Movie investment, please stay away from gambling agreements

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Movie investment, please stay away from gambling agreements - Lujuba

gambling agreements, people who have been in contact with the film and television circles should be familiar with gambling agreements. Of course, gambling agreements are not only unique to the film and television circles, and there are many vivid examples in the financial investment field. There are a lot of money made because of the gambling agreement, and some are bankrupted because of the gambling agreement, I will not list them all.

Gambling agreements in the film and television industry are generally signed by the producer and the distributor. Of course, there are also signed by the producer and the distributor. Some distributors protect the movie box office in order to obtain high profits at the later stage of the box office, and some producers or In order to obtain high-ranking films during the movie's release period, the producer guarantees the box office, but this gambling agreement basically does not announce the details, and we naturally don't know the specific terms.

The box office profit algorithm of movies that have signed a gambling agreement is different from the box office profit algorithm of ordinary movies that have not signed a gambling agreement. Even a movie has a separate algorithm, which depends on the rules of the gambling agreement. Come and see.

has signed a gambling agreement for movies, under normal circumstances will not be recruiting co-producers. If you have to be a co-producer, please read the following contract carefully when you invest. When signing the contract with the producer, you must see if the funded investor will include this amount in the film cost, generally If there is no indication, the funds will be converted into costs for settlement. This is one of the reasons why a lot of movies that seem to make money, the investors cried out for losing money.

Therefore, the editor does not recommend ordinary investors to invest in movies that have signed a betting agreement. Of course, if it is a movie like this, you must read the following contract carefully to ensure your rights and interests, and then invest after repeated confirmation. After all, investment is a personal act, and it is also the responsibility of the individual. As insiders, a lot of it is just a little suggestion to you. It is the investor himself who makes the decision, and it is the investor himself who makes the final profit or loss.

However, as long as it is an investment, there are risks. How can we avoid the risks in film investment as much as possible?

1 Prevention of being deceived:

1-1) Cooperate to identify the first producer of the movie,

, ​​because only the first producer is the owner and distributor of the copyright and proceeds of the movie.

1-2) Movies that have not been registered with the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television Don’t vote for

because you can only get a film shooting license through the General Administration of Motion Picture Administration.

1-3) Do not vote for movies that have already been released. Do not vote for

because the person holding the already released movie as an investment project must be a liar. It is best not to invest in

for upcoming movies, because this is basically a premium transfer to hedge the risk

1-5) Don’t vote for

if you don’t sign a paper contract, because signing a contract is the most basic legal guarantee for double sending. How to protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors without signing the contract

1-6) Do not vote for

if you do not provide on-site visits and interviews, because no formal film and television company will refuse customers’ on-site visit requests

1-7) Websites, apps, WeChat Moments Do not trust

lightly on movie investment information because, under normal circumstances, formal film and television companies will not sign contracts with platforms such as websites and apps.

2. In terms of normal project risks,

2-1) Choose projects that are popular with the public: such as comedy. And military

2-2) Choose good schedule projects: such as summer files and Lunar New Year files

2-3) Choose government-supported projects: For example, major event adaptation

2-4) Choose to announce and distribute projects with strong teams: two Or more than two publicity teams

Tags: movie