"Luo Xiaohei Zhan Ji" exposed the design manuscript high score two-dimensional animation word of mouth...

movie 1962℃

1905 Film Network News The animated film "Luo Xiaoheizhi" created by independent animation producer MTJJ and his studio in Mainland China was released on September 7th. Three days after it was released, it successfully exceeded 100 million with its superior quality and continued to win consecutive titles. Box office champion of the day. Douban currently has a rating of 8.4, and is rated as "a cure beyond expectations" by the audience. Director MTJJ recently published a batch of design manuscripts for the movie "Luo Xiaohei Zhan Ji" on his social platform, and several key characters and classic scene design pictures in the film were exposed for the first time. The core design of

'Luo Xiaohei Zhan Ji' exposed the design manuscript high score two-dimensional animation word of mouth... - Lujuba

has undergone many revisions. It took two years to design the goggles. The director

not only showed some of the design manuscripts, but also told the audience the interesting or difficult creation stories behind these manuscripts. The director stated that at the stage of script creation, he had already begun to draw some scenes in the film, and the initial persona of many characters would be different from those in the film. For example, the initial setting of Infinity is a bit more cute, while the movie is cooler. Xuhuai was not so cold at first, it was still wood, and Tianhu was not so staying. The important paragraphs of "Drifting at Sea" have also been greatly changed. The director also named Nezha in "Luo Xiaohei Zha" "Luo Ou", and revealed that he will be the main protagonist in the second part, which is very exciting.

surprised the audience even more that the "final battle" of the film was drawn for about two years, during which countless drafts were revised. Earlier, at the premiere, the director briefly told the audience that the drawing of the original painting is actually an exploration of art style. Everyone experimented with various art styles in the early stage, and finally found the current style. It is important to know that two-dimensional animation requires 12 original paintings every 1 second, and a total of more than 70,000 original paintings are needed for a film of more than 100 minutes. In addition, each one is kept improving, and the audience can see the huge effort of the team behind the work. .

'Luo Xiaohei Zhan Ji' exposed the design manuscript high score two-dimensional animation word of mouth... - Lujuba

"Xiao Hei" continues to burst in popularity. Interpretation of word of mouth is the last word.

movie has been released so far. Ordinary viewers also gave the film a super high evaluation: "All ages, high-level laughs, refreshing rhythm without procrastination, simple core but not thin." Some parents happily said, "I am very happy that my child looks like this. I grew up in China.” Some viewers bluntly said, “Luo Xiaohei is really the most mature 2D domestic animation I have seen in these years.” For everyone’s praise of the film, the director said: “I hope everyone feels good. After watching it, Just think you can get something."

The movie "Luo Xiaoheizhan" is currently being screened nationwide. On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion, let this cute little black cat come and warm everyone.

Tags: movie