The box office of "Captain of China" broke 440 million. Three hard cores made it sail for the National Day file?

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You can avoid the summer file, but you can't avoid the National Day file. Against the background of the 70th birthday of the motherland, "My Motherland and Me", "The Climber", and "Captain of China", as a National Day gift film, are quite proud of the National Day box office.

was released on September 30. Only two days before the National Day, the box office of "Captain China" has reached nearly 450 million, and the daily box office of nearly 200 million is second only to "My Motherland and Me". "The net review scored 7.4, which is quite satisfactory. After watching the movie, the editor of

holding the battery handlebars is full of sense of mission. After all, emmmm has the safety of the passengers in the back seat!

The box office of 'Captain of China' broke 440 million. Three hard cores made it sail for the National Day file? - LujubaThe box office of 'Captain of China' broke 440 million. Three hard cores made it sail for the National Day file? - LujubaThe box office of 'Captain of China' broke 440 million. Three hard cores made it sail for the National Day file? - Lujuba

"My Motherland" reflects the big history through small characters, "The Climber" restores the history of climbing Mount Everest, and "Chinese Captain" is adapted from real stories. In fact, these three gift films have one common feature: By processing the struggle history of contemporary people, inspire the pride of the Chinese people. In a festive atmosphere, this idea obviously caters to the audience's psychology.

only takes "Chinese Captain" as an example. Compared with the other two gift films, its three unique cores grab the audience's attention.

First, the crew of "Captain of China" is the top of the National Day gift film in terms of scene restoration. During the filming process, the crew asked the creators to learn aviation knowledge in depth. Therefore, the lead actor Zhang Hanyu also kept in touch with the prototype character Liu Chuanjian. month.

Ouhao and Du Jiang also worked hard, and even the "fascinating stewardess group" Yuan Quan, Li Qin, Zhang Tianai and others who opened the screen to make everyone's eyes brightened all received strict flight attendant etiquette training. Sister Yuan Quan said "please believe us, we have received strict training to protect everyone's safety". Has your brain washed?

and even the crew has reached the extreme in casting roles in order to restore the situation. Ouhao's appearance is almost "god in sync" with the real characters. Just by looking at the comparison photos, you can feel the crew's "obsession".

​​Second, the film’s group portraits are exquisitely portrayed, and the large airport group scenes are close to reality, and the “camera shots” of passengers are unique. Whether it is a glance at the passengers’ mobile phone chat records or the passengers’ words and information, the crew vividly portrays the 119 passengers The "lifestyles" in the eyes of the audience. The editor of

inconvenient spoiler can only say that every passenger has its bright moments, especially when the plane is facing a crisis, the humanity collision of passengers can only be felt by watching the movie in person!

Looking at the "satisfaction" written by the real passengers of 8633 after the catastrophe, it makes people sigh for the meticulous and perfection of the crew.

The traffic stars who brush their faces on a daily basis also make people have "surprise joy". Anglebaby has made several appearances to interpret the character line outside the cabin to the fullest, adding a lot to the appearance of the flight attendants in the film.

Zhu Yawen, who only showed his face for dozens of seconds, drew the audience's emotions with a line "Why are you so awesome"; Guan Xiaotong's "off-court attention" sublimated the 8633 urgency that touched everyone's hearts; Li Xian repeated the most words: "3u8633 "Chengdu calls you", a little more warmth in his ability, in a word, all-star lineup, full tear-jerker.

Third, the sublimation model of "Captain China" is novel. No longer stick to the mode of realism or disciplinary lens focusing on the accident itself. It can even be said that 8633 only showed the "real core" to the audience after the successful backup.

If professionalism is the prerequisite for 8633 successful landing, but the continuous attention and close cooperation of the command center and various airspaces during the backup process have become a new thinking topic for the audience under the extension of the theater. Behind the 8633 emergency landing, the powerful capabilities of China Airlines are more reflected.

as a gift film, is such a core not correct enough?

You need to know that the real Sichuan Airlines 3u8633 emergency landing captain Liu Chuanjian was a miracle in which Liu Chuanjian’s computer simulation failed ten times afterwards. Liu Chuanjian himself won the 2018 Moving China Award. However, under the plot of the crew, Zhang Hanyu's crisis operations almost "reset" Liu Changjian's crisis operations at that time. exciting.

has just set sail for the National Day file, "Captain China" has already occupied a place in the National Day file, and the box office can also show the export score. "Only flow" theory is no longer a "good medicine" for the domestic film and television drama market today. On the contrary, the industry began toConsider how to make good works and tell good stories.

"Captain of China" is made by all the staff, it is the "pass" that can sing all the way in the National Day file! Second brush, arrange it!

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