How true are Yuan Quan’s lines in "Chinese Captain"? See what the prototype flight attendant said

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movie "Captain of China" has received a lot of praise after its release. The film is starred by Zhang Hanyu, Ou Hao, Du Jiang, Yuan Quan, Zhang Tianai, and Li Qin. There are not only senior actors such as Zhang Hanyu and Yuan Quan, but also new generation artists such as Ou Hao, Zhang Tianai and Li Qin.

How true are Yuan Quan’s lines in 'Chinese Captain'? See what the prototype flight attendant said - Lujuba

In this "Chinese Captain", the new generation of actors did not hold back. Of course, Zhang Hanyu, who plays the captain "Liu Changjian" (the prototype is called Liu Chuanjian), and Yuan Quan, who plays the crew chief "Bi Nan" (the prototype is called Bi Nan), is really the "Jiang or the old hot".

How true are Yuan Quan’s lines in 'Chinese Captain'? See what the prototype flight attendant said - Lujuba

​​Zhang Hanyu's acting skills are still so calm and superb. Yuan Quan's acting skills have always been excellent, and his performance in "Captain China" is even more amazing. When the previous trailer came out, Yuan Quan’s bursting performance had been searched several times. Her expression, eyes, temperament, messy hair, etc. caused constant discussion among netizens, and the sense of substitution was too strong and impressive. I could believe that she was the flight attendant herself in an instant.

How true are Yuan Quan’s lines in 'Chinese Captain'? See what the prototype flight attendant said - Lujuba

After watching the movie, many viewers also expressed their satisfaction with Yuan Quan's performance in the movie. The most discussed is the line of the flight attendant "Bi Nan" played by Yuan Quan. The lines play a vital role in the image of the role of the flight attendant Fengman, and there are two key factors behind this. One is Yuan Quan’s line skills and the other is the content design of the lines. There is no need to say more about Yuan Quan's line skills, I believe everyone has already felt it deeply. In particular, the content design of the lines of the flight attendant is very real and highly restored. "True" is the core thing in biographical drama movies, so how true are Yuan Quan's lines? Recently, some netizens dug up an interview with a prototype flight attendant. Let us compare and find out.

In the movie, after the glass shattered and the cabin was depressurized, the cabin was in chaos, the lights dimmed, and the oxygen masks on the passengers' heads fell off automatically. Then, the flight attendant, played by Yuan Quan, loudly informs the passengers: Pull down the oxygen mask, put it on, and keep the oxygen inhalation state!

Earlier, when Bi Nan, the prototype flight attendant was interviewed by CCTV, he was asked whether his emotions have changed after encountering such an emergency?

Bi Nan recalled: “At that time, it was too late (think more). I only knew that I wanted to ensure the safety of my passengers and crew members. I only told my passengers through the broadcaster what to do. I told them to Pull down the oxygen mask, put the mask on the nose and mouth, and fasten the seat belt."

​​Later, some passengers were restless and emotionally out of control. How to calm the emotions of the passengers at this time? Yuan Quan said in the movie: "Please believe us, each of us has experienced day-to-day training, just to ensure everyone's safety." When interviewed, Bi Nan, the prototype flight attendant, mentioned the situation of comforting passengers at that time, and also mentioned similar words: "We have received professional training and believe that we are capable of delivering you to your destination safely."

In the film lines, Yuan Quan also mentioned the captain. When the passengers were in a mess, she told everyone: "Please trust our captain, we will go back together."

"Believe in the captain" is also a word that Bi Nan, the prototype flight attendant has always mentioned. In May of last year, she said in an interview reviewing the situation when the danger occurred: "We believe in the captain and our training every day, so we have a spectrum in comforting passengers." There was another interview shortly after

, Bi Nan Once again, I mentioned "trusting the captain": "At that time there was no time to be afraid. Although I couldn't get in touch with the cockpit for a long time, I believed in the captain (which can be handled safely) from beginning to end." It can be seen from this that Yuan Quan is in the movie. Every line of the essay is designed with reference to the real situation, and the degree of restoration is very high. The film crew of

has previously revealed that since the filming of this film, every day, every actor will contact the prototype. Every line and every action must be confirmed with the prototype, and all of this is to ensure the performance. Accurate and truthful.

This is also the fundamental reason why Yuan Quan's performance and the movie "Captain of China" can impress the audience. The crew is really interested, and this movie is indeed worth more than 20 billion at the box office.

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