Really making it an important choice for foreigners to understand Shanghai. Where to go to Shanghai during the New Year? Clicking to enter the new version of Shanghai International Service Portal (, Madagascar international student Meng Aide not only found

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truly makes it an important choice for expats to understand Shanghai.

Where to go to Shanghai during the New Year? Clicking to enter the new version of Shanghai International Service Portal (, Madagascar international student Meng Aide not only found the "Seven Must-Visit Attractions in Shanghai during the New Year", but also found the country's specialty restaurants recommended by foreign consuls general in Shanghai, "It's great , it is difficult to find such complete English information on search engines."

At 10 o'clock today (January 1), as the foreign language version of the "China·Shanghai" government portal, the new version of the Shanghai International Services Portal (international services shanghai) was launched for trial In operation, the website highlights the characteristics of "one-stop, scenario-based and friendly" and provides policy information, information services and life guides to foreigners coming to and living in Shanghai. In addition to the English version of the website, multiple domestic and overseas social media platforms are also launched at the same time.

According to the Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, this is an important measure to spread the city image of Shanghai and optimize Shanghai’s business environment. In the future, it will continue to optimize and improve the user experience, truly making it an important choice for foreigners to understand Shanghai.

"With foreigners as the first perspective"

"The new version of Shanghai International Service Portal is by no means a simple translation from Chinese to English, but should fully consider the real needs of foreigners in Shanghai, with foreigners as the first perspective, and design a service that suits their needs It’s a product that I’m used to.” said staff from the Municipal Foreign Affairs Office and the Municipal Friendship Association. For example,

focuses on the main needs of foreigners coming to Shanghai, and has designed five focus scenarios, including business, work, tourism, study abroad, and consumption. It uses list-style service guides, friendly service guides, and high-frequency matter retrieval to achieve relevant Accurate navigation of information. For another example, the portal also has a "Living in Shanghai" column, which simulates the three-stage scenarios of "moving to Shanghai", "familiar with Shanghai" and "integrating into Shanghai", and provides corresponding service guides to effectively solve the problem of foreigners from express entry to processing. The various needs at different stages, such as residence permit, bank card application, and basic necessities, further clear up the service bottlenecks for foreigners.

"In the past, different service information was hidden on different websites, and some did not have English versions, making it inconvenient to find." Lisa Wang, a French entrepreneur who started a business in Shanghai, called the new version of the portal "gateway." "Now all the content is combined together. , it was a pleasant surprise that we were able to quickly find an authoritative guide in English.”

Behind this surprise is the contribution of nearly a hundred "international experience officers" in the past few months. Some of them are foreigners who have lived in Shanghai for a long time, and some are members of the Shanghai Mayor's International Entrepreneur Advisory Conference. Some of them participated The Municipal Foreign Affairs Office and the Municipal Friendship Association conducted preliminary research, and some participated in the later internal testing work.

"Most foreign families in Shanghai have pets, and pet-raising content is indispensable." Xu Lingna, a Singaporean who has lived in Shanghai for more than 20 years, reminded. Therefore, the "Pets" entry was added to the "Integrating into Shanghai" section to introduce the entry guide for pets, as well as information about Shanghai pet hospitals, pet-friendly restaurants, etc. During the survey, Huang Wen, Ernst & Young Asia Pacific Human Resources Leader, pointed out that Shanghai holds a large number of exhibitions every year, but companies have to go to different official websites to collect information. Therefore, there is an "Investment Calendar" entry in the "Business" section, listing the known Shanghai exhibition information this year, and the relevant content is still being added.

"Foreigners are very enthusiastic and say that they are not 'foreign aid', but are fulfilling their obligations as Shanghai citizens." Staff from the Municipal Foreign Affairs Office and the Municipal Friendship Association said with emotion that they received nearly 300 feedbacks in just two weeks of testing. Help them further improve the user experience from a user perspective.

will continue to be updated in the future with rich content and languages ​​

The launch of the new Shanghai International Service Portal is one of the important measures taken by the Municipal Foreign Affairs Office and city friends to help foreigners better integrate into Shanghai. Prior to this, in July last year, the Municipal Foreign Affairs Office launched the Chinese and English bilingual "Shanghai Information Weekly" to help foreign companies, institutions and foreigners in Shanghai understand the latest information in Shanghai; last September, it launched the English version of the "Service Manual for Foreigners in Shanghai" 》, allowing foreigners to conveniently find Shanghai policy information, service information and service guides at their fingertips.

According to plan, in addition to the English version launched this time, the Shanghai International Service Portal will gradually launch eight other language versions including Japanese, Korean, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and Arabic. "When the French version is available in the future, I can send it to my grandma in France. I hope she will be willing to travel to Shanghai." Lisa Wang is looking forward to this very much. Meng Aide, an international student from Madagascar who has planned to stay in Shanghai to start a business, hopes that the website can collect more information on entrepreneurship, including taxation, law, registration, etc., as well as video cases of foreign entrepreneurship. "This information can not only be viewed by us, but also sent overseas." Friends, let more people know about Shanghai’s business environment.”

It is reported that in the future, the portal will continue to update rich content according to the needs of foreigners, such as adding Shanghai first store information, introduction to characteristic neighborhoods, business and entrepreneurship guides, etc., to provide audiences at home and abroad with Provide fresh and timely information sharing. In addition, a series of offline activities, including policy briefings for foreigners, Chinese and foreign cultural exchange salons, and Chinese learning and training, will also be launched one after another to increase user stickiness and expand the influence and coverage of the portal through rich online and offline interactive experiences. .

“Foreigners and foreign-funded enterprises have now become an important force in promoting Shanghai’s economic and social development.” Kong Fuan, Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, said that efforts should be made to create a livable and comfortable working and living environment for them and help them come to Shanghai more conveniently. Shanghai, integrating into Shanghai and taking root in Shanghai will truly make overseas people yearn for Shanghai and enjoy being near and far away.

Really making it an important choice for foreigners to understand Shanghai. Where to go to Shanghai during the New Year? Clicking to enter the new version of Shanghai International Service Portal (, Madagascar international student Meng Aide not only found - Lujuba


Editor: Fu Lu Editor: Fan Jing

Source: Shangguan News

Tags: entertainment