There are only 900 negative reviews from 50,000 people! This unique police film is unforgettable

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Hello, everyone, today I am a showdown between good and evil! The films that I have pushed to you for many days are all classic old films of "artistic style". Although the quality has exploded, many friends find the story "dull". It doesn't matter. I also have a visual feast that is exciting and high-quality. For example, today’s police and gangster movie that reverses and reverses in just one day-

"Training Day"

There are only 900 negative reviews from 50,000 people! This unique police film is unforgettable - Lujuba

OK, as always, good movies always have a low-key name. Looking at the title and poster alone, many friends must be like me when I was young and ignorant. They thought this was a veteran policeman with new apprentices, teaching the "noobs" how to survive. In the end, the two joined hands to break the thieves’ nest, with a medal on the chest. Shining story. In fact, the first half of the film did start like this:

There are only 900 negative reviews from 50,000 people! This unique police film is unforgettable - Lujuba

The young, capable and ambitious Jack was assigned to the drug investigation department, following a well-known "drug veteran." This police detective named " Alonzo ", wearing a shiny black leather jacket and a thick and flashing "big gold chain" on the side of his neck, is an expert who knows how to penetrate the enemy. On the first day of the

There are only 900 negative reviews from 50,000 people! This unique police film is unforgettable - Lujuba

partner, Alonzo took Jack "the rookie" through the streets, getting acquainted with the various forces and arranging various strongholds. Such vigorous and vigorous actual combat training gradually dispelled Jack's doubts. Although Alonzo's method of handling the case was a little out of bounds, the image of a "hot-handed detective" gradually became taller in front of him. However, just as he was about to let go of his hands and feet and have a good time with the senior teacher, Alonzo's behavior not only became more and more extraordinary, but also became elusive for him.

Alonzo not only confiscated the drugs from drug dealers, but also used guns to force Jack to accompany him; and his authority among drug dealers does not seem to be as powerful as the rumors in the police world; what made Jack’s Three Views collapse the most is, Alonzo actually killed a senior informant who trusted him very much, and embezzled the money accumulated by the informant over the years.

Jack, who was dizzy and swollen, felt that all this seemed to be Alonzo planned, and the biggest "pit" in the plan, maybe Alonzo was going to use him to fill in... Suddenly, the film It seems that someone has tightened the clockwork, the plot takes a turn for the worse, and many gods unfold, which is dazzling.

This "Training Day" was released in the United States in October 2001. In March of the following year, the black Hollywood movie star Denzel Washington who played "Alonzo" finally took advantage of his impeccable acting skills in the film. He was the first figurine in his career and ascended to the throne of the Oscar winner.

seems to be too many great movies in Denzel’s career, and his personal style has almost obscured all the light of this movie, so this "Training Day" cannot be called a great top work in the hearts of many fans. With a score of 7.9 on Douban, the film cannot be called a "magic film".

​​However, fortunately there is Ethan Hawke . For this charming and unruly male star, my closest impression is still in the "Masterpiece" and "Pre-Destination", in this film "I chase myself, I fall in love with myself, I give birth to myself In the sci-fi fantasy film, Ethan Hawke plays the "Four Corners" alone, with a wave of psychedelic acting.

In "Training Day", it was Ethan Hawke who played the young police detective Jack that successfully "catch" Denzel's explosive performance. In the film, the roles played by the two people staged a confrontation between good and evil. Behind the film, the two fancy acting skills also played back and forth, making the audience outside the screen hooked. With the role of Jack, Ethan Hawke also successfully nominated Oscar for best supporting actor.

is exactly the match of the two starring opponents, which created the sublimation of the film's story, making the film's tension feel like breaking through the screen. The intricate and unexplained relationship between Alonzo and the gang, the sudden gunfire, the use and counter-use between the police and the bandits, and the fatal coincidence created by Jack's occasional line of kindness. All kinds of seemingly messy "side tasks", in fact, tightly around the two people, slowly unfolding, leading to the final main line.

Mention the movies about police and criminals. For Chinese audiences, the most familiar ones are Hong Kong movies. Duties and glory, brothers and grudges, can always stage a good show after another. And in this "Training Day", what attracts me the most is that it has a very similar taste to "Hong Kong-style police and bandits".

happened onIn just one day, the gangsters, the police and the gangsters confrontation, shuttled through the streets and alleys, wandering like a glimpse of the American street version of "Causeway Bay" and "Tsim Sha Tsui" until the final "mentor and apprentice" turned back, the truth Dabai, quite a bit of "infernal Affairs" charm. Under the popcorn trend of American gangster movies that are either biased towards gangsters or to the killer series, this unique "police charm" is always something I can't forget.

Facts have also proved that although the film’s rating is not against the sky, it is rated by 55,000 people. In 18 years, less than 2% have been rated. About 900 people gave negative reviews of one star or two stars. What is the value of this unpredictable movie? Just like "Alonzo" in the film, it is always unfathomable until the last moment.

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