Driving the kids to school, it is so exciting!

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10 On the 12th, there is a small-cost suspense film that has the potential to become the dark horse of the month! "Quick Escape" (Don't. Get.Out!) from Germany is definitely a different kind of movie watching experience on the big screen this month. First of all, is a film that challenges the established genre of the film and has a certain experimental meaning. The fixed field and the use of communication equipment to expand the narrative outside the enclosed space makes the film very different from other films in terms of form and content. "Quick Escape" emphasizes enclosed spaces and uses bomb theory. A father, , Carl , who was dragged by life, was just overwhelmed by his wedding anniversary. He drove his child to school the next morning and found that a bomb had been placed under the car seat. An unfamiliar phone rang, asking him to blackmail him hundreds of thousands of euros and asking everyone not to get out of the car, otherwise the bomb would be detonated remotely. Carl has to calm the child while fighting against strangers who blackmailed him, and at the same time call the company and his family to agree to transfer money. The narrative of the film

Driving the kids to school, it is so exciting! - Lujuba

is like Carl driving a car, turbulent back and forth between constant acceleration and sudden braking. The story advances layer by layer, and it keeps turning around. It makes the palms of people sweaty, and it's crazy. The film is purely in terms of space, but it is actually extremely limited, but it is just a few inches in the cabin of the car. But the foothold of the film, obviously hopes to reflect the depth of the character's psychological space from the narrow physical space. The struggling "bomberman" is a murderer who can't know where he is hiding. In addition, the film informs the existence of the bomb from the beginning, which makes the audience and actor Carl full of fear of unpredictable death. The drama of the film

Driving the kids to school, it is so exciting! - Lujuba

has a strong sense of , ​​and the director has almost abandoned the richness of the spatial level brought by the conversion of multiple scenes that the film is good at. However, the limitations brought by the lens frame have another deep meaning. Most of the time, the lens is slightly higher than the eyes of the audience, in the middle of the square screen, in the car where the hero has never left. From time to time the camera shifts slightly to the child behind the character, a son who is dying because of an injury, and a daughter who mustered up the courage to accompany his father. The impression given by all these images of is a lingering feeling of suffocation and tension, like The hero's invisible mental cage . Although there is no bloody picture, the anxious and uneasy emotions that follow the shadows through a simple lens seem to penetrate the screen straight into the heart.

Driving the kids to school, it is so exciting! - Lujuba

But what really creates the suspense effect and draws the audience's emotions is the questioning that Karl was forced to make in the process. It is no exaggeration to say that before Carl got on the car, he owned the whole world, but in just a few tens of minutes to school, he lost his work for more than ten years and lost his children and family. . Within dozens of minutes, the audience witnessed the middle-aged man's life on the verge of disintegration . Mission, responsibility, and destiny are all the themes. "Quick Escape" uses dramatic conflicts to express the "sudden attack" of life in an extreme way. The attack came from an undercurrent marriage.

Driving the kids to school, it is so exciting! - Lujuba

As the incident continues to heat up, the tragic death of a colleague, and the dying of his son, when Carl needs to use family savings, he accidentally discovers his wife’s distrust of him. The seemingly peaceful relationship between the two has long been in harmony. The attack also came from intrigue work. wants to satisfy the other party's transfer and payment, Karl can only elaborate all kinds of lies to convince investors and colleagues. During this period, Carl understood that where he had worked so hard for more than a decade, he could abandon him at any time and leave him alone. Not to mention, his position has been replaced at the same time, the company never cares for people, let alone loyalty. From a deeper level, the attack came from the weakness of human nature, , who habitually escaped. Seeing evil things happen, they chose to stop and watch, even collaborating. The origin of the hijacking and extortion is because the high-ranking Karl agrees with a legal but unreasonable housing purchase plan. This led to the disintegration of a family, and a man decided to embark on a path of revenge.

Driving the kids to school, it is so exciting! - Lujuba

In the end, "Quick Escape" seems to show the life of a man gradually collapsed, andIn fact, it is the process of , which he constantly put down and self-salvation, . It is not necessarily the embarrassment after losing his helmet and armor, but it is most likely to be relieved after being relieved. Because there is a difference between giving up and letting go. It is also worth mentioning that "Quick Escape" also completed the expansion of the space in the second act of the story, and the enrichment of the character relationship , which is the most ambitious part of the film. Originally focused on the perspective of the car, due to the intervention of a large number of police officers, the arrival of female police officers quickly realized the switch from inside to outside the car. As a result, a meaningful picture appeared in front of the audience: the police car besieged Carl's car, and the police guarded them in batches. In the empty square, only Carl and his children were left surrounded by the crowd, and the sniper on the roof stood by at any time. . lies and misunderstanding at this moment aggravates Carl’s danger, and also metaphors the distrust of the relationship between people in society . He was originally a victim, but for various reasons, he was mistaken for the perpetrator. The police unanimously believed that it was a father who was overwhelmed by life, and his behavior was "out of order" when he was desperate. Under the constant magnification of misunderstandings and misjudgments, the audience feels the spread of anxiety, a kind of timidity from the depths of their hearts being drawn by the stories that are happening on the big screen.

Driving the kids to school, it is so exciting! - Lujuba

In fact, most of us are very likely to encounter the "life surprise" that Karl encountered in the story. In career and family, everyone has experienced, or may encounter this kind of horrible situation like walking on thin ice and being attacked by the enemy. We want to escape, but like Karl who is trapped in the car and unable to leave. This can solve the crisis and difficulties that are happening while driving this car to the unknown. It has to be said that "Quick Escape" through the wonderful narrative and background story construction, allows the film to progress from a visual bombardment to an immersive experience of empathy .

Driving the kids to school, it is so exciting! - Lujuba

Before the film was officially released, "Quick Escape" chose to hold open-air viewing at the Beijing Maple Garden Auto Cinema. Many viewers said that watching this film in the theater has a strong sense of substitution: "As if you are in the film, this ingenious way of watching the movie can truly feel the despair and helplessness of the protagonist in the moment." Watching this movie in the same space makes the sense of tension and pressure stronger." Some "old drivers" who came to the scene shared after the screening: " held the steering wheel several times during the movie, and wanted to be online with the protagonist Drag racing." more viewers bluntly said " an immersive super exciting experience" , , " is very cool" . After the screening, many viewers gave " this year's most unmissable suspense masterpiece" super high evaluation. is nervous and exciting , is dangerous, , high IQ decryption plot affects the heartstrings of every audience; and under the plot, can produce a highly empathetic social metaphor, but also can forbear and think deeply . As a rare imported crime movie recently, "Quick Escape" is indeed worth watching.

Driving the kids to school, it is so exciting! - Lujuba

10 On the 12th , ​​let's go into the theater and drive desperately. Let's fight back!

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