Kite Episode 37

neidi 1529℃
kite plot introduction:

Kite Episode 37 - Lujuba

kite episode 36

Han Bing was investigated and screened out again. Zheng Yao was implicated in arguing for Han Bing's wrongdoing.

Yuan Nong was in a meeting with public security personnel, but Han Bing was dozing off. Ma Xiaowu on the side pushed Han Bing and reminded Han Bing and Yuan Nong that even if they were a couple, it would be too bad for Yuan Nong to doze off at the meeting. After the meeting, Han Bing complained to Ma Xiaowu that Yuan Nong always put on leadership style which is annoying. Ma Xiaowu pointedly pointed out that Han Bing's state is not conducive to the unity between the revolutionary partners. Han Bing told Ma Xiaowu not to worry about her housework, or to coax Leng Meishan, she would become their family's women director. Yuan Nong won't go home tonight, and in front of Ma Xiaowu, he told Han Bing not to leave him the door at night. Han Bing was speechless. Yuan Nong had never reported to her before returning home, and now it was in front of Ma Xiaowu to show how busy he was.

Yan'e and Boss Wen are now hiding on a mountain. Boss Wen said that the communist army had sealed off the way down the mountain. They lacked clothing and food. If Taiwan did not send them supplies, the brothers would not survive. Holding Mao Zedong's writings in his hand, Yan'e said that the military and the Chinese are not what they used to be. Although the future is bright, the road is tortuous. Yan'e wrote a poem about the palace concubine. She always believed that the palace concubine would come back to find her, so she had to wait here forever. After many years, the palace concubine who fled the mainland did not forget his former opponent Han Bing. He set up countermeasures to spread the so-called mystery that Han Bing lost his hand in the mountain city and was captured through enemy special radio stations and other intelligence channels. The Shancheng Public Security Bureau had to investigate and screen Han Bing again. Yuan Nong complained to Chen Guohua that the enemy’s special radio stations had already fancied and said that Han Bing had surrendered to Taiwan. The truth is that the organization must investigate, but Han Bing still has resistance and negative emotions, complaining that the organization does not trust her.

Zheng Yao wrote a letter for Han Bing's grievance. Zheng Yaoxian blatantly complained about the investigators' grievances. Yuan Nong scolded Zheng Yao for paying a New Year greeting to the rooster by a weasel. He also mentioned that Zheng Yao had sent him information before liberation. He suspected that Zheng Yaoxian wanted to use information to gain his trust. . Now that Zheng Yao jumped out first, Yuan Nong decided to investigate Zheng Yao together.

Yuan Nong charged Zheng Yaoxian as a counter-revolutionary agent and arranged for Ma Xiaowu to go to the labor camp to arrest Zheng Yaoxian. Ma Xiaowu rushed to find Chen Guohua to rescue Zheng Yaoxian. He was worried that Zheng Yaoxian was now punished for both crimes and was really dead. Chen Guohua complained that Zheng Yao wanted to accompany Han Bing to death first, and he lost two yuan at once. Ma Xiaowu knelt on the ground and begged Chen Guohua to save Zheng Yaoxian, saying that Zheng Yaoxian was like his parents and brothers, he could not watch Zheng Yao jump into the fire pit first. Chen Guohua knew that they could not publicly reverse the case for Zheng Yaoxian, and the only thing they could do was figure out a way not to let Zheng Yao go to the execution ground first.

Ma Xiaowu took the people to the farm, and he asked Zheng Yaoxian if he was full to support him. It was too late for others to hide, but Zheng Yaoxian rammed his gun to death. Zheng Yao didn't believe that he would die, but he also said that he would truly belong to him. Zheng Yao first knew that Han Bing was a good comrade. Although Han Bing always wanted to kill him, he knew that Han Bing did it for the country and the people, not for herself. So such a good comrade was investigated, even if it was the whole world. The person in this country knows how to protect himself, and he will not, because he is a Communist like Han Bing.

Zheng Yaoxian also had to find a way out for him. The suspect's hat was buckled on his head and he couldn't take it off to death. He kept his name incognito. Those who knew the situation knew that he had a mission, but those who did not know the situation would say that Zhou Zhigan was a suspected counter-revolutionary. Besides, there is an unwritten rule for foreign counterparts. As long as the agents sent out, no matter whether they come back alive or not, they will not be fully trusted until they die.

For the sake of Ma Xiaowu's political future, Zheng Yao can no longer teach Ma Xiaowu in the future. Whether Ma Xiaowu can become a good scout can only rely on himself. Zheng Yao first told Ma Xiaowu to visit Zhou Qiao regularly. When Zhou Qiao grows up, Ma Xiaowu tells Zhou Qiao that it’s not that he doesn’t want Zhou Qiao, he can’t have it, and there’s no way to do it, let Zhou Qiao spend his life on Qiuhe. Treat as a real mother.

Han Bing and Zheng Yaoxian were taken into the detention center one after the other, and they were also kept in the same room separated by an iron fence. Organizationally, regarding Han Bing’s experience of being captured in 1952, it was believed that Han Bing could no longer continue to work in the Public Security Bureau. Zheng Yao is fine singing revolutionary songs, Han Bing complains that Zheng Yao is too noisy, Making her unable to sleep, but she also got up and sang this song with Zheng Yaoxian.

Yuan Nong came to find Han Bing, and Zheng Yao, who heard the movement, hurriedly hid in the corner. Yuan Nong brought a divorce agreement. He was going to divorce Han Bing falsely, saying that he would deal with Han Bing outside, and they would remarry after the limelight passed. Han Bing asked Yuan Nong, which one Yuan Nong chose between her and her political future. Yuan Nong said that he must go with the party, and then took out a pen for Han Bing to sign the divorce agreement. Upon seeing this, Han Bing took the pen and bookmarked the agreement, and then let Yuan Nong leave. When she left, Han Bing also asked Yuan Nong to help her keep the diary.

After Yuan Nong left, Han Bing finally couldn't help crying. Zheng Yao moved the stool and sat next to the iron fence, and asked Han Bing to talk to him, maybe he would feel better.

Tags: neidi