4 months ahead! Hudong-Zhonghua delivered a 24,000TEU container ship to Evergreen Shipping

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4 months ahead! Hudong-Zhonghua delivered a 24,000TEU container ship to Evergreen Shipping - Lujuba

On December 29, the 24,000TEU ultra-large container ship "EVER ACME" (Changchong) built by Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding (Group) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corporation, and China Shipbuilding Industry Trading Co., Ltd. China Shipbuilding Changxing Shipbuilding Base signed the delivery. So far, Hudong-Zhonghua has completed the delivery target of 2022 ahead of schedule and entered the new year with its head held high.

Shi Jiesheng, project manager of Evergreen Group , Liu Xuedong, deputy general manager of Hudong Zhonghua Changxing Shipbuilding, Yang Yu, general manager of CSSC Shipbuilding Business Unit 1, signed on behalf of all parties, general manager Chen Jun, and deputy general manager Chi Benbin , Ship Eastern, representatives of American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and other guests attended the delivery ceremony.

4 months ahead! Hudong-Zhonghua delivered a 24,000TEU container ship to Evergreen Shipping - Lujuba

It is understood that the "Changchong" is the first ship delivered to Evergreen Shipping after Hudong Zhonghua delivered the project's first ship "Changyi" in June this year and the project's second ship "Changyun" in September. Three 24000TEU class container ships . This series of ultra-large container ships is independently designed by Hudong Zhonghua, has completely independent intellectual property rights, and is classified by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). This type of ship has a total length of 399.99 meters, a molded width of 61.5 meters, and a deck area of ​​24,000 square meters; the depth of the cargo hold reaches 33.2 meters, and can carry 240,000 tons of cargo. It can load more than 24,000 standard containers at a time, and the maximum stacking layer can reach 25 layers. , is currently one of the largest container ships in the world, known as the "Big Mac" and "Cargo King" at sea. On December 30th, the "EVER ACME" ship will set sail from Shanghai and put into operation from the Far East to Europe.

"EVER ACME" contract delivery date is in the second quarter of 2023. This delivery is nearly 4 months earlier than the contract delivery date, and the production and construction cycle is greatly shortened, which once again proves that Hudong-Zhonghua is the leader in my country's ultra-large container ship construction field . On the basis of summarizing the construction experience of the first two ships, the project team made arrangements in advance in terms of material preparation, process implementation, and production connection, with the breakthrough of improving lean management and innovative technology, adhering to the principle of "one is better than one , One is faster than one” concept, through management innovation and process improvement, the construction period of the ship’s wharf has been further shortened, the construction record has been set again, and excellent results have been achieved in both construction quality and construction speed, winning the ship owner Highly appraised, it fully demonstrates the mental outlook of Hudong Chinese people striving for the first place bravely.

During the construction of Evergreen series ships, the shipowner company and the supervisory office have always firmly worked hand in hand with the company to overcome difficulties, provided great support and assistance to the company in project communication, production and construction, and fully cooperated in various tasks. As a reward, the company has always regarded the Evergreen project as a key support project, concentrating manpower and material resources to give priority to the construction of ships for the Evergreen project.

The quality of ships has been significantly improved, and the order received by the operation has reached a new high. According to statistics, in 2022, Hudong-Zhonghua will deliver a total of 16 ships with a deadweight of 1.336 million tons, of which mid-to-high-end products such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers and large and ultra-large container ships account for 90%. It is particularly worth mentioning that Hudong-Zhonghua also received orders for 47 new ships with a deadweight of 4,334,700 tons throughout the year, including 38 orders for large-scale LNG carriers, creating a history of annual orders for Chinese shipyards for LNG carriers The highest record, and ranked second in the world.

Currently, Hudong-Zhonghua has successfully delivered five 23,000TEU LNG dual-fuel power tank ships and three world's largest 24,000 TEU class container ships. At present, Hudong-Zhonghua has 16 container ships above 13,000 TEU class under construction, including 4 23,000 TEU LNG dual-fuel power container ships and 6 world's largest 24,000 TEU-class container ships. With the gradual delivery of the above-mentioned ships in the future, Hudong-Zhonghua will further consolidate its position as The status of the global ultra-large container ship R&D, design and construction base.

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