The Indian mystery film "The Mystery of Heaven", ignoring these details, you can't guess the murderer.

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Speaking of Indian movies, in addition to the business cards such as "Three Fools Havoc in Bollywood", "Little Lori's Monkey God", "Mysterious Superstar" and other business cards popped up in my mind, I would definitely think of the people singing and dancing at every turn in the film. plot.

To be honest, I watched a lot of Indian movies, but I am still not used to those scenes where I sing and dance when I don’t agree, because it easily makes me jump out of the plot itself.

But "Mystery of Heaven" completely abandons the tradition of singing and dancing. At the beginning of the film, there was a car accident. The policeman with a huge beer belly hummed and chased a handsome man, which is the hero of the film-British suspense. Fiction writer Vikram. The

The Indian mystery film 'The Mystery of Heaven', ignoring these details, you can't guess the murderer. - Lujuba

movie revolves around three homicides:

Dead No. 1: The protagonist’s publishing house wife

Dead No. 2: The heroine’s lawyer husband

Dead No. 3: A girl who has been assaulted

There are two three murders The suspects are the male protagonist Vikram and the female protagonist Maya. The progress of the whole case depends on the dictation of the two suspects.

However, as the plot developed, I began to suspect another suspect, the girl's father.

I even suspected the police officer Dove, because in the last scene of his police release, he was fixed on a photo on the bedside table. The picture shows a pair of cute brothers. In a suspenseful movie, this is definitely not a simple shot. At the end of the

movie is a big reversal and the climax of the entire movie. And I guessed the murderer wrong, I never even suspected that the actor was the murderer from start to finish.

The Indian mystery film 'The Mystery of Heaven', ignoring these details, you can't guess the murderer. - Lujuba

​​Why would I not doubt the leading actor? After the movie, I kept thinking about the plot, and then realized five truths.

Truth 1: What the eye can see is not necessarily the real

heroine Maya has clear marks on her neck. When the hero Vikram entered her home, the glass coffee table in the living room was shattered all over the floor. This shows that there must be an accident in the house.

Later, Vikram asked Maya for a phone call for help. Maya went into the room to get her mobile phone. It was suspicious that Maya needed a key to open the door. After she took her phone out, she locked the door again and put the key in the pocket of her pajamas. The strange phenomenon of

further proves that there are ulterior incidents in this room, because no one will enter and leave their own room in their own home and lock the door of the room.

It is a very strange thing for a woman to let an injured man into her home in the middle of the night. The only explanation is that Maya dare not entangle Vikram at the door for too long, for fear of attracting neighbors' attention. All these evidences made me wonder if Maya was violently treated by her lawyer husband for a long time, she furiously resisted and killed her husband and tried to blame Vikram.

But later plots prove that what the eyes see is not necessarily true.

The Indian mystery film 'The Mystery of Heaven', ignoring these details, you can't guess the murderer. - Lujuba

Truth 2: What the ears hear is not necessarily the real

A couple who celebrated their wedding anniversary in a hotel accidentally took pictures of Vikram arguing with his wife. According to Vikram, because the books he wrote did not sell well, the wife who served as the president of the publishing house revealed the real name of the victim's girl, causing the girl to commit suicide.

But the fact is that it was Vikram, the protagonist who exposed the girl's name. During the dictation process, he replaced himself and his wife. He was the murderer of the girl who exposed the girl's name and killed herself. But his wife did not agree with his approach, and wanted to sue Vikram to be killed.

Truth 3: What is consistent with common sense is not necessarily true. Police officer

During the trial of two murder cases, one of the police officers accidentally mentioned an old man and hero Vikram who came to the police station twice Implicated.

So Duff asked the old man back to the police station for questioning. It turned out that the old man was the father of a girl. The host Vikram adapted the novel based on the girl’s tragic experience and then did not comply with the agreement and exposed the girl’s name. The girl committed suicide because she could not bear the second injury. The girl's father was indignant and the murderer didn't catch it, and he, the victim, repeatedly came to the police station and had no gain.

is a writer who exposed her daughter's name, and a lawyer who refuses to speak for her case. The old father did not wait for justice to uphold justice for himself, so he killed his enemies by killing the writer's wife and lawyer, and then blamed the writer.

this is very consistentIt's logically inferred, and many movies use this method, even in real life similar things happen.

But since the reasoning that even I can think of, the director will definitely not use it, otherwise this movie can't be called a "natural work" mystery. In fact, the role of the old father is only to expose Vikram and the girl's suicides.

Truth 4: Do not influence subjective judgments due to preconceptions

Police Officer Duff thinks that Vikram is making up stories because he is a writer or a suspenseful novel, and has a very good ability to make up stories.

, like Dev, the police officer who received Vikram’s call, without investigation and without any evidence, based only on past experience, rashly concluded that Vikram killed him in front of Vikram. Wife, and will take him to the police station for interrogation. When

Dev asked why Vikram wanted to escape, he was also confirmed by another police officer: Vikram was indeed framed as a murderer by the police officer. At the beginning of the

film, the Indian police appeared in a lazy and irresponsible image. So I made the same mistake. As Vikram said at the beginning, Indian police do not want to know the truth, they just need to close the case within the specified time.

is preconceived because of the irresponsible image of the Indian police, so I firmly believe that the actor Vikram is innocent.

Truth 5: Don't miss any small details

Because it believes that the hero Vikram is innocent, so in the process of watching the movie, several details were ignored.

For example, when Vikram was in custody, he took off his shoes and socks, revealing his worn-out heel.

I thought he just ran too many roads and broke his skin, but the truth is that he changed shoes with the second lawyer of the dead in order to get rid of his suspicion. Vikram frayed his heel because his shoes didn't fit his feet.

Another example: When Vikram was escaping, he did not choose a secluded place, but accidentally hid in the community and hid in the home of the heroine Maya.

knowing that the police were chasing him, he was very risky to ask Maya for help with a wound. The truth of

is: Vikram came to Maya's house on purpose because her lawyer husband and his wife are negotiating to sue him.

Another example: Vikram mentioned Maya's attempt to seduce him when he was dictating with Police Officer Dev. It is strange enough for a married woman to hide a wanted criminal with a wound into her home. In this case, the woman should not be in the mood to seduce a man.

And the fact is: Vikram just wants to draw Dove's attention to the fact that Maya has an extramarital affair, because it is directly related to Vikram's suspicion of washing away the murder.

is another example: in the communication with Duff, the old father angrily mentioned that he and his daughter went to Vikram to ask for an explanation, and wanted to ask him why he didn't comply with the agreement to expose his daughter's name, and wanted Vikram's help. . But Vikram not only didn't respond to the father and son, but instead got into the car indifferently without even looking at them.

According to Vikram’s previous dictation, he blamed his wife for revealing the victim’s name and even caused a quarrel. He would not be so cruel to the innocent father and daughter who came to ask for help.

These are the five truths that I have learned from "Mystery of Heaven":

Truth 1: What the eyes see is not necessarily the real

Truth 2: What the ears hear is not necessarily the real

Truth 3: Meet Common sense is not necessarily true

Truth 4: Can’t influence subjective judgment due to preconceivedness

Truth 5: Don’t miss any small details

Sometimes, real life is more brain-burning than a suspense drama, although we don’t have to hear about it. Every sentence of the story is analyzed and deduced, but it is always good to know one more truth.

"The Mystery of Heaven" is undoubtedly a wonderful movie, the plot is one by one, and the narrative technique of Romenson makes the case confusing. If you haven't seen it, you might as well go to the cinema to have a look.

Tags: movie