Great Expectations Episode 20 Plot Introduction

neidi 1625℃

Great Expectations Episode 20 Plot Introduction

   Hong's three clever tricks helped Hu Kun get out of the predicament, Qi Lin tried to harm Pi Liu and almost died

Shen Dateng jumped onto the stage of the Juyi Hall and splashed cold water to wake up Hong Sanyuan. After Hong Sanyuan woke up, he also rescued Qin Hu and pulled him away, avoiding the Caobang disciples. With a fatal cut, Qin Hu couldn't help shouting, and owed Hong Sanyuan his life. Caogang disciples also wanted to use cold water to wake up Hu Kun and Xue Liangyu, but to no avail, Hong Sanyuan laughed at the sight, and the red sunflower "can't wake up". How could it be so easy to be awakened? At least the two people would not wake up until the next afternoon.

Seeing that the Caogang disciples who did not drink were getting together more and more, Hong Sanyuan worried that Shen Da and the others would suffer, so he picked up the Poria Flower Carved Pig he had brought, raised the German Mauser gun hidden in it and fired two shots into the sky. , Using Hu Kun's life as a threat, forced the Caobang disciples to stop, and then ordered Shen Da to tie them all up.

The scene was finally under control. Hong Sanyuan called a Caobang disciple named Li Ergou, and forced him to ask who the two people in his seat were. Li Ergou was worried that he would make a fool of himself like those brothers who had diarrhea, so he said obediently. The truth. It turned out that Xue Liangyu was the real third-in-chief, but Hu Kun was not the real Hun Jianglong, but the second-in-charge Jiang Ying. A few days ago, Shen Qingshan visited and bought Jiang Ying and Xue Liangyu with a lot of money, and persuaded them to terminate their cooperation with Yongxin and instead transport smoke for themselves. The two knew about the friendship between the master Hu Kun and Yong Xin, and he would definitely not agree, so they used Mongolian sweat medicine to knock him and his dozens of confidants down and put them in the dungeon. They had planned to wait for Shen Qingshan to come to deal with them, but unexpectedly they waited for Hong Sanyuan.

   After clarifying the situation, Hong Sanyuan asked Qin Hu and Yu Likui to control the people on the scene, and he and Shen Da came to the dungeon under the leadership of Li Ergou. The real Hu Kun scolded Li Ergou as soon as he saw Li Ergou. Hong Sanyuan lied that he was Shen Qingshan's person and persuaded him to cooperate with him. Hu Kun sternly refused, Hong Sanyuan declared his identity when he saw it. Let Li Ergou release Hu Kun and his men.

   Hu Kun was detained in the dungeon and was tortured. After he came out, he feasted first, and after eating and drinking, he thanked Hong Sanyuan repeatedly. During the conversation, Hong Sanyuan learned that Hu Kun had arrested a few foreigners a while ago. He immediately remembered the disappearance of priests and nuns on the streets of Shanghai. After questioning, he determined that they were the ones who had been arrested. He couldn't help taking a breath. People were arrested by Hu Kun. Even if they are released now, the British will not let them go. If they do nothing, they will kill people and kill people. In the future, if the wind leaks, the trouble will be even greater. At that time, they will only be afraid of Niutoushan. Will face the disaster of extinction.

When Hu Kun learned of the seriousness of the matter, he was worried. After thinking hard, Hong Sanyuan thought of a trick. He broke into the dungeon as a knight, pretended to kill the guards, rescued the priests and nuns, and deliberately took them through Hu Kun's room. In addition, he asked Shen Da to pretend to be Shen Qingshan and Qin Hu as Xue Liangyu, pretending to talk about the arrest of the priest and nun, and buckled the shit basin on the head of Shen Qingshan during the conversation, but picked Hu Kun and Yongxin Company. Two nets. A few foreign missionaries with unknown circumstances naturally didn’t know that this was arranged by Hong Sanyuan, and secretly took the dialogue in the house to heart. Seeing that everything was done, Hong Sanyuan sent a few people aboard. Let Yu Likui escort them back to Shanghai. One of the nuns named Yisha thanked Hong Sanyuan repeatedly.

   sent away a few missionaries, Hu Kun was full of praise for Hong Sanyuan's clever plan, and sat down to drink with them again. During the dinner, Hu Kun expressed his gratitude to Hong Sanyuan for saving himself twice in one day. He proposed to worship Hong Sanyuan as brothers of different surnames. Naturally, Hong Sanyuan would not refuse because of the presence of the big brother Shen Da, who recounted after the Chinese New Year. , Hong Sanyuan called Hu Kun the second brother. When Hu Kun saw that his second brother was able to gather three of the 13 Taibaos by his side, he knew that he was not a general, and he admired him very much. He said that he and the Cao Gang would be sent by him. He took the opportunity to propose that he completely abandon the business of transporting smoke and soil. Hu Kun was very puzzled when he heard that, and felt that he was very strange when he was born in Yongxin. Hong Sanyuan said in front of everyone that Yan Hua said to him yesterday about the dangers of opium again like a parrot. Shen Da admired his righteous brother very much.Although Hu Kun knows little about this truth, he also has a patriotic heart, so he agreed and never touched the smoke business. Hong Sanyuan asked him again. In view of his relationship with Yongxin Company, he still claimed that it was his own idea. Hu Kun nodded repeatedly.

   As the saying goes, heroes cherish heroes, and Hu Kun has long admired the name of the Thirteen Taibao. When he saw him today, he felt that Sansheng was lucky, so he suggested that Shen Da and Qin Hu stay and take care of him. Shen Dazhi was not here, but Qin Hu remembered the whereabouts of his brother Qin Long, so he politely declined his kindness, saying that he would come back after he found Qin Long. Hu Kun was not too difficult for others, so in the morning of the next day, Yiyi bid farewell to the three of them, and handed a letter of his own to Hong Sanyuan and asked him to pass it to Huo Tianhong. In the letter, Hu Kun has explained everything and made it clear that he will never deliver opium again.

Just after dawn the next day, as soon as Guaye opened the door, he found that Pi Liu was covered in blood lying on the door. He quickly called out everyone. Lin Yiyi was shocked when he saw Pi Liu’s tragic situation, and Chu Yuxian saw it. Busy to greet everyone to ask for a western doctor, Red Sunflower remembered Yu Mengzhu, and quickly asked people to contact her.

   After Yu Mengzhu got the news, he drove Pi Liu to the best hospital in Shanghai, and found the best doctor to treat him. After the doctor checked, he found that Pi Liu had lost too much blood and immediately arranged an operation for him. Lin Yiyi and others waited outside with anxiety.

Let’s talk about Qi Lin. After he escaped from the dock, he finally reunited with Tiegu and others. Tiegu found that Pi Liu was not in the crowd, so he wanted to go back to him. Qi Lin was worried that he would go back to the net and tried to persuade him, but Tiegu refused. Leaving Pi Liu to escape alone, insisting on going back, Qi Lin had the courage to accompany him back to the warehouse. At this time, except for the few corpses of Wan Youshan's subordinates, Qi Lin comforted Tie Gu. Maybe Pi Liu had already escaped, Tie Gu followed him out to search everywhere. By the time it was light, the two did not find Pi Liu's trace, so they had to walk back in despair. They happened to see an acquaintance, and learned that Pi Liu had been sent to the hospital, so they hurried over.

Lin Yiyi learned from the iron drum that they had gone to the dock to rob the smoke of Shen Qingshan last night, so she scolded him with anger. She saw Qi Lin who was dumbfounded by her side, and knew it must be because of him. He grabbed his collar and choked to warn him, if Pi Liu had three long and two short, he would not let him go.

   After a long and tormenting wait, the red light in the operating room finally went out. The doctor walked out and told Yiyi that after rescue, Pi Liu's life was saved, but he would never be able to speak anymore, and everyone was distraught.

Qi Lin's operation failed, and Shen Qingshan's way was restored. Zhang Wanlin was anxious. He secretly thanked himself that he had the foresight and did not use the people of Yongxin Company, but the smokehouse had been closed for several days, and the old customers all ran to Shen Qingshan. He really couldn't swallow this breath. In contrast, Lu Yusheng sat firmly on the Diaoyutai. He knew that if nothing else, his proud disciple Hong Sanyuan should be back soon.

   Under the escort of Yu Likui, the missionaries returned safely to the British Embassy. Horton was overjoyed. At this time, the Chinese patrol clashed with the British soldiers because they were unwilling to be fired, and they fought in the patrol room. Horton arrived in time to stop them, told them that they would not be fired, and assigned them a new task to arrest Shen Qingshan.

   Shen Qingshan, who was wandering around at home, learned from a henchman that Horton had sealed the shop under his name and brought people to arrest him, and he was shocked. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To

Tags: neidi