"Special Patients", also known as "Between Reason and Killing Desire", is a suspenseful thriller drama jointly created by Disney+, HULU and classic American drama platform FX, which is a psychological thriller, and it is fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. The degree is 86%, the average score of the audience is 85%, and the average score of IMDB is 7.7.
will premiere on August 30, 2022, with a total of 10 episodes of 30 minutes each, recommended by head!
tells the story of psychotherapist Alexander Strauss after the loss of his wife. Beneath his sensible and empathetic surface lies the pain and loss he has yet to face. All was not digested, but he was soon imprisoned by a serial killer who made an unusual request to him: to suppress the killer's desire to kill. However, while analyzing this person's thoughts, as more and more homicide cases are discovered and fears are superimposed, he has to think about the real needs of this "special patient". At the same time, he is also dealing with his suppressed inner demons. What is the impact of the impact, the dual dilemma of inner demons and being imprisoned? !
This drama can be called a god-level lineup, and the acting skills explode! The short play is not long, but the atmosphere and layout are in place, and the psychological conflicts that are not obvious are extremely scary.
is directed by Chris Lang, the gold-medal director of popular dramas such as "Criminal Minds", "Supernatural", "The Detective" and "American Spy", and produced by Kevin Bray of "The Vampire Diaries" and " Suspect Tracking ".
Starring: Golden Globe Award actor Steve Carell "The Morning News" "The Office"
Domhnall Gleeson "Harry Potter" "The Revenant" "Black Mirror" " "Star Wars"
to follow the good drama together!