Red Rose Episode 36

neidi 2831℃
Red Rose Plot Introduction:

Episode 36-The Japanese solve the case within a time limit Xiao Chengbi interrogated Gu Shuangju overnight

Chen Dedao, who lost his sanity, smashed the wedding photos of the two to pieces. On the other hand, at the charity party, Xiao Chengbi was giving an impassioned speech. Gu Shuangju mixed in the crowd, approached Xiao Chengbi on the stage quietly, and secretly took out the pistol in his arms, preparing to assassinate.

was at this moment, and suddenly there was an angry shout outside. It turned out that Chen Dedao had arrived with the spies. Gu Shuangju knocked the trigger at Xiao Chengbi, who was shot and injured. Gu Shuangju was also arrested by Chen Dedao's secret agents. Outside the

concentration camp, Xia Yuzhu gave an order and the agents put down the rope ladder and prepared for action. In the concentration camp, Gu Changfa used firewood to light a fire behind the house, citing diarrhea. Seeing a big fire, the workers who got the signal started to run away. Japanese soldiers around fired shots, while the military spies outside also shot to respond. In the chaos of

, most of the workers escaped safely from the camp along the rope ladder. At this moment, Xiao Junhao, who was in charge of cover, noticed through the telescope that the Japanese patrol was coming. In order to prevent the Japanese from discovering the rope ladder, Xia Yuzhu ordered Gu Changfa to take the laborers away first, and he took the special agent to draw the attention of the patrol. , To protect the workers from leaving safely.

In the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers, Xia Yuzhu was in danger. At a critical moment, Xiao Junhao arrived in time and killed the Japanese soldiers on the patrol to save Xia Yuzhu's life. Later, seeing Xia Yuzhu safe and sound, the two embraced desperately.

Gu Shuangju was detained in prison, and Chen Dedao went to visit. Chen Dedao wanted to humiliate Gu Shuangju, but was countered by Gu Shuangju. Chen Dedao became angry and wanted to rape Gu Shuangju. At this time, his subordinates hurriedly reported that something went wrong and the concentration camp rioted.

Chen Dedao speculated that there must be someone outside the concentration camp riot. When his subordinates asked what Gu Shuangju would do, Chen Dedao just dropped a word and locked her up first.

Xiao Chengbi, who had not healed from her injuries, despite Song Guang’s persuasion, left the hospital and insisted on going to the prison to see Gu Shuangju, who was detained. She wanted to interrogate Gu Shuangju overnight. The furious Xiao Chengbi slapped Gu Shuangju severely and asked her why she assassinated herself. Faced with the questioning, Gu Shuangju answered with a calm face, this was just her own task.

Xiao Junhao told Xia Yuzhu that Gu Shuangju had been arrested, and Xiao Chengbi was only hit by a bullet in the shoulder. He also interrogated Gu Shuangju as a surprise last night. Xia Yuzhu went to the prison to visit Gu Shuangju. She was very heartbroken when she saw Gu Shuangju who was covered in wounds. When Xia Yuzhu applied medicine to Gu Shuangju, Gu Shuangju once again persuaded Xia Yuzhu to leave the army. The head of the

extra-high school asked Chen Dedao about the riots in the concentration camp, blamed Chen Dedao for incompetence, and limited Chen Dedao to solve the case within three days, otherwise Chen Dedao and his family would be in danger of life. Chen Dedao was submissive on the surface of the threat from the Japanese, but he was extremely annoyed in his heart.

Chen Dedao got a report from his spies, and there were clues about the labor riots, and the truck that crossed the fire with Japan that day was found. Chen Dedao decided to behave and went to date Boss Tan, the owner of the truck. However, Boss Tan believed that he had something to do with the traitor Zhou Fohai, and did not put Chen Dedao in his eyes.

Tags: neidi