Great Expectations Episode 7 Plot Introduction

neidi 640℃

Great Expectations Episode 7 Synopsis

  A history of melee Shuangling accidentally killed half-truth and half-fake Hong Sanyuan to excuse himself

   Hong Sanyuan took the reward given by Lu Lingchun and went back to the casino happily, but he didn't want to meet Qin Hu who was hunted down by a group of people. The enemy was extremely jealous when he met. At this time, Qin Hu couldn't care about the killer behind him, and went straight to Hong Sanyuan. Hong Sanyuan was so scared that his calf was twisted and stumbled back to the casino. He originally wanted Lin Yiyi and the others to resist for a while, but when he entered the door, he found that Shi Shuangling was leading a fight with Lin Yiyi and others. Hong Sanyuan, who didn't understand the situation, was immediately dumbfounded.

Qin Hu always thought that Shi Shuangling was the one who ordered people to chase him. When he saw him at this time, his heart suddenly became angry and he gave up Hong Sanyuan to deal with Shi Shuangling. Shi Shuangling thought that Qin Hu and the killer behind him were Hong Sanyuan moved in. The rescuers of, and they fought in the same place, and the killers who were chasing Qin Hu were also forced to get involved. At this time, the scene became more chaotic.

In the melee, in order to help Pi Liuliu, Hong Sanyuan used chili powder to dazzle the eyes of a thug. The thug ran into Qin Hu, who was confronting Shi Shuangling in a panic. The sharp knife in his hand pierced Shi Shuangling’s abdomen. , Shi Shuangling was killed on the spot.

The two fights finally ended with Shi Shuangling’s death. Soon, Shen Da got the news and rushed over. The patrols moved the deceased’s body to the street. During the investigation, Shen Da discovered the contract signed by Qi Lin in Shi Shuangling’s pocket. , Knowing that this thing would be detrimental to Hong Sanyuan, he immediately stuffed it into his pocket silently.

   Soon, the patrolmen in the British concession and Xu Guoliang, the chief of the Shanghai Police Department, were also alarmed and rushed over. Although Xu Guoliang has served as the chief of the Shanghai Police Bureau for five years, he is a complete idiot. He asked a few words carelessly, and then casually classified the case as malicious robbery, saying that Shi Shuangling was murdered because of his bravery. Shen Da disagrees with his judgment, Xu Guoliang walks away and throws the mess to him.

   Shen Qingshan learned that his right and left arm had killed the hero gambling shop. He was so angry that he threatened to smash the murderer's body and make the three heroes pay the price. The three great heroes were also shocked when he learned of this. Zhang Wanlin scolded him for the newly transferred assassin from Hangzhou to hunt down Qin Hu, but Lu Yusheng calmly stopped him, and immediately decided to send twenty to each of the dead. A large ocean pension, and the injured would pay ten oceanic medical expenses, so that they would return to Hangzhou separately from the dry road and the waterway to avoid the limelight.

   At this time, Lin Yiyi and the others will continue to be entangled. Qin Hu, who wants to seek revenge on Hong Sanyuan, stuns and takes them to the small forest in the suburbs. They tie Qin Hu's five flowers to the tree. After Qin Hu woke up, he still clamored to kill Hong Sanyuan to avenge his brother. Hong Sanyuan, Lin Yiyi and others teased Qin Hu and let him taste the fear of dying. Let it go, let him stay away from Shanghai, and run away quickly.

Although Hong Sanyuan once again explained that the day passed and swore that Qin Bao was not killed by himself, Qin Hu still firmly believes that Qin Bao's death cannot be separated from Hong Sanyuan. He tried Hong Sanyuan before leaving. After discovering that he does not know how to martial arts, he warned him, saying that he will not be held accountable for saving his own life today, and he will be protected from death before he kills his enemies, but in the end he will still find revenge. , Hong Sanyuan was very speechless to this guy with simple limbs and well-developed mind.

   Hong Sanyuan and his entourage did not return to the gambling shop until Hua Deng first came on. As soon as he entered the door, Shen Da and Red Sunflower, who were waiting eagerly, gathered around to ask about their love. Before Hong Sanyuan had time to answer, Master Xia Junlin stood behind him hauntingly. Xia Junlin asked Hong Sanyuan to take a trip to Yongxin Company. Shen Da was worried about Hong Sanyuan’s safety and wanted to go with him. However, Xia Junlin said that all the three great heroes wanted to see were Hong Sanyuan, and he strongly refused. he. Qi Lin knew that these things were caused by himself, so naturally he wouldn't be a turtle at this time. He bravely stood up and explained the situation and insisted on going with Hong Sanyuan. Xia Junlin acquiesced when he saw that he had caused it again.

   Hong Sanyuan brought Qi Lin to Yongxin Company. He told a half-truth in front of the three great heroes, saying that Shi Shuangling was killed by Qin Hu, and Qin Hu had been killed by himself. He wants toI have already picked it out from this matter, but I don’t know that before that, in order to calm Shen Qingshan’s anger, the three great heroes had made an appointment with Shen Qingshan. They would settle the matter at Fengming Tower at noon the next day and negotiate. To launch Hong Sanyuan to bear the consequences. Zhang Wanlin was worried that Hong Sanyuan would tell the truth about the robbery, but Lu Yusheng did not hurriedly came up with a vicious idea: put Hong Sanyuan's old lady under house arrest, forcing him to face the incident.

   After Hong Sanyuan figured out the intentions of the three great heroes, he had no idea, and could only agree to go to Fengming Tower the next day to explain what happened. On the way back, Qi Lin was also panicked, and kept asking Hong Sanyuan what to do. Hong Sanyuan was angry and didn't give Qi Lin a good face. He scolded him. Qi Lin also felt very wronged.

   At noon the next day, Hong Sanyuan and Qi Lin went to the Fengming Building where Lu Yusheng and Shen Qingshan had agreed to meet with fear. In Fengming Building at this time, the two giants in the British and French Concession were sitting side by side. His thugs stood on both sides, and Shi Shuangling's body was parked in it. As soon as Hong Sanyuan and Qi Lin entered the door, they pounced on Shi Shuangling's corpse and weeped loudly. This hand covered everyone in the room. Lu Yusheng and Master Xia Junlin could not help but laugh in secret.

   Shen Qingshan was even more irritated by Hong Sanyuan and Qi Lin crying. He gritted his teeth and cursed both of them, asking them to give himself an explanation. Hong Sanyuan once again used his method of deceiving the dead and not paying for his life. He made a half-truth. He lied that he had heard the wind before. It is rumored that the limelight of Shi Shuangling had already overshadowed Shen Qingshan. It will be replaced by time. Today’s matter seems to be that the reason why Qin Hu abandoned the pursuit of himself and started with Shi Shuangling must be that he secretly bought out the Qin brothers, pretending to be black and white impermanence and killing people and selling goods, in order to provoke the fight between the stereotypical party and the three great heroes. The good fisherman made a profit, and afterwards sent someone to chase Qin Hu to kill him, and then he became an enemy with Qin Hu and was stabbed to death on the spot. Shen Qingshan was puzzled when he heard the words. He didn't want to believe that Shi Shuangling would secretly betray him, but Hong Sanyuan made a point. Shi Shuangling was killed by Qin Hu and he saw it with his own eyes, and he couldn't refute it for a while. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To

Tags: neidi