Kite Episode 33

neidi 423℃
kite plot introduction:

Kite Episode 33 - Lujuba

Kite Plot Introduction Episode 32-Gong Shu is exposed to hijacking the bus to jump into the river to escape Zheng Yaoxian was transferred to the labor reform farm

Gong Shu received an order from Taiwan to let him go to Hong Kong to report on his work, and decided to leave Shancheng immediately. Yan'e knew that Gong Shu's trip would no longer be possible to return to the mainland. My heart is miserable. Gong Shun gave her a red head rope, saying that he would meet again in the future, and agreed with her the joint secret code when meeting again, saying that Yan'e was his sweetheart. Yan'e was very unwilling to give up to the palace, and cried and recited the secret signal, and then left the Wen's old store with the palace. Qiu He happened to be passing by. She had seen Gong Shun. At this time, she saw Gong Shun and Yan'e coming out. She immediately rushed to the Wen's old store and wanted to call the Public Security Bureau. However, the phone in the store was broken. In desperation, Qiuhe had to shout loudly to catch the spies on the street, but she had no experience and did not specify who the spies were. The people on the street were all confused. Qiu He came to see Boss Wen again, but how did she know that Boss Wen was a spy, and she ran away long ago when she saw her shouting so loudly.

Gong Shu and Yan'e came to the bus station and waited for the bus, preparing to leave the mountain city. Yan'e looked back and saw the pictorial of the white-haired girl on the wall. Her heart was desolate. She was the palace concubine she met when she was playing the white-haired girl. At this time, she had a strong friendship with the palace concubine, but she had to separate immediately. Goodbye, it's more likely to be a farewell, naturally, I feel very sad. Seeing her lonely look and knowing what she wanted, Gong Shun told Yan'e that she would give her the last ride on the way she was going to meet Song Xiaoxian, and got on the bus with her hand in hand.

However, there was a wanted warrant with a photo of Gongshu on the bus. The conductor recognized Gongshu at a glance and quickly hinted that the driver had a special agent in the bus. The driver was nervous and ignored the crowd waiting at the bus stop, and slammed his wheels. After changing directions, Gong Shu saw this, knowing that he must have been exposed, so he got up and went to the cockpit, saying that the bus driver wanted to drive to the Public Security Bureau, and held the driver’s head with a gun. Yan'e also grabbed it very quickly. Sitting next to her with a pistol in the waist of a PLA soldier who had just been awakened, the two hijacked the car and fled to the suburbs where Song Xiaoxian agreed. They drove the other passengers out of the car, leaving only the PLA soldier, the driver and the conductor as hostages. The PLA soldier took advantage of Yan E's carelessness and successfully shot the gun in her hand. Unfortunately, he was shot to death by Gong Shun. A military vehicle carrying several people from the People’s Liberation Army then overtook the bus. Gong Shun ordered Yan’e to be optimistic about the hostages. Then, with his sharp marksmanship, he shot and killed the People’s Liberation Army company commander sitting on the co-pilot of the military vehicle. Understand the pursuit of release. The passengers who were driven out of the car called to report the case. Chen Guohua immediately ordered to block all intersections and set up checkpoints when he learned of the situation. He also called Zheng Yao, who was still in the detention center, to his office. According to Zheng Yaoxian's analysis of the situation, this incident did not conform to Gong Shu's usual shrewd and prudent behavior, and should be an emergency. Chen Guohua angered that these were all good KMT agents trained by Zheng Yaoxian. Zheng Yaoxian knows that Chen Guohua is only a radical approach, and he does not want him to be merciful to the palace concubine. At this time, Gong Shu had already broken through the first blockade, and it was only five kilometers away from the second blockade.

Once they pass the second blockade, they will be accepted by Song Xiaoxian. Chen Guohua is very anxious to persuade Zheng Yaoxian. Although the palace concubine has beaten the Japanese, he is also covered in blood debts from communism. He lurks in the mountains and does evil and evil. The people must not condone rape. Zheng Yaoxian knew that the palace was loyal and filial to the Kuomintang and would never look back, but at this time he had no choice. He knew that for the palace, the so-called blockade was basically useless, and the palace had definitely planned a way out. It is possible to jump over the Jialing River to escape when the road passes through the Bay Area. Chen Guohua angrily said that Zheng Yaoxian was really good at cultivating these opponents, so that he could not admire Guizi Six.

Gong Shun was ready to jump the river to survive just as Zheng Yaoxian predicted. He had planned this escape route when he was first exposed. He firmly tied the driver and the flight attendant, and tied a grenade to the driver's feet. The fuze and the driver's hand were connected to the accelerator so that the driver could only drive forward and could not stop. Then he took Yan'e and threw it together. Under the cliffs, in the vast waters of the Jialing River.

Yan'e went ashore downstream, but she searched the river along the river for fifty miles and did not see the palace concubine. She felt that the palace concubine must be dead. In grief, she was about to hang herself and went to Huangquan Road with the palace concubine. Fortunately, Song XiaoxianArriving in time to rescue her, Song Xiao first heard the news about the missing of the palace concubine and was very frightened, but he still persuaded Yan'e that he could pinch it and count it, and the palace concubine would definitely not die. Yan'e also had a glimmer of hope in her heart, so she left with Song Xiaoxian.

Zheng Yaoxian proposed to transfer him to local supervision in the name of Zhou Zhiqian. At that time, the palace concubine might come to him and prepare to use himself as a bait to catch the palace concubine, but the news of the palace concubine's disappearance was soon learned by the Public Security Bureau. Zheng Yaoxian Speaking of Gong Shun, he was once a man with the world in mind and aspirations from all corners of the world, but unfortunately he went astray from the Kuomintang and lamented the creation and trickery. Deputy Minister Qian of the Central Committee still approved the transfer of Zheng Yaoxian to the local government. In the name of insufficient evidence, Zheng Yaoxian was acquitted as Zhou Zhiqian, but the files still had suspicions of counter-revolution. Zheng Yaoxian is satisfied. As long as he is not decapitated, he can make this useful person work for the party. He just has a suggestion that he hopes to release Han Bing. She is a talent, and he bluntly said that the purpose of the palace concubine not to kill her is just hope. Destroy Han Bing's spirit with the pressure of the Communist Party. Chen Guohua actually wanted to do this a long time ago, but unfortunately he couldn't help it.

Zheng Yaoxian told Han Bing the news that he was about to be released. Han Bing was shocked and rushed through the isolated white line area to question Zheng Yaoxian but was stopped by the guards. She bitterly said that one day she Will hit Zheng Yaoxian's seven inches and arrest him. This is the most spectacular farewell in history. The line drawn in white and gray resembles the Han boundary of the Chu River, separating Zheng Yaoxian and Han Bing at the two ends. This pair of enemies will surely be recorded in history.

Zheng Yaoxian was sent to the Shikou reform-through-labor farm, and was assigned to work in the kitchen with the help of Ma Xiaowu. Fortunately, Master Zhao in the kitchen is a good talker and contact person, let Zheng Yao relax first. On the other side, Song Xiaoxian finally got the opportunity to return to Taiwan through his father’s friend trust, and persuaded Yan'e to live well. Yan'e realized that he should not hold on to the idea of ​​burning jade and stone and waited to see Gong Shun again in the future.

Tags: neidi