Chen Shizhong's base camp may be lost? Taiwanese physicians revealed that at least 1/3 of the dentists supported Jiang Wanan

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According to Taiwan media reports, the Kuomintang Taipei mayoral candidate Jiang Wanan participated in the "All-Age Dental Care Garden Fair" held by the Taipei Dental Association, which is considered to be an opponent and the DPP Taipei mayoral candidate Chen Shizhong's "Benming District" on the 31st. ” Yang Yimu, the guild’s counselor, revealed that at least one-third of the dentists supported Jiang.

Chen Shizhong's base camp may be lost? Taiwanese physicians revealed that at least 1/3 of the dentists supported Jiang Wanan - Lujuba

Jiang Wanan (left), Chen Shizhong (right) Figure source Taiwan media

Jiang Wanan mentioned the recently concerned "Physician Law" incidental resolution at the "All-Age Dental Care Garden Tour" yesterday, "My attitude is very firm, absolutely It is from the standpoint of the vast majority of dentists' friends to ensure the universal medical care and the rights of teachers and students of the dental department to be taught and tested." The speech caused a burst of applause from the audience.

The outside world is curious why Chen Shizhong, who is well-connected in the medical world, did not attend the event yesterday. Yang Yimu said that Chen Shizhong's participation in the event was completed on the 25th, but he changed the subject and pointed out that the dentist is not completely supportive, at least 1/3. It is Jiang Wan'an who supports Jiang Wan'an. Yang believes that Jiang's advantages are that he is young and lively.

Regarding whether to support Chen Shizhong, Yang Yimu mentioned that 60% of the older dentists in Taipei Medical University and would support him, but the younger dentists were hesitant because of the "Dentist Bobo" incident, while the dentists in other schools seemed to be very Support, but they don't actually want someone who graduated from Taipei Medical University to be the mayor of Taipei.

"Dentist Bobo" refers to students who graduated from the medical department from Taiwan to Poland , Czech , Spain, etc. They are called "Bobo dentist" because the threshold for practicing qualifications in these countries is relatively low. Taiwan can be exempted from the academic qualification examination and open the number of internships. Such a gap in practical experience has caused the Taiwan authorities' "Legislative Yuan" to make some amendments to the "Physician Law" in May this year, so that "Dentist Bobo" will become a sunset clause. In the back door, I didn’t expect that there were 7 resolutions attached, one of which stated that those who had enrolled before December 31 this year were not limited to this limit, and it was considered that they wanted to close the door and leave a small gap.

Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor Wang Hongwei questioned the proposal of the "Legislator" Lai Hui of the People's Progressive Party. He simply wanted to benefit his daughter who was studying dentistry in Poland.

Chen Shizhong, the "Minister of Health and Welfare" at the time, was involved in the controversy and was criticized for not closing the door to protect local dentists. Kuomintang "legislator" Zeng Mingzong criticized in an interview that the "Minister of Health and Welfare" at that time was Chen Shizhong, "Chen Shizhong dared to do what he did, he was no longer qualified to be elected mayor of Taipei, and the Kuomintang gave the most severe condemnation!" He said that the Democratic Progressive The party has an absolute majority in the "Legislative Yuan". In the current "law revision" ecology, if there is no nod from the DPP and the consent of the "Ministry of Health and Welfare" Chen Shizhong, it is impossible for the "Physician Law" and "Revision Law" to pass the third reading. The resolution will also not pass. (Editor: Fang Yanyan)

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