6 plots that often appear in movies will be counterproductive if they happen in real life

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Now our lives have long been inseparable from movies, especially Hollywood movies. Especially nowadays movie production is getting better and better, and special effects are becoming more and more real. However, although there are many movie plots that seem real, they are completely incompatible with the real world and reality. There are some plots in the movie, it is very easy to save the movie characters, but if repeated in real life, it may be counterproductive. Today, the editor will introduce you to 6 plots that often appear in the movie world. They may be terrible if they appear in reality.

1. Take out the bullet

6 plots that often appear in movies will be counterproductive if they happen in real life - Lujuba

by yourself. This is a scene that has been repeated in countless movie plots. Usually one of the protagonists was shot, and the other protagonist received emergency medical treatment in this case. What it did was simply swipe with a knife and pull out the bullet from the body. It seems that only such an operation can reflect the protagonist's toughness and the difficulties he faces. Under this circumstance, there was no disinfection tool or even water. In some plots, even after cutting the wound with a knife, the bullet was taken out with the fingers. And usually the result of the movie plot is very good, the protagonist is saved, and there are no complications. In some of the more ridiculous movie plots, the protagonist continued to "fight the enemy for three hundred rounds" under such circumstances, and had the last laugh.

However, if this situation does happen in real life, it may cause more harm to the patient: without anesthesia, cutting with a knife on the body and unprofessional techniques are enough to bring huge amounts to the patient The pain is gone. Most importantly, the knives and wounds are not disinfected, which can easily cause serious infections.

In fact, when the bullet enters the body and does not belong to a critical part, the bullet is almost sterile in the human body under the action of the high temperature during shooting. Therefore, the correct approach is to stop the bleeding as soon as possible and send the other party to the nearest medical office for treatment.

2, the car jumps up and landed safely

6 plots that often appear in movies will be counterproductive if they happen in real life - Lujuba

​​is also a common routine in the movie plot, and it is not a science fiction movie, but a scene that often appears in action movies, police and gangster movies. Usually, after the car in the movie touches an obstacle, it leapt through the air and glides for a few meters, and finally reaches the ground almost intact and can continue driving.

However, if it happens in real life, the possibility of jumping a few meters is still very high, but once it hits the ground, the car will be hit hard, and even overturned when the speed is too fast.

3. Jump off from a high-speed car

6 plots that often appear in movies will be counterproductive if they happen in real life - Lujuba

Usually this kind of plot occurs at a critical moment, such as being kidnapped by a bad guy and being controlled in the car, and the door is unlocked, so the protagonist opens the door quickly and quickly Jumped from a high-speed car. Everything seemed to happen in one go, and did not cause much harm, and the protagonist was able to escape.

However, if this happens in the real world, the moment a person flying out of the car at such a high speed hits the ground, it is likely to cause huge injuries, in addition to serious injuries, even paralysis or death. If you really want to jump off the car in the face of danger, you must also jump at a very slow speed and make sure that there are no obstacles ahead. Of course, this must be done under extremely extreme circumstances, because it is really too dangerous.

4. Keep people with head injuries awake.

In some movie plots, the protagonist's head was hit, and it seemed that he was seriously injured. At this time, the other protagonist began to wake him up and let him Do not fall asleep, it seems that after falling asleep, he will not sleep.

In fact, when a person suffers a head injury, even a relatively minor concussion is enough to make him feel uncomfortable, and getting a good sleep can actually help him. If there are other symptoms, you should seek help more quickly. If you desperately make a person who has been hurt do not sleep, and deprive him of the right to sleep, it may be counterproductive, and even the person's desire to survive will be wiped out by you. In addition, if there is a fatal injury, death will still occur even if you deprive the other person of the right to sleep. Therefore, you should respect the patient and let him sleep if he wants to sleep.

5, eat raw fish

when the protagonist is trapped in the wild, the food that he carries has been eatenCase. Usually the protagonist will show strong self-survival ability, for example, he can catch fish and eat the fish raw. But does this work in real life? The answer is no. In the wild, when there is no medical condition, it is best not to eat anything raw, because you don’t know which microbes and bacteria exist in the fish. Even if you just have diarrhea, it is enough for you of. Therefore, be sure to cook the fish before eating.

6. Getting lost and walking around at the first time

Getting lost in the forest is a very scary thing, but many people lose their calm when they get lost and start running around at the first time. In fact, it is still easier to disturb the traces left by the places you have walked. This disrupts rescuers and makes it more difficult for rescuers to find your location. You know, if you don’t know where you are and you have to go further, there is at least a 75% chance that you will be in the wrong direction. So, if it's not very necessary, don't leave your position lightly.

Do you think there are any extremely unreliable plots in the movie plot?

Tags: movie