What are some things you only know if you have braces

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What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba


Look at people's teeth first

Since wearing braces , the first thing people see is his teeth, and I have tried more than once to convince friends who have crooked teeth to wear braces, even the first film and television drama Eyes will be focused on the actor's teeth. The goddesses of the gods and goddesses have basically moved their teeth, all because they wear braces. Before and after wearing braces and experience shared on bored panda↓

"Thanks for this great invention of braces!"

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba

"I come from a single-parent family, my mother has no money to straighten my teeth, so I have a job when I grow up Medical insurance, the first thing is to go to correction, the goal of life has been achieved!"

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba

"Three years of change, countless appointments and tears..."

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba

"After two years of treatment, the comparison before and after surprises me."

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba

"It's worth it!"

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba


was not as uncomfortable as he imagined. Every time he went back for a follow-up, he was still a little flustered and mixed with small expectations, but it's good to get used to it. The first two days of the new braces made me realize how hard the noodles are, how hard the tofu is, and how hard the rice is. After

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba

got used to it, I got used to it, and I was a little reluctant to get the braces on the day. Orthodontic wax is ready to save you from the pain of grinding your mouth.

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba


fantasized about wearing braces to lose weight

woke up from a dream I've eaten everything the doctor said I can't eat, hehe.

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba

also experienced a stage when teeth were sore at the beginning and couldn't bite hard, but it was temporary, especially after adjusting the bite, it seemed that I had a new mouth, and it was very smooth to chew things, so I wore braces to lose weight and face-lift or something. ,nonexistent.

Of course, those who have high self-demands and can keep their mouths shut will say another thing. They think that a thin body is worthy of their beautiful and neat teeth, which is also a big motivation for losing weight.


Wearing braces can make you look better

but can't become a fairy

Simple teeth straightening ≠ face change, I saw a lot of people before wearing braces after wearing them, the whole person has changed greatly, and I feel full of chicken blood that I can do the same after correction. But everyone's situation is different, don't hold blind expectations. When you see other people's face and lip shape change, don't take it for granted that you will have such an effect.

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba

Although you may not have reached your ideal appearance in the end, but calmly comparing yourself to the past, can laugh and be more confident, isn't it great? Others can also be medical beauty, filters and fitness. I still want to show off my face: It turns out that I can look so good when I smile!


I have a taboo when I eat

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba

Don't eat Flammulina velutipes if it's all right, the feeling that half of it hangs on the braces and half of it gets stuck in the throat is too uncomfortable, nauseating, and suffocating.

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba

Don't eat curry, too much will bring tears.

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba

There are also some people who are easy to cause falling films, you should also pay attention, please refer to the previous article for details → Why did the bracket fall off again, obviously you are very careful


You must brush your teeth carefully

Lessons from blood and tears

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba

In addition to brushing your teeth after breakfast, lunch, and dinner, it is recommended that you brush your teeth after eating. The

ensures that the labial, lingual and occlusal surfaces of each tooth are effectively cleaned. Focus on cleaning around the appliance, and carefully brush the soft dirt and food residues on the teeth.

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba

To clean the surface of the teeth, the brush head gently circles the surface of each tooth. The rotating brush includes two actions: "horizontal brush" + "vertical brush". This brushing method is simple and effective, and it can clean most of the soft scale on the tooth surface and around the brackets.

Use dental floss at least once a day before going to bed ↓

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba

The small dead spots should be handed over to the interdental brush ↓

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba

Use mouthwash when necessary ↓

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba

When you cannot brush your teeth immediately after eating, at least rinse your mouth with a fluoride-containing mouthwash .


Wearing braces does not affect kissing

is single or not has little to do with wearing braces (mainly refers to the little steel teeth), every time a male (female) friend accompanies the visit, it is more interesting and romantic.

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba


can also skip this step and go directly to the next step, you know.

What are some things you only know if you have braces - Lujuba

Bracers, what are some things you only know when you wear braces? The comment area is waiting for you ❤

Tags: entertainment