Why does "Luo Xiaohei Zhan Ji" score high, but the box office can't keep up? Five reasons tell you!

movie 1212℃
The most eye-catching national manga of

this summer is "The Devil Boy of Nezha", and the next best national manga is "The Battle of Luo Xiaohei". The box office of "Nezha" is postponed at the key. After that, it has surpassed the wandering earth and went to 5 billion, but "Luo Xiaohei" showed a situation where it was not popular. Douban scored 8.3, and it took 6 days to break the 100 million box office, which made many netizens feel puzzled. , The same is Guoman, the same good reputation, why is the gap in the box office so big? Some netizens even doubted the authenticity of "Luo Xiaohei Zhan Ji" when it was screened.

Why does 'Luo Xiaohei Zhan Ji' score high, but the box office can't keep up? Five reasons tell you! - Lujuba


The original TV animation of "Luo Xiao Hei Zhan Ji" has always been regarded as a masterpiece of national comics. Douban scored 9.6 points and B station scored 9.8 points. This time the "Luo Xiao Hei Zhan Ji" movie was filed from September 12 By September 7th, it can be seen that the hot scenes and positive feedback from the screening have given the filmmakers a lot of confidence. Even if the total duration of 8 years is not enough to keep up with a movie, the fans still buy it very much, but the box office can’t keep up. There are many factors, the most important of which is still: animation movies are a niche, and Luo Xiaohei is a niche.

Why does 'Luo Xiaohei Zhan Ji' score high, but the box office can't keep up? Five reasons tell you! - Lujuba

In China, even though ACG culture is much more popular than it was a few years ago, in general, people who watch anime are still in the minority, and even fewer people are willing to spend money to walk into the movie theater to watch national comics. Guoman is still at the stage of impression that this is what a child sees. Even though "Nezha" has a double hit at the box office, there are still criticisms whether it is before or after the release. The success of "Nezha" does not explain The popularity of Guoman, what's more, "Nezha" is still a traditional big IP movie well-known to the audience. Animation movies with original IP such as "The Guardian" and "The Wind Curse" cannot be recognized by the market even if they are of good quality. "Luo Xiaohei Zhanji" is even more of a niche in Guoman. It can be said that it is quite fan-like. Some viewers who have not watched animation even have the idea of ​​, "Is the emojis available for movies now?" Therefore, most of the fans who walk into the cinema to support are still loyal fans who belong to the minority group. The good reputation is mostly from fans, and they will also be considered as high ratings.

Why does 'Luo Xiaohei Zhan Ji' score high, but the box office can't keep up? Five reasons tell you! - Lujuba

In addition to the main factors mentioned above, the following factors should not be ignored:

1, The title and trailer of "Luo Xiaoheizhi" are not enough to attract the audience

For many viewers who have not seen the original animation, Seeing the title of "Luo Xiao Hei Zhan Ji" is like seeing a young movie that is unknown, pops up suddenly, does not know what to say, seems to be very popular, niche but may be trash, because I really don’t know or understand "Luo Xiaohei", plus the whole style of the trailer is biased towards healing and sentimentality, and more about selling cuteness and sentimentality. The movie itself has very exciting fighting scenes almost not included. I can't see the thoughts about the industrial relationship of the shemales, which are very stylish, and the style of painting is relatively low and young, and it is really difficult to attract non-fan audiences to watch.

2, the movie content of "Luo Xiaohei" is still not friendly enough to passers-by

Although the movie mainly talks about the story between Xiaohei and Infinity and Fengxi before meeting Luo Xiaobai, it has little connection with animation. , But in fact there is a huge worldview system behind it. Even fans have a lot of doubts. For passers-by, they are more likely to have many questions when watching, such as "What is the difference between a person and a fairy?" "The infinity is a person? Why is there such a strong ability?" "What kind of existence does the guild hall look like?" "Is it a cameo or does it exist in the world view?" "Since people and fairies still seem to have gods, is there a god in traditional mythology? "Wait, once a passerby walks into a movie theater but cannot realize independent animation, it will be difficult to have a good movie watching experience, and then a word-of-mouth effect will be formed.

3, "Luo Xiaoheizhan" production team is still "poor", almost did not make any publicity and promotion

itself is a niche movie, animation is 3000 start-up capital, it is hard to make a big movie, nor What surplus money is used for publicity, "Nezha" has already exploded before the release, which is a dual trend of publicity and tapping of tap water, and "Luo Xiaohei" did not have any announcement before the screening, the trailer They all went online quietly. The first screen shows a commemorative coin-sending and surrounding activities. The filming party did not expect that it would be so popular that everyone would queue up, and it was difficult for passers-by to become tap water.The whole campaign was much late and the intensity was much smaller. Although

4 and "Luo Xiaohei Zhanji" have avoided the opponents in the same period, the schedule is still not good. "Detective Conan", although the file was raised to September 7 to avoid the main opponent, but this time is still much less popular than the summer file, because the first week of September is the beginning of the school season, the main force of watching anime Contestants are busy with school, parents will not take their children into the movie theater, there are fewer audiences who can contribute to the box office, and the distribution will continue when the Mid-Autumn Festival arrives at the box office, and the quality of the film does not reach the level that can make passers-by audiences shine. At this point, naturally it does not take up any advantage of the schedule.


Generally speaking, "Luo Xiaoheizhanji" is undeniably a good movie. I personally think that its rating is not too good. Although the box office is not as high as word of mouth, it is for such a low-cost movie. It’s already making money. The director also said during the road show that he would consider making the next movie and would return to the animation serialization after the film’s affairs, and strive for monthly updates. Although the box office is not high, at least it will not follow this trend. Poor, movies are always cultural works and mass commodities. The box office does not represent the quality of the work. I hope everyone can pay more attention to the quality of the movie while caring about Luo Xiaohei’s box office. After all, there is still a long way to go for Guoman. An excellent work is more hopeful. Go ahead! Luo Xiaohei!

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