Taiwanese high school student "sold" friends to Cambodia for $12,000

original 2025℃

Comprehensive Taiwan media reported that recently, the island police arrested an 18-year-old high school student Lin, who cheated two classmates and friends to Cambodia in order to get a commission of $12,000.

According to his confession, the three originally planned to go to Cambodia together, but before leaving, he felt that something was wrong and he had a quarrel with one of them, so he canceled the trip, but he kept silent about the reason for the quarrel, and the police initially suspected It is a deliberate quarrel in order to achieve the purpose of breaking an appointment.

Taiwanese high school student 'sold' friends to Cambodia for $12,000 - Lujuba

Recently, the Kuomintang "legislator" Zheng Zhengqian and other three people flew to Cambodia to visit local Taiwanese businessmen and discuss how to help the trapped people return to Taiwan through private channels. On the 18th, three people rescued Chen, who was defrauded to Cambodia. He is a 19-year-old from Hong Kong in Pingtung.

The police on the island found that it was his high school classmate Lin who defrauded Chen Chen. Lin defrauded two classmates in total, and another Zheng was still trapped in Cambodia. On the 18th, the police arrested Lin, an 18-year-old who had just graduated from high school. According to him, in June this year, he met a man named "Awen" on the Internet. The other party told him that it is very easy to work in Cambodia. If he can introduce Taiwanese people, he can get commissions. Get $6000.

Lin then found his high school friends, Classmate Chen, and classmate Zheng, who was a junior and high school classmate. The three originally discussed going to Cambodia together, but before leaving, Lin said after a big quarrel with Classmate Chen, let the two of them go first. In the past, I will come later. Later, he silently canceled the trip, only Chen and Zheng went to Cambodia, and thus fell into the hands of the fraud group.

Lin also confessed that he still has not received the originally promised $12,000 commission as an intermediary. The police checked his bank statement and address book and found that what he said was true, and he did not get the money. When the police asked him why he quarreled with classmate Chen before leaving, he kept silent. Therefore, the police preliminarily determined that it was a deliberate quarrel.

On the 6th of this month, classmate Chen asked his family for help, and the family contacted the three Kuomintang "legislators" who went to Cambodia. On the 18th, he successfully escaped and returned to Taiwan. According to Zheng's mother, the child has been sending messages for help, saying that he will be beaten for no reason. ". Recently, after the family finally raised enough money, Zheng returned to Taiwan and was taken to the police station for investigation.

He introduced that he had been in Cambodia for about half a month, and he didn't know what kind of work he had to do before he went. When was imprisoned, all they had to do was call and defraud people from Malaysia, and Singapore. If they wanted to escape, they could only lose money in exchange for freedom. Fortunately, their parents paid the ransom.

Taiwanese high school student 'sold' friends to Cambodia for $12,000 - Lujuba

Coincidentally, there was a case in which a group of students were tricked into Cambodia before. According to reports, a person in charge of Taiwan's criminal department recently introduced the inside story of Cambodia's fraud on the show that some fraud groups will take advantage of the victim's desire to leave. Leave, if you can cheat two, you can get an extra amount of money when you leave.

As a result, victims will attack relatives and friends in a hurry. He also revealed that a group of students had been deceived in this way before.

Taiwanese high school student 'sold' friends to Cambodia for $12,000 - Lujuba

Recently, there have been frequent fraud cases on the island, and many Taiwanese media have continuously criticized the DPP for inaction.

On the 20th, the Chinese embassy in Cambodia issued a document stating that Taiwan compatriots are Chinese citizens, and it is the responsibility of the Chinese embassies and consulates abroad to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan compatriots. in CambodiaZhai, whether it is in the " Spring Miao Action " for the vaccination of the new crown vaccine , or the rescue of compatriots in distress, we have always paid equal attention to Chinese citizens of Taiwan Province. The motherland will always be your strong backing. No matter what difficulties you encounter in Cambodia, you can contact us directly. The Chinese embassy in Cambodia will, as always, provide timely assistance to all Chinese citizens in Cambodia, including Taiwan compatriots. Efficient consular protection services.

Taiwanese high school student 'sold' friends to Cambodia for $12,000 - Lujuba

Statement: This article is transferred from Observer Network (ID: guanchacn), thanks here!

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