In the early morning of December 29, Meng Yutong shared his experience of traveling in the Northeast on social platforms, and said, "If your heart is complete, you will have no regrets in the world." The full text is as follows: I really like the Northeast, and I feel happy here.

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In the early morning of December 29, Meng Yutong shared his experience of traveling in the Northeast on social platforms, and said, "If your heart is complete, you will have no regrets in the world."

In the early morning of December 29, Meng Yutong shared his experience of traveling in the Northeast on social platforms, and said, 'If your heart is complete, you will have no regrets in the world.' The full text is as follows: I really like the Northeast, and I feel happy here. - Lujuba

I really like the Northeast, and I feel the embodiment of happiness here. . Everyone loves to laugh, is enthusiastic and open-minded, as if all the busyness of the world has nothing to do with this place.

I asked the driver who led the team: "What worries you?" He said: "What worries can you have? It's just that little thing." Yes, all worries have nothing to do with the outside world, they are all your own problems. . If your heart is perfect, you will have no regrets in this world.

met the grandma at the sausage station, the motorcyclist on the snowy mountain, the snow hotpot owner who knows how to add fish and tofu... Here I feel the happiness brought by the real connection between people. When misfortune comes, good fortune comes, and sorrow and joy are overcome by themselves. If you only practice in good times, you will never be able to see your true self.

Life is the same as the journey to Changbai Mountain. The most beautiful scenery is never at the terminal station. Those anticipated and memorable moments are all on the road.

Life is long and has its own answers.

On December 13, some netizens posted a video saying that Dong Mingzhu mentioned Meng Yutong during the induction ceremony of Gree Electric’s 2023 college students. In the

In the early morning of December 29, Meng Yutong shared his experience of traveling in the Northeast on social platforms, and said, 'If your heart is complete, you will have no regrets in the world.' The full text is as follows: I really like the Northeast, and I feel happy here. - Lujuba

video, Dong Mingzhu said that she chose Meng Yutong as a secretary because of her diligence in the internship program. However, she was unsatisfactory at work and only wanted to use the Gree platform to become an Internet celebrity. In the company Had a bad impact.

She also said that just thinking about making more money is no different from the walking dead. Money should not be a college student's dream, money is the result of struggle.

html On the 15th, Meng Yutong responded to Jiupai News, saying that he was preparing for the exam and it was not convenient to come out to respond to some matters.

Previously, Meng Yutong's resignation triggered heated discussions on the Internet, and Meng Yutong expressed his intention to go to graduate school.

According to media reports, reporters learned from employees in the Gree marketing department where Meng Yutong worked before he "resigned" that Meng Yutong "often missed work to participate in business activities and take on private work" during his time at the company, and continued to carry out related activities after talking to him in the company. , no improvement.

In the early morning of December 29, Meng Yutong shared his experience of traveling in the Northeast on social platforms, and said, 'If your heart is complete, you will have no regrets in the world.' The full text is as follows: I really like the Northeast, and I feel happy here. - Lujuba

According to other media reports, after leaving Gree, Meng Yutong has not left the public eye, and his multiple social platform accounts have been updated regularly.

In the early morning of December 29, Meng Yutong shared his experience of traveling in the Northeast on social platforms, and said, 'If your heart is complete, you will have no regrets in the world.' The full text is as follows: I really like the Northeast, and I feel happy here. - Lujuba

Source: Social account of the person involved

People familiar with the matter said that Meng Yutong’s advertising quotations on social platforms in the past few months were between 180,000 and 220,000 yuan. If calculated at 180,000-220,000 yuan per post, Meng Yutong's advertising revenue from just a single social platform in the past year and a half may reach 4 million yuan.

A senior person in the field of live broadcast e-commerce told reporters that Meng Yutong has more than 1 million fans and is considered a huge v on social platforms. His monthly advertising income is between 100,000 and 200,000 yuan.

"She should not have cooperated with a professional advertising company to improve her monetization ability. If there is a professional team, advertising revenue of 10 million yuan a year will not be a problem."

Public information shows that Meng Yutong was born in 1998 and graduated from Bachelor's degree in Spanish from Zhejiang University in 2017.

In July 2021, in the program "We Are New in the Workplace", Meng Yutong was promoted to a regular position, and was highly praised by Dong Mingzhu, saying that he met the criteria for a successor. In the end, he was also taken under Dong Mingzhu's command and became her secretary.

In December 2021, a video of Gree Electric Chairman Dong Mingzhu and secretary Meng Yutong appearing together at the China Manufacturing Leaders Summit attracted widespread attention. Dong Mingzhu said at the event, “We must train Meng Yutong into a second Dong Mingzhu."

According to Poster News, Jiupai News

Tags: entertainment