Text | Tang Wen Cai Fei Editor | Tang Wen Cai Fei In 2007, the movie "Hearing Heaven" was broadcast in Italy. For a time, the reviews were excellent, and everyone gave the movie generous praise. With this, the movie quickly spread to various countries, but tens of thousands of pe

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Text | Tang Wen Cai Fei Editor | Tang Wen Cai Fei In 2007, the movie 'Hearing Heaven' was broadcast in Italy. For a time, the reviews were excellent, and everyone gave the movie generous praise. With this, the movie quickly spread to various countries, but tens of thousands of pe - Lujuba

text | Tang Wencai Feiyang

editor | Tang Wencai Feiyang

Text | Tang Wen Cai Fei Editor | Tang Wen Cai Fei In 2007, the movie 'Hearing Heaven' was broadcast in Italy. For a time, the reviews were excellent, and everyone gave the movie generous praise. With this, the movie quickly spread to various countries, but tens of thousands of pe - Lujuba

In 2007, the movie "Hearing Heaven" was broadcast in Italy. For a time, the reviews were excellent, and everyone gave the movie Generous review.

With this, the movie quickly spread to various countries. However, tens of thousands of people marked it as having watched it on Douban in my country, and the rating even reached 8.9.

So why is this film and television successful? What are its advantages?

Text | Tang Wen Cai Fei Editor | Tang Wen Cai Fei In 2007, the movie 'Hearing Heaven' was broadcast in Italy. For a time, the reviews were excellent, and everyone gave the movie generous praise. With this, the movie quickly spread to various countries, but tens of thousands of pe - Lujuba

"Hearing Heaven"

"Hearing Heaven" is a character biography adapted from real events. What it tells is the growth story of the director's good partner.

This is a film and television work that touches the soul !

The protagonist of the movie is called Miko . He was born in an ordinary family. He has a lively nature and a lot of clever ideas. But what he is most interested in is undoubtedly movies.

Text | Tang Wen Cai Fei Editor | Tang Wen Cai Fei In 2007, the movie 'Hearing Heaven' was broadcast in Italy. For a time, the reviews were excellent, and everyone gave the movie generous praise. With this, the movie quickly spread to various countries, but tens of thousands of pe - Lujuba

Mi Ke has liked to take his family to the cinema since he was a child. His goal in life is to become a film master. However, before that, he encountered an accident - secretly playing with his father's shotgun. An accidental fire broke out, causing him to become blind.

Everyone knows that the film and television industry has always been inseparable from the eyes. Whether it is filming or directing actors, they all need to pay attention to details. How can a blind man do this?

So did Mi Ke finally give up? Will he stick to his ideals?

Text | Tang Wen Cai Fei Editor | Tang Wen Cai Fei In 2007, the movie 'Hearing Heaven' was broadcast in Italy. For a time, the reviews were excellent, and everyone gave the movie generous praise. With this, the movie quickly spread to various countries, but tens of thousands of pe - Lujuba

At that time, Italy had very strict schooling regulations for the disabled. Blind children could not enter ordinary schools and could only go to the Institute for the Blind to be guided by professional teachers.

Although Mi Ke's parents were very reluctant, they still had no choice but to accept fate.

However, Mico was very resistant to going to the Institute for the Blind. He did not want to be a blind person from now on, so he tried to use to resist and to avoid reality. He did not strictly study Braille and was not willing to take any school courses. Completely wasted myself.

Text | Tang Wen Cai Fei Editor | Tang Wen Cai Fei In 2007, the movie 'Hearing Heaven' was broadcast in Italy. For a time, the reviews were excellent, and everyone gave the movie generous praise. With this, the movie quickly spread to various countries, but tens of thousands of pe - Lujuba

Until one day, Mi Ke accidentally heard the music from the tape recorder. This made him addicted. It was also the first meaningful thing he encountered after losing his sight.

Mi Ke fell in love with music from then on, as always, and it has never changed. His favorite thing is to collect various sounds, and then integrate them together to form a large piece of music with different rhythms .

Text | Tang Wen Cai Fei Editor | Tang Wen Cai Fei In 2007, the movie 'Hearing Heaven' was broadcast in Italy. For a time, the reviews were excellent, and everyone gave the movie generous praise. With this, the movie quickly spread to various countries, but tens of thousands of pe - Lujuba

However, where there is love, there will be opposition. Mi Ke's talent in music was considered by the principal as not doing his job properly. He asked Mi Ke to stop this behavior and threatened Mi Ke to expel him. Get out of school.

But at this moment, everyone was on Mi Ke's side, because his behavior gave hope to all the blind people and moved all the teachers. With the help of classmates, teachers, and parents, the principal finally compromised, Mico and his friends put on a perfect performance.

Text | Tang Wen Cai Fei Editor | Tang Wen Cai Fei In 2007, the movie 'Hearing Heaven' was broadcast in Italy. For a time, the reviews were excellent, and everyone gave the movie generous praise. With this, the movie quickly spread to various countries, but tens of thousands of pe - Lujuba

narrative technique

The linear narrative structure of "Hearing Heaven", is very delicate and contagious . People watched Mi Ke grow up, watched his eyes go blind, and also saw the boy's depravity, have no choice.

starts with the child's childhood, allowing the audience to watch the happy life of this naughty boy. Here, the audience can feel very warm and interesting, and can also think of their own carefree childhood, creating a sense of substitution.

However, this good day did not last long. Miko became blind. This made the audience very sad. also worried about the future of the characters in the film for the first time.

Text | Tang Wen Cai Fei Editor | Tang Wen Cai Fei In 2007, the movie 'Hearing Heaven' was broadcast in Italy. For a time, the reviews were excellent, and everyone gave the movie generous praise. With this, the movie quickly spread to various countries, but tens of thousands of pe - Lujuba

Blind Miko lost all happiness for a while. He has never been able to believe that his eyes can no longer see, has never dared to face reality.

He cut off the opportunity to play with all his friends, no longer laughed happily, and 's innocence and carefreeness before suddenly turned into heartbreak, full of disappointment for himself and worries about his future.

But can escaping really let things go like this? No, will remain unchanged.

Text | Tang Wen Cai Fei Editor | Tang Wen Cai Fei In 2007, the movie 'Hearing Heaven' was broadcast in Italy. For a time, the reviews were excellent, and everyone gave the movie generous praise. With this, the movie quickly spread to various countries, but tens of thousands of pe - Lujuba

Mi Ke was sent to a boarding school for blind children by his parents. There, Mi Ke hated the atmosphere of the school. kept making trouble with the teachers and had a strong sense of the world.

But the teacher still never abandons him and educates him patiently. Under the teacher's education, Mi Ke gradually feels the beauty of the world.

It was at this time that music arrived in Mico's world. gave him unprecedented peace of mind and future. In the end, he picked up the care of everyone and walked towards the road of success step by step.

Text | Tang Wen Cai Fei Editor | Tang Wen Cai Fei In 2007, the movie 'Hearing Heaven' was broadcast in Italy. For a time, the reviews were excellent, and everyone gave the movie generous praise. With this, the movie quickly spread to various countries, but tens of thousands of pe - Lujuba

"Hearing Heaven" uses a linear narrative method to transform a tragedy into a legendary story before people's eyes. At the end of the

film, Mi Ke became a famous blind sound engineer. With all his efforts and dedication, at that moment, became a dazzling light.

There are many people who are confused about their future, but as long as they look at their hearts and still insist on their dreams, they will eventually succeed. Just like Miko, he finally fulfilled his dream and became a legend.

Text | Tang Wen Cai Fei Editor | Tang Wen Cai Fei In 2007, the movie 'Hearing Heaven' was broadcast in Italy. For a time, the reviews were excellent, and everyone gave the movie generous praise. With this, the movie quickly spread to various countries, but tens of thousands of pe - Lujuba

The constraints of education

Another theme expressed in "Hearing Heaven", is the constraints of education, education, is a very important thing, it can affect a person's life, and it can also change one person.

In "Hearing Heaven", the character of the principal actually represents the education of many parents and schools.

In "Hearing Heaven", the principal is also a blind man. He only lost his sight after the age of 30. Therefore, compared with children, he cannot accept his own changes because in his heart, he is blind. Look down on blind people.

Text | Tang Wen Cai Fei Editor | Tang Wen Cai Fei In 2007, the movie 'Hearing Heaven' was broadcast in Italy. For a time, the reviews were excellent, and everyone gave the movie generous praise. With this, the movie quickly spread to various countries, but tens of thousands of pe - Lujuba

Therefore, the principal continued to convey the feeling of disgust and oppression towards blind people, so he said: What you like is not important, what is important is what you can do.

For parents of blind people, or for society, this sentence is not a problem. After all, their subconscious minds have acquiesced in one thing, that is, blind people are inferior to others.

Therefore, most parents will not refute, will only cry behind their backs about the fate of their children, and will turn around and force their children to give up their dreams, return to reality, and be a humble person.

Text | Tang Wen Cai Fei Editor | Tang Wen Cai Fei In 2007, the movie 'Hearing Heaven' was broadcast in Italy. For a time, the reviews were excellent, and everyone gave the movie generous praise. With this, the movie quickly spread to various countries, but tens of thousands of pe - Lujuba

But in fact this is wrong, because in such an environment, the child will eventually become a person who is more "public" than "public".

Enlightened education will never force children to become what they want, because this is simply impossible. If forced, the child's body and mind will be greatly harmed by .

"What you should do", this sentence is never for the good of the children, but to block the children's right to freedom of expression over and over again.

Text | Tang Wen Cai Fei Editor | Tang Wen Cai Fei In 2007, the movie 'Hearing Heaven' was broadcast in Italy. For a time, the reviews were excellent, and everyone gave the movie generous praise. With this, the movie quickly spread to various countries, but tens of thousands of pe - Lujuba


"Hearing Heaven" is a movie, if you look deeply and carefully, is indeed a very good movie , a good work. The characters in the movie are always three-dimensional. Not only are they three-dimensional, Even their life trajectories are very clear.

What shocked the audience was precisely these life trajectories.

What do you think about this?

Tags: movie