About the eight blind spots of Chinese movies

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There are many issues involved in a movie from the shooting to the release to the final box office share, and the impact is also very complicated.

A few days ago, the 600,000 investment in "Nezha: The Devil Child Comes into the World" divided into 18 million was able to "coax" some people because most people do not understand and do not understand the film industry.

About the eight blind spots of Chinese movies - Lujuba

So, for a movie released in the Mainland, what are the ones that are particularly easy to cause errors and blindness? Today, filming sir summarized 8 pieces of industry knowledge that ordinary filmmakers should care about and understand, which are usually blind spots for many filmmakers.

The script submission for review should pay attention to the subject matter and the influence of the characters.

A movie is based on his script, so the legitimacy of the script is the basis for him to gain a foothold in China. Starting in 2016, the radio and television departments of various provinces and cities have "Story summary" preliminary review ability, in addition to submitting some basic documents and qualification certificates, a 1,000-word script summary is a necessary document for the initial legality of a film. The core problem here is that if there are major characters in the film and the plot involves diplomatic, ethnic, religious, military, public security, judicial, historical and cultural celebrities, etc., it needs to be issued by provincial or central or national agencies. The relevant competent authority agrees to the written opinion of the shooting, and if it involves historical and cultural celebrities, a written opinion of the person or relatives agreeing to the shooting shall be issued.

About the eight blind spots of Chinese movies - Lujuba

It’s not difficult to understand the problems and disputes caused by Quentin’s "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood". Even if historical and cultural celebrities die, their relatives still have the right to protest against the characters in the film. This is in other countries in the world. There are similar situations.

Release Notice & Public Screening License are indispensable, but neither is a "death-free gold medal"

A few years ago, I told the general audience that "release notice" and "public screening license", everyone may still be in the cloud, but after After the withdrawal of many films, many idol fans have learned to inquire about the release notice and release permit.

About the eight blind spots of Chinese movies - Lujuba

After at least two rounds of review of a film by the relevant departments, if the reviewer does not raise objections or questions to the film, it will generally obtain a technical certificate within a short period of time, but this certificate is no longer issued separately. Instead, it is the only legal document for the film-the film release license. The

release notice is an important document for the film to be available for pre-sale. It covers more film information, including effective information such as the scope of the film’s release, the distribution ratio and other effective information. At the same time, the film distributor and producer listed here are the film The real meaning is the beneficiary who enjoys the copyright of the cinema in China.

However, it is not that the two files are obtained and the film will be released smoothly. Relatively speaking, the current release notice will be exposed before the release license. However, the film will only be released when the theaters and movie theaters have obtained the “release license” issued by the National Film Bureau Can be officially released legally.

The pre-sale of the Disney blockbuster "Maleficent 2" in China has been seriously affected by the release notice and the extension of the license. It is reported that the three summer films "Little Wish", "Young You" and "Yai Bai" "In fact, they all passed the first trial smoothly. Some films have even obtained a public screening license, but they have been postponed and adjusted for various reasons.

is so open today, although some films can get licenses and release notices, but because of various problems and pressures, these information cannot be disclosed in the first time. This may be the current Chinese film market is more helpless One side. The hidden secret of

ranking number, Tianzi No. 1 is the most important!

▲ Release notice of "The Wandering Earth"

When the theaters and movie theaters get the release notice, after everyone enters the ranking number into the system, the pre-sale of the movie can be arranged. In fact, from the ranking number, you can get a lot of movies Related information.

​​generally ranks 12 digits. The first three digits represent the country of the film. If the film is co-produced with China and foreign countries, it will be regarded as produced in China. The code is 001. The last four digits are the year the film was licensed (not The year the film was released). The fourth place of the

ranking number is generally the type of film. The thing to note here is that the number 0 and the lowercase letter o, the number 1 and the lowercase letter l need to be distinguished, but the types of the films themselves are quite different., Generally, there are very few input errors. The number 5-8 of

is actually equivalent to the number of the license of the film, which is what we call the dragon mark. Here, the ranking number of the wandering earth is used as an illustration. The ranking number that seems to be intangible will be solved. The ranking number of the four versions of

Wandering Earth is also 12, of which the first three 001 represent the film’s production in China, and 5-8 is 0001, which represents the film’s electric trial number 001. Last year’s 001 was "Operation Red Sea". , 2017’s No. 001 is Han Han’s film "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves", which shows the importance of Tianzi No.1. The last four of

2019 were issued for review in 2019. The first of the four versions 1 represents the ordinary feature film (both 2D version), 2 represents the stereo version of the ordinary feature film (both 3D version), and 9 represents the Chinese giant screen stereo version (Both CGS3D version), 4 represents the IMAX stereo version (both IMAX3D version).

Like this time, "Gemini Killer" has released more than 20 versions, and the number of films issued is as many as six (only three in "Avengers 4"), which is the highest number of films released in the mainland.

In addition, the films of the independent co-organized film festivals in various regions are generally reviewed by the local radio and television departments, and then only a single ranking number is usually issued (this ranking number is usually not superimposed before the film). It is worth mentioning that Some films may be taken care of for special reasons. The Korean film "Parasite" was once expected to be screened on First, but it was not released in the end (BTW, the copyright of the film has been purchased by a domestic company, but no screening plan will be arranged) The more factors of

arranging films are cost delivery and cooperation between the general and general partners. The possibility that the announcement can be changed is only 5%.

In fact, only the Spring Festival file and the National Day file will have a fierce competition for multiple heavy films at the same time. These two periods are currently There will be 3-5 films of the same size that will be released on the same day and PK on the same day. However, it is not just one or two factors that determine the proportion of the film.

Take this year’s Spring Festival as an example. Bona & Maoyan’s "Flying Life" and "Crazy Alien" released by Guangxi have the earliest pre-sales and the fastest and most sufficient cost delivery, so these two films The space for pre-sale and film arrangement is the best.

can get a good start. In addition to the star appeal of the film itself, the delivery of the fee is not unrelated to the direct cooperation between the distributor and the cinema film management company. Among them, the space that the regional distribution can win may be in the Spring Festival file. Only about 2%-5%, that is, maybe 0.5 times (additional one for you in two days, or one additional one in one day).

Because the attendance rate of the Spring Festival stalls may be 5-8 times that of weekdays and 3-4 times that of ordinary holidays, the major film companies are more willing to invest heavily and heavy financial support in the Spring Festival stalls, especially hoping to rely on the high share of the first day Better reputation than gambling.

However, with the manifestation of word-of-mouth benefits and the rise of Chinese-style blockbusters with Chinese-style stories, some films that were not initially favored and have a low proportion of films will also appear counterattacks, but all this is more dependent on the mouth of the audience. According to legend, the decisive role that publicity can play is not obvious here.

Domestic films may not be highly dependent on special effects halls.

"The rollover of the cinity theater at zero point 120 in "Gemini Killer" is not a rare incident. When 3D movies first entered China, the problems encountered and the screening accidents were more Today is much more powerful. This may be because there are very few screening directors in movie theaters. In the final analysis, it is still a management problem." The "Gemini Killer" directed by Ang Lee was screened at multiple high frame rate screenings at midnight on October 18th. In, a large-scale screening accident occurred. It may be affected by this. This film, which is based on high expectations by many people, does not perform well in China, but it fundamentally reveals that there are still some very basic problems in domestic films.

In fact, the zero-point high frame rate rollover accident of "Gemini Killer" should not have occurred. The lack of more test opportunities and films is the cause of the film screening accident. In fact, "My Motherland and Me" originally arranged high frames. The film is scheduled to be shown at a higher rate, but stability and reduction issues have caused the film to fail to have the opportunity to show the high frame rate version.

The 2017 hit "Wolf Warriors 2" was initially released without an IMAX version. Since then, IMAX hasI would rather not put one out of a hundred, almost every blockbuster is matched with a high-spec IMAX version.

However, with the exception of some top blockbusters, most of the domestic films actually do not rely heavily on the special effects hall, especially IMAX. Don’t look at this year’s National Day IMAX contribution of 100 million box office, "Wandering Earth"’s IMAX revenue is also good, but On the whole, ordinary halls and ordinary 3D are more effective in boosting the box office of domestic films.

Similarly, like the 4K version and most other films with special effects, these technical blessings have not had much substantial impact on the general audience, especially the poor domestic performance of the high frame rate "Gemini Killer". It is also reminded that the dependence on technology may be a misunderstanding of most domestic film workers. After the movie

is released, it will have to be accounted for at the earliest in 3 months.

This year’s big hit "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World" has been postponed for the second time, and it will not be officially released until October 26. The film has been logged on to mainstream video sites and has been free for members, but the film has no real meaning to offline, so there will be box office included in the system, so there is no settlement at all. The "600,000 investment divided into 18 million" is a joke. There is a rough and simple explanation in the release notice of the

film’s accounting method and ratio. Through the game between producers and theaters in recent years, the accounting ratio has also been continuously adjusted within a certain range, but with The participation of cinema chains and film management companies in investment films has increased, and this game process has become more and more subtle.

But on the whole, the final income that the final producer can currently get is to remove 5% of the special management fund and various taxes and fees, and eliminate the income of theaters (this part is about 50-55%). If the film is to be announced by other companies, it will have to pay about 7% of the cost of the announcement. In the end, the film owner's own income may only be about 35%.

At the same time, for some box office explosions, their income from other channels will also be divided according to related agreements. Whether this part is included in the box office settlement process, whether it will affect the box office settlement cycle, there are very complicated agreements to restrict. It is not excluded that some films have not yet entered the box office settlement process after six months of their release.

How do ordinary audiences choose to watch movies?

Ordinary audiences may be very confused about the current movie screening format. There are more than ten kinds of screening formats, even for some studio practitioners, there will be misunderstandings and misunderstandings, and even studios. Glasses will be distributed to viewers who watch the IMAX 2D version and 4DX version.

In fact, this choice is quite simple. According to the viewing experience of different audiences, there should be corresponding corresponding format choices. Because the number of movies shot with IMAX cameras is currently limited every year, when you encounter "real IMAX" movies, watching IMAX is definitely the first choice.

has a need for the color of the film, so Dolby Cinema is naturally the best choice (note that it is Dolby Cinema, not Dolby Atmos). At the same time, the laser renovation of some movie studios by China Film in the past two years has also improved the brightness of the film. This is also a good choice for many audiences who have insufficient funds and want to experience the highlights of the film.

is like other formats. At present, China Film and China Film and Television will produce corresponding versions, and the ending of some movies will also be printed in the format produced by the movie, but in the final analysis, more ordinary viewers still have to choose the "cost-effective" movie that is more suitable for them. city.

Are some behaviors of the audience in the studio really illegal?

In recent years, with the increase of the audience, more and more audiences have entered the movie theater, and various "uncivilized" movie watching behaviors have appeared in the movie theater, except for some unself-disciplined actions that affect others watching movies. In addition, making calls, discussing the plot loudly, etc., will affect other audiences.

But these behaviors are basically personal lack of ethics. Even if this part of the audience is not in the cinema, there will be similar situations in other public places. However, if he has a decent behavior in other places, there will be people and Managers carry out stricter management measures.

At present, more people will be entangled in the act of taking screen, video and recording small videos in movie theaters. This may be a very serious "illegal act" in the eyes of many people.

However, when everyone has turned over a movie ticket, not all of the audience notices will be marked as prohibited from recording, recording and shooting. Some tickets will only be markedNote: Recording and video recording are prohibited, and only a small part of them will be clearly marked as prohibited from shooting.

In fact, from the perspective of the film party, the video screenshots of Moments can also be regarded as an indirect film promotion. The greater impact of filming the film is the interference with the viewing experience of other audiences, after all, whether it is a bright mobile phone screen or forgetting Turn off the flash will affect other audiences.

China’s film and film market is a very special and distinctive market. There are many differences and differences between it and foreign film markets. At the same time, our audience has not formed the ability to select and screen films in the true sense. Some of the current problems and cognitive misunderstandings will exist for a long time. We will also discover more problems and shortcomings through follow-up research on the market and audience.

Tags: movie