Talking about the child's appearance may be damaged, and many new terms have been added by Amway

entertainment 562℃

Accompanying the days when the imperial capital eats smog in February, catkins in March, poplar hairs in April, and sandstorms in May, Dabao's nose is like an open faucet, he is always sniffing, and occasionally he feels breathing at night. blocked.

Talking about the child's appearance may be damaged, and many new terms have been added by Amway - Lujuba

thought he had a cold at first, but later discovered that allergies were the ultimate cause. I searched online and found that many children have the same problem. I wanted to find everyone's treatment plan, but during the search, I found that a mother said that allergic constitution induced rhinitis and nasal congestion, which in turn caused the child to open his mouth to breathe for a long time, and finally had oral deformation, which affected his appearance. Now many mothers let their children who have deformed oral cavity receive "MRC" appliance correction treatment. It's almost like an allergy-induced tragedy, and it's all linked together.

Talking about the child's appearance may be damaged, and many new terms have been added by Amway - Lujuba

The so-called adenoid face

On the way to becoming a parent, in addition to fighting monsters and upgrading, he also has to deal with all kinds of problems in the growth of children.

will learn good or bad things in the future, but the damage to the innate appearance is a big thing. I quickly grabbed my son, looked at his face repeatedly, and always felt that the mouth was a little protruding. Take the child to see the doctor without hesitation. The key consultation is whether the adenoid hypertrophy is caused by poor breathing and nasal congestion, whether the oral cavity is deformed, and whether it is necessary to wear that expensive corrective device. When a parent's heart is always strained by waves of "trends".

Talking about the child's appearance may be damaged, and many new terms have been added by Amway - Lujuba

grew up and escorted all the way.

is okay, the doctor confirmed that the child's nasal congestion is an allergy, and also checked the adenoids that he was worried about. The answer is that many children have gland hypertrophy , but not all of them hinder breathing. My baby doesn't need surgery. Oral development is normal, and such appliance correction is not required for the time being. I was slightly relieved. However, it is found that parents are now in the process of spreading popular science round after round. Knowledge helps us improve our understanding of the disease, and at the same time, it sometimes makes us overly nervous. But no matter what, parents have to do their homework.

share the rough homework I did:

MRC corrects the function of the oral muscles. This is the appliance used by dentists during orthodontic procedures. Doctors believe it has a corrective effect on facial problems caused by mouth breathing. Such a abrasive tool costs over 10,000 yuan. It needs to be worn on the mouth all night without being able to speak, and it must be worn for 2 hours during the day. It's a big test for young kids, especially talkative kids. In addition, such orthodontic equipment can make it possible for children to not have to wait until the age of 12 to 13 to have their teeth replaced. In general, the goal of aligning teeth is achieved through the correct way of swallowing and breathing through the nose. It is said that it is very effective for children who are born with a child at a young age. Now, many private and public hospitals have such treatment.

For our families with allergic children, if the child is really deformed due to mouth breathing, in addition to wearing appliances, it is necessary to cooperate with desensitization treatment. Of course, there are voices pointing out that many dentists are currently abusing MRC corrections.

Talking about the child's appearance may be damaged, and many new terms have been added by Amway - Lujuba

suddenly remembered Erbao's crooked front teeth

As a parent, facing the wave after wave of parenting trends, you still need to go to a professional hospital for examination, listen to the doctor's advice, and choose the most suitable plan for your child. However, it is very important to take good care of your child's teeth. Compared with the expensive treatment costs and the pain in the process, loving teeth is really a good habit that can be adhered to at low cost.

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