Recommend 5 movies that expose ugly human nature, maybe this is the inferiority of some people

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1. "Travel to Busan"

Recommend 5 movies that expose ugly human nature, maybe this is the inferiority of some people - Lujuba

"Travel to Busan" for the first time focused on the human nature of the zombie virus spread. Executive Kim in the film shows the ugly face of the doomsday. From the moment the virus broke out, he only cared about his own safety. Not only did he use the flight attendant as a shield against the zombies, but in order to get on the train, he threw a high school girl at the zombie group. The film finally came to save himself. The train conductor also disregarded

Recommend 5 movies that expose ugly human nature, maybe this is the inferiority of some people - Lujuba

2. "The Melting Pot"

Recommend 5 movies that expose ugly human nature, maybe this is the inferiority of some people - Lujuba

, a film that set off a revolution in South Korea, is based on the real incident of a school for the deaf and mute in Gwangju in 2005. The principal committed an inhumane sexual assault on the students because they were all deaf and mute. This is also a movie that makes people feel desperate. When the male lead faces the dark forces alone, his figure appears so small. When the bald and wretched principal appeared above the little girl's head, this scene became a nightmare for many audiences.

Fortunately, affected by this movie, South Korea soon introduced the "Partial Amendment Law of the Special Act on the Punishment of Sexual Violence Crimes", also known as "The Melting Pot Law" to severely punish criminals who sexually assault minors. The movie was not able to be shot. The ending was achieved.

3. "Suyuan"

The naive little girl was ruthlessly devastated by pedophilia, but this film did not focus on the plot of the confrontation between justice and evil, but focused on depicting the father step by step after the incident. The little girl regained the sunshine. Although there is no excessive portrayal of the criminals, the rivalry between the father and daughter is particularly teary. The father hid behind the Coco Meng doll to coax his daughter. Before the daughter carefully prepared a candy bag to cover the plastic sound of the toilet bowl, every detail could make people see tears. Scum, damn it.

4. "Focus"

A group named "Focus" in the "Boston Globe" was investigating news of a Catholic priest sexually assaulting a child, and accidentally discovered that the Catholic priest had sexually assaulted hundreds of children behind the incident. fact. . . The film is adapted from real events, but you can’t even find a few emotional outbursts in the whole film. Under the calm handling of the director and actors, the shock caused by this event has been constantly amplified, making people shudder. Even your beliefs have begun to violate you, so what else can you believe in this world?

5. "Carnival"

may be the most outstanding youth movie in the past 20 years. It also tells the story of underage girls being sexually assaulted. The difference is that it is a Chinese movie. When the red, yellow and blue events continued to ferment last year, a "Carnival" gave many people a boost: it turns out that we can also make such a movie. Behind the rare experience, the movie also posed a question to the society: Is it true that girls are not pure after being violated? I believe that even if someone answers no, most people will still say yes in their hearts.

Hell is empty, the devil is in the world, but even if there are dregs in society that are inferior to animals, we must keep our original intentions and be good people from the inside out.

Tags: movie