

At 6 o'clock in the morning on the first day of 2024, before the first ray of sunshine of the New Year has fallen, Chengdu Tianfu Square is already crowded with citizens and tourists waiting to watch the flag-raising ceremony.

At 6 o'clock in the morning on the first day of 2024, the first ray of sunshine of the New Year has not yet fallen, and Chengdu Tianfu Square is already crowded with citizens and tourists waiting to watch the flag-raising ceremony. Accompanied by the impassioned national anthem,  - Lujuba

Accompanied by the impassioned national anthem, a New Year flag-raising ceremony was held in Tianfu Square. Subsequently, citizens and tourists under the flag stage held a flash mob and sang "My Motherland and Me" and "Singing the Motherland". As more and more citizens participated, thousands of citizens at the scene sang: "Five Stars" The red flag fluttered in the wind, and the victory songs were so loud..."

They are students, young cadres, literary and art lovers, etc. They all sang affectionately together and "confessed" to the motherland with sincere emotions.

At 6 o'clock in the morning on the first day of 2024, the first ray of sunshine of the New Year has not yet fallen, and Chengdu Tianfu Square is already crowded with citizens and tourists waiting to watch the flag-raising ceremony. Accompanied by the impassioned national anthem,  - Lujuba

Vitality, freedom, poetry...

They come from different industries and sing the same song

Zhang Ran is a sophomore. The moment that impressed her most was the moment when the five-star red flag was raised to the top of the flagpole. Witnessed on the spot The crowd cheered and a sense of pride arose spontaneously.

At 6 o'clock in the morning on the first day of 2024, the first ray of sunshine of the New Year has not yet fallen, and Chengdu Tianfu Square is already crowded with citizens and tourists waiting to watch the flag-raising ceremony. Accompanied by the impassioned national anthem,  - Lujuba

"Chengdu's medical resources are very developed, and a lot of new blood has poured into Chengdu in recent years. As a student of traditional Chinese medicine, I hope to develop here in the future and meet more like-minded people." Zhang Ran said.

Feng Haiping, a music teacher at Paotongshu Primary School, said that during the chorus, she could feel a resonance in the eye contact with everyone, "because we participated and witnessed this sacred moment together and shared a love for the motherland." She looked forward to it Looking forward to sharing this moment with the children when we return to school.

Wu Hanlin, 24, is also a teacher. He came to Chengdu during college and decided to stay here after graduation. He said that he had very fond memories of Chengdu since childhood. Whether it was Chengdu’s street culture or its poetic rhythm of life, it gave people a sense of leisure and ease. When he became a part of this city, he unlocked the vibrant side of Chengdu. The city also provides a good platform for young people to pursue their dreams.

At 6 o'clock in the morning on the first day of 2024, the first ray of sunshine of the New Year has not yet fallen, and Chengdu Tianfu Square is already crowded with citizens and tourists waiting to watch the flag-raising ceremony. Accompanied by the impassioned national anthem,  - Lujuba

"Raising the national flag at the beginning of the new year means a summary of last year and hopes for the new year. It also conveys an inspiring power to everyone and ignites more prospects and expectations." Wu Hanlin said.

They grew up with Chengdu

Share their love and passion with their children and families

Wang Lujuan has been in Chengdu for 22 years. She recalled that when she first came to college, there were still a lot of farmland in the city. But now high-rise buildings are rising and the city is constantly expanding. “Many high-tech companies gather in the south of the city, providing opportunities for many young people to come to Chengdu for development.”

Living in Chengdu, she truly experienced a kind of happiness. On weekends, she would go cycling on the greenway with her family, or go to the park to drink a bowl of tea, or meet up with friends for a hot pot party. “Getting happiness is an easy thing.” “I am with Chengdu. Growing up, witnessing the raising of the national flag here, you will have deeper feelings in your heart."

In 2023, the torch of the Chengdu Universiade came to her school to pass, and she also became a volunteer, sharing her pride and joy in participating in international events. pride. "The Chengdu Universiade is a testament to the strength of the city. I believe that more world events will be held in Chengdu after this."

Guo Rongrong, who participated in the chorus, has been in Chengdu for nearly 20 years. Among the crowd, there are two people who are of great significance to her. audience - her lover and children.

"The flag-raising ceremony is a good patriotic education, which can make children feel their love and affection for the motherland and the people. This opportunity must not be missed." The child was very excited after hearing what she said and got up early in the morning. Follow the adults, sit on their shoulders and look forward to it, waiting for the moment when the five-star red flag rises high.

At 6 o'clock in the morning on the first day of 2024, the first ray of sunshine of the New Year has not yet fallen, and Chengdu Tianfu Square is already crowded with citizens and tourists waiting to watch the flag-raising ceremony. Accompanied by the impassioned national anthem,  - Lujuba

When singing along with the audience, Guo Rongrong felt a strong sense of cohesion. "The two songs "My Motherland and Me" and "Singing the Motherland" do not require great singing skills. These two songs are engraved in our bones, and everyone is singing them with heart and emotion."

After the chorus ended, people waved the national flags in their hands and cheered, picked up their mobile phones and took photos to celebrate the coming of the New Year together and wish our motherland prosperity!

Red Star News reporter Ye Yan Zhang Zhiyi photojournalist Wang Xiao

editor Cheng Xu

Tags: entertainment