This movie has a rating of 9.2 on Douban, the story of a pair of shoes, which touched countless people.

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This movie has a rating of 9.2 on Douban, the story of a pair of shoes, which touched countless people. - Lujuba

The Iranian director

dancing in shackles, when I was depressed, I would deliberately find some warm movies for myself.

was under such an opportunity. I met the Iranian film "Song of Sparrows", and then I fell in love with the director's movies like "Children in Paradise", "Colors of Paradise", "Barron" and so on.

is the film director who uses emotion best. He will stimulate the emotions of the audience just right and not exaggerated. He presents the suffering, cruelty, and warmth to you, causing you to feel a slight pain in your heart, wanting to cry, but still holding Hope smiled faintly, and there was a surge of strength and tenderness against life in his chest. The director of

is director Majid Majidi, an Iranian director with great international influence, known as the Spielberg of Iran. The honor of

is not ordinary.

This movie has a rating of 9.2 on Douban, the story of a pair of shoes, which touched countless people. - Lujuba

He started working as an actor when he was 14 years old, and later transformed into a director, screenwriter, and producer. In 1991, he directed his first film "Brotherhood", which was selected for screening in the "Director's Fortnight" at the Cannes International Film Festival.

In 1997, "Children in Paradise", also known as "Little Shoes", not only swept the Iranian box office, won the 21st Montreal International Film Festival America Award, and successfully entered the 72nd Oscar.

This is also the first short-listed film in Iranian history. Although it was finally lost to "Life is Beautiful", Majid Majidi also brought infinite glory to Iran. After

, ​​his films "Colors of Paradise" and "Barron" won the 23rd and 25th Montreal International Film Festival Awards of the Americas. In 2008, "Song of Sparrows" won the Golden Bear at the 58th Berlin International Film Festival. Award nominations.

must know how strict the Iranian film review system is to truly understand how precious these awards are.

Iran is a country where politics and religion are united. Its culture has been open, closed, and tightened again. The censorship of movies is extremely strict. The

censorship system stipulates various taboos for movies and TV. They must not appear in movies, tight-fitting women’s clothing, physical contact between men and women, ambiguous language, jokes about the army and police, foreign or crude language, foreign music, and Remaining the negative role of beard (Iran believes in Islam and respects beard).

Iranian directors are simply dancing in shackles. It's really hard for them.

Maybe Majid Majidi aimed at innocent children in order to avoid politics and sexual relations. Maybe Majid Majidi was devoted to children's themes. Most of his films revolve around children. Axis, family background, mixed with warmth and sorrow, in a seemingly indifferent but affectionate way to explore, growth, affection, blood relationship, innocence and heaviness in life.

"I am particularly interested in the children's world, and my childhood is also the source of my thinking. I have experienced the childhood of "children in paradise". When shooting children's movies, you don't have to stick to the rules, you can sway freely. Innocence is the most convincing in the children's world.

This movie has a rating of 9.2 on Douban, the story of a pair of shoes, which touched countless people. - Lujuba

"Children in Paradise", this is a fairy tale about childhood for adults

"Children in Paradise" originated from real life, and the storyline is also very ordinary. At that time, this movie was not favored in Iran. , But it has won many international awards and was rated as the best film in Iranian film history. This film is called a fairy tale dedicated to adults and awakens people’s distant memories of childhood.

brings the innocence of childhood, The warmth and kindness in poverty, the tenacity and hope in life are all portrayed incisively and vividly with delicate plots and moving details. The

film revolves around a pair of shoes, losing shoes-looking for shoes-buying shoes, the plot is not tortuous Bizarre, even plain, but there is a particularly touching magic. The sister Sarah

lost her elder brother’s shoes, and a pair of sneakers was worn by two people. The family is so tight that they can hardly afford new shoes. The sensible brothers and sisters of

agreed, Every day my younger sister ran back after school, changing shoes to the older brother who was already waiting in the alleyway and was late for school. In the

movie, the two brothers and sisters who had the most shots were the two swiftly running and relaying.

Sara’s lost pair The shoes, found, had long been worn on the feet of another kind and beautiful girl. The two brothers and sisters

wanted to get them back, but they saw that the girl’s father was blind and life was difficult, so the brothers and sisters finally gave up. .

Ali's father was a good worker. He wanted to fertilize the gardens of the wealthy with pesticides from door to door to earn some money and improve their lives. As a result, the biker was injured and the money he earned was gone.

Ali tried his best to win a pair of sneakers-long-distance runner prizes for his sister. He stumbled and got up again. He ran desperately just to win and win prizes.

Ali won the first prize. He went home and faced his younger sister disappointedly. The eyes of the younger sister gradually dimmed..

and the camera flashed, the back seat of father's bicycle was wrapped in unfresh vegetables and two A pair of new shoes for Ali and Sarah... The movie

is really clean like a fairy tale. Although there is suffering, the beauty of human nature is revealed in the suffering, like a white wild flower in the ruins.

Ali brothers and sisters, and the blind little daughter, they are a group of innocent and kind children. The movie is named "Children in Paradise", which reflects their untainted beauty.

In addition to feeling the beauty in the movie, this movie also gave me incomparable warmth and an unspeakable power.

Under the divide between rich and poor, the toughness and warmth of the bottom people's suffering

Ali's father rode a bicycle on the highway in the big city of Tehran, where cars flowed constantly.

Looking down at the camera, the father and son on bicycles, among the many modern tall buildings, appear so out of place and humble in the fast-moving traffic.

These simple father and son, as gardeners, walk into a place full of sunshine, green plants, and roses, but at the same time a lonely mansion.

The huge house is deeply lonely. The old man is sleeping, and the little boy doesn't even have a playmate. He is only locked in this lonely yard like a shadow.

Ali accompanied the little boy, sitting side by side on the swing in the garden and playing. Grid’s laughter continued. That laughter made this cold and quiet courtyard live again. When Ali left, the little boy was leaning on the swing sweetly. He fell asleep on the chair, holding his furry toy in his arms.

When the father and son earned their wages and were hoping for a new life, on a long downhill road, the brakes failed, the car directly hit a tree, the rim was deformed and twisted, and his father's head was knocked and bleed. His wages were also exchanged for the car money to go home, and those longings for the future were instantly vanished.

God seems to be very affectionate to the poor, and he always sprinkles a layer of salt on the suffering, making the hard life bitter and salty. There is a video before

, ​​which looks very sad. Typhoon

crossed the border, and the strong wind swept everything. A truck was blown crooked by the wind. The driver was carrying the wind and rain to support it, but he did not expect to be crushed under the car.

There is a strong contrast between rich and poor. Life at the bottom is so difficult, but the warmth from home is what can sustain people.

Ali’s house, a simple rented house, was reprimanded by the landlord for a little too much water consumption. When buying potatoes, they can only buy potatoes on credit. Pick some small and stale ones. My sister’s shoes are rotten and old. I wore it and was lost in the end. It seems that

is the only pair of shoes my sister can wear to school. The family is so tight that there is no money left to buy a pair of shoes for the child. The family of

is poor and not rich, and it is also troublesome because of financial constraints, but you can't see a decadent resentment. The little brothers and sisters are sensible and considerate. Although Ali's father is a rough man, he has a big voice and a big temper, but he loves his wife. Aiko, sympathetic to his wife's back pain, the two villains help out with housework after school. The small family of

that is not rich, brother and sister love each other, neighbors help each other, even though life is hard, but there is no complaint, this kind of warmth is the most rare embellishment of life, more than the loneliness in the empty house compound, more than the intrigue in the mansion precious.

Comparing the hot news that has made a lot of noise in the past two days, Li Guoqing and Yu Yu have no bottom line to explode their privacy, and the fig leaf is gone, and the ugliness is full.

don't know if they miss the days when they first started their business?

Free things are priceless. Sunshine, air, water, and unadulterated love are more priceless.

Even at the bottom, it is extremely difficult to live, but the warmth of suffering and poverty, like a jack, makes people clenched their teeth even if they sweat.

In the bottom life, tenacious growth and hopeful attitude is the most beautiful way to live.

Director Majid Majidi is the most sensational, he will always calmlyGrab your heart.

Watching his movies, the original heavy suffering seems not so heavy, on the contrary, there is a kind of flexible hope, a touch of warmth lingers.

Ali's father is a rough man, he works hard to maintain this family.

worked as a father and son, and got the first part-time wage. He carried his son, excitedly chatted with his son to save money, spent money, bought a big cupboard for his wife, and bought an electric iron. Although

is struggling with poverty and suffering, Ali's father has not been obliterated by life's hope and longing. With this responsibility and longing, he is fighting against the suffering in life.

paid attention to the sister who was looking for shoes, and found the little girl wearing her pair of old pink leather shoes. When the little girl came home, carrying a schoolbag, like a jubilant little animal, she hopped back to her poor but warm home.

Her father is blind. As soon as the daughter was over from school, he happily hugged her and called her softly.

Sometimes the little daughter will take her father's hand and go out to show the way to the father who sells things with wooden boxes. Although

is blind, the face of the blind man is filled with a light of happiness, a light of hope.

In order to win a pair of shoes for his younger sister, Ali ran desperately in the five-kilometer long-distance race, running with that kind of strong and deep hope.

Struggling in a life of poverty and suffering, hope is the most indispensable thing. Without hope, people will fall into a kind of numbness and despair.

Suzhou's youngest fish killer in 2010 quickly became popular online with his precocious and sharp eyes. The 10-year-old boy was at his own fish stall, skillfully killing fish and breaking his stomach, his technique became popular.

Looking at the photos at that time, the child's eyes were precocious and sharp that did not fit his age. This sharpness should not belong to a child his age. After

became popular, the fish-killing brother continued to kill the fish, not even reading the book.

Eight years later, the 18-year-old fish killer drank paraquat, which was almost 100% life-threatening, because of the scolding of his parents. It is said that he was later rescued.

Shayu brother, who took on family responsibilities early, lived in an environment of indifference and lack of love. His violent father beat him up and scolded him. In 2013, the 13-year-old Shayu brother was beaten severely by his father. His eyes were severely injured and he was almost caught. Remove.

No one loves, does not read, and never holds hope, guarding the fish stall for more than ten years, without friends, killing fish brother almost lived as a blade of grass in the field, regardless of the origin or direction, only numb survival .

Hope is the most powerful weapon for people in suffering to fight against fate. With hope in mind, they will not be swallowed up by suffering, numb, and live in vain.

Don't lose hope at any time, don't be dehydrated duckweed.

The innocence of childhood is the background color of a person's life

Han Han said: Children are right and wrong, and adults only look at benefits. The reason why

childhood is nostalgic and memorable is that it was a pure and beautiful era with no calculations and no flies.

Maybe some children are not so lucky. They have to share the heavy family responsibilities. Just like Ali and his sister, they have to buy vegetables, coax babies, and wash the dishes, but at that moment, they are brushing their sneakers and blowing in the yard. Bubbles, light and transparent bubbles, flying all over the yard, much like a fairy tale that cannot bear to touch. The innocent age of

is really nostalgic.

I’m over 30 years old. I have been thinking about some of the past when I was a child, such as looking for wild strawberries in the lawn with yellow flowers, fishing in the creek, catching it in the cemetery, roasting sweet potatoes in the river beach...

Precious memories, when I think of it, I feel warm.

The background color of childhood is the background color of human life.

When I was a child, I was free and easy, but when I grew up, I also have the same casual and comfortable temperament from my childhood.

Xiao Hong wrote "Hulan River Biography" after she became an adult, full of yearning, longing for the freedom of childhood: if a cucumber is willing to bloom a yellow flower, it will bloom a yellow flower, and if a cucumber is willing to bear a cucumber, it will bear a cucumber. If you don't want it, you won't even have a cucumber or a flower, and no one will ask about it. Although Xiao Hong experienced ups and downs in her later life, she has always retained the pursuit of freedom and compassion for humanity. This is probably the background of life created by the idyllic freedom of childhood and the warmth of grandpa.

was deprived of childhood innocence and became depressedAfter adulthood, there will be lingering depression in the bones. Ali in the

movie is lucky. Although he is poor and humble, he is still surrounded by love. Life is difficult. There is still a child-specific innocence that has not been taken away. And numbness.

Take good care of the innocence of a child, wrap it with love, don’t let it die so fast, you must know that precocious and sensible children are actually distressing, and those who are unhappy in childhood and unhappy may take a lifetime to heal . The

film has a particularly slow pace, without any twists and turns, but it slowly spreads around the shoes, and the truth and kindness in human nature flows quietly. There is no grand background, no dazzling skills, low cost shooting, unpretentious scenes, small people and families, let us see the struggle of the bottom people, the warmth of the bottom, the hope that the bottom people can maintain in life . Director

knows how to touch humanity best. Under Iran’s strict film censorship system, he gave us spiritual food in the cracks, let us take a look when we are tired or hungry, adding a kind of resistance to suffering power.

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