Waiting for you to go home episode 7-8 plot introduction

neidi 1322℃

Waiting for you to go home Episode 7 plot introduction

  Jiangbei has repeatedly met Fangruo and was misunderstood by Xiao Jingru. Yin Wangao is greedy for vanity into Jiangbei's trap

   Fangruo went to pick Taotao from school. On the way back, Fangruo took Taotao to Meizi’s clothing store to pick clothes for her husband Yinan. Meizi welcomed her warmly. Meizi said that she and Fangruo hit it off at the first sight, leaving her to sit for a while to chat. Meizi persuaded her to marry such a rich child and it must be very hard for her to live in such a family. Fangruo tells Meizi that she gets along well with her mother-in-law, and her husband loves her very much.

   Xiao Jingru went to the business community and met Huang Jiangbei who had been promoted to President Huang. In front of outsiders, the two pretended to greet each other with enthusiasm and politeness. Xiao Jingru fights to the end, Xiao Jingru is not to be outdone.

   Fangruo's father Yin Wangao hid from Fangruo's mother and took Huang Jiangbei's money to pay off the debt of the antique shop. Jiangbei also printed his business card, and he was very satisfied. The mother blamed Yin Wangao for causing trouble to her daughter and told him to stay away from Jiangbei.

   At night, Fangruo got off work from the coffee shop. Huang Jiangbei waited for her at the door of the coffee shop and forced her into his car. Jiang Bei took Fangruo to the place where he proposed to her and asked Fangruo to divorce Yinan. Fangruo persuaded Jiangbei to give up her and find a woman who loved him. Jiang Bei took out the harmonica that Fangruo gave him and told Fangruo that his love for her had never changed. Fangruo said that it was impossible for them.

   Jiangbei sent Fangruo home. Xiao Jingru saw through the window. Xiao Jingru was very angry and asked her why she was dating Jiangbei. Fangruo wanted to explain but was speechless. At this time, Yi Nan came over and spoke for Fang Ruo, saying that he believed in Fang Ruo. Jiangbei deliberately made Xiao Jingru's family misunderstand that Fangruo was dating him, and called her again. Xiao Jingru turned the phone into hands-free. Hearing Jiang Bei called Fangruo dear, Xiao Jingru left angrily, leaving Fangruo speechless. Correct. At this time, Jiang Bei called again, and Yi Nan asked her to answer him. He wanted to talk to Jiang Bei himself. On the phone, Jiang Bei had just asked Fangruo to meet tomorrow.

   The next day, Yi Nan went to see Jiangbei instead of Fangruo. Jiangbei ignored him and wanted to see Fangruo. Yi Nan made sense to him, but Jiang Bei couldn't listen to it. He wanted to take Fangruo back. Jiang Bei said that Fangruo would fall in love with him again.

   Jiangbei came to Fangruo’s father Yin Wangao’s antique shop to help. Mother Fangruo felt that Jiangbei’s contribution to Fangruo’s family was very inappropriate, and criticized Yin Wangao, but Yin Wangao did not listen to her. He was still like Jiangbei as a family.

   Fangruo's parents told Fangruo about Jiangbei's affairs. His father Yin Wangao was moved by Jiangbei's affection for him, and felt that Jiangbei's infatuation with Fangruo was very valuable. Fangruo explained to Yin Wangao that everything Jiang Bei did to him was purposeful, and he wanted to dismantle Fangruo and Yi Nan. Yin Wangao didn't listen to Fangruo and Fangruo's mother. Because of Jiangbei's help, he became the general manager of the antique shop. He satisfied his vanity and insisted on supporting Jiangbei.

  fangruo took the initiative to meet Jiangbei at the seaside tower, to talk to him. Jiangbei called his cousin Meizi. Meizi thought Xiao Jingru gave her clothes in the name, and pretended to mention by chance that she saw Fangruo chatting with a man in a suit on the high tower by the sea. Xiao Jingru guessed it was Jiangbei, deepening her misunderstanding of Fangruo.

   Fangruo asked Jiangbei to meet and told him to stay away from her father Yin Wangao. Jiangbei refused to agree to her and continued to persuade her to leave Yinan. Xiao Jingru rushed to the beach and saw Jiangbei and Fangruo together. He misunderstood that they were dating together. Fangruo couldn't argue with each other. Xiao Jingru left angrily.

   Fangruo returned home and wanted to explain to Xiao Jingru. Xiao Jingru didn't listen and felt that Fangruo's old relationship with Jiangbei had relapsed. Fangruo explained to Xiao Jingru that she took the initiative to ask Jiangbei not to harass her family. She felt that she had done nothing wrong. But Xiao Jingru was still very angry at Fangruo seeing Jiangbei. Yi Nan believes in Fang Ruo, and feels she has done nothing wrong. As a result, Xiao Jingru became even more angry, feeling that her son had come to fight against herself for Fangruo, while she was dating other men outside. Jiangbei successfully separated the relationship between Xiao Jingru and Fangruo.

   Actually, Fang Ruo had been prepared for a long time and recorded her conversation with Jiang Bei. She gave the recording to Yi Nan and asked Yi Nan to listen to Xiao Jingru so that she would not be so angry. Yi Nan disagreed. He complained about what his mother did. Fang Ruo persuaded Yi Nan to understand his mother's love and asked him to hand over the phone recording to Xiao Jingru. Yi Nan agreed.

   Yi Nan recorded Fang Ruo's conversation with Jiang Bei to his mother Xiao Jingru, and Yi Nan made her mother believe and understand Fang Ruo. Xiao Jingru called Fangruo, gave her a check, and asked her to clarify the relationship with Jiangbei.

Waiting for you to go home Episode 8 plot introduction

   Yin Wangao suddenly realized the true face of Jiangbei, and his ex-girlfriend Xia He returned to China to fix his old love

  fangruo gave the check from Xiao Jingru to her father Yin Wangao. Yin Wangao was rude and unreasonable. He remembered Xiao Jingru's disdain for him before and didn't want her money. Fangruo asked Yin Wangao to leave Huangjiangbei, but Yin Wanggao was blinded by the hypocrisy on the surface of Huangjiangbei and insisted on thinking that Huang Jiangbei was love Fangruo and treated him well. Fangruo asked her father to return the money to Jiangbei, but her father refused to listen, which made Fangruo and Fangruo's mother speechless.

  Yinan came to Fangruo’s father Yin Wangao’s shop and reasoned with Yin Wangao. Yin Wangao brought his resentment towards Xiao Jingru to Yi Nan again. He did not listen to Yi Nan’s explanation and did not believe that Jiang Bei would bully Fangruo. Yin Wangao doesn't distinguish between black and white, thinking that Xiao's family is not good, but Jiangbei is good to him. Not only was Yi Nan not angry, he continued to patiently persuade him, but Yin Wangao refused to listen.

   Jiangbei cousin Meizi tried to persuade him to give up after contacting Fangruo's family. Fangruo's mother came to Jiangbei's house with a check, returned the money to him, and persuaded him to give up Fangruo. Jiangbei said that he could not forget Fangruo. Fangruo's mother begged Jiangbei to give up, and Jiangbei had to accept the check. Meizi hid in the room and heard their conversation. She was in a mixed mood.

   Jiangbei had already left a hand long ago, feeling that Fangruo's parents could not be touched positively, so he took extreme measures. He had bought out the guy in the store earlier and asked him to arrange for a group of people to come to the store and move the things out of the store on the grounds that the store was selling fake goods. Yin Wangao came to stop him, and a group of people beat Yin Wangao. Jiangbei pretended to be a good man and took Yin Wangao to the hospital and brought him to his home. Yin Wangao, who admired vanity, was quickly attracted by the luxurious costumes at home. Jiangbei's investment has won Yin Wangao's heart. At this time, Jiangbei's subordinates came down to report to him that it was Xiao Jingru's person who had beaten Yin Wangao, and Jiangbei wanted to blame Xiao Jingru for a self-directed and self-acted play, and divorced the relationship between Yin Wangao and Xiao Jingru. Hearing this, Yin Wangao realized something was wrong, and he suddenly realized that it was Jiangbei who had been playing tricks on him, so he angrily left Jiangbei's home. Jiangbei realized that he had underestimated Yin Wangao and made a wrong move.

  Yinan is painting at home, Yin Wangao came to Yinan's studio and asked him to give him a portrait. Yin Wangao realized who was really good to him. He knew that the son-in-law Yinan was the real good son-in-law, and although Xiao Jingru looked down on him, he really cared about him. They are much better than the false Jiangbei.

   cousin Meizi has changed her mind a bit. She wants to try to persuade Jiangbei to give up, but Jiangbei has no intention of giving up. Yin Wangao sent the portrait given to him by Yi Nan to his door, saying that he had only one painter son-in-law, in order to stimulate Jiangbei.

   Fangruo's parents came to Xiao Jingru's house, and the two families were extremely happy to get together.

   Jiangbei’s ex-girlfriend Xia He and Xia He’s mother came back from abroad. They came to Yi Nan’s house. Xia He still loves him as before. They don’t know Yi Nan is already married. Xia He wants to come back and start over with him, Yi Nan I resented that she left him when he was ill, and then came back again, in a mixed mood.

   It happened that Fangruo and Xiao Jingru returned home. Xiao Jingru was surprised to see Xia He and Xia He’s mother in her own home. Xiao Jingru resented them for leaving when Yi Boy was sick. Xiao Jingru introduced her daughter-in-law Yin Fangruo to them. Xia He heard that Yi Nan was married and ran out sadly. Xia He's mother comforted her that Xiao Jingru might be lying to them, and Fangruo might be his nanny. Xia He suffers from severe depression because of Yi Nan. His mother knew that Fang Ruo was Yi Nan's wife, but she begged Fang Ruo to deceive Xia He, because she was afraid that Xia He knew that Yi Nan would not be able to bear it when she got married. Xia He heard their conversation and ran out, almost hit by the car that Meizi was driving.

   Fangruo told Yi Nan that Xia He was suffering from depression, Fangruo felt that Xia He was pitiful, and asked Yi Nan to visit her. Yi Nan said he would not go to see her.

   Meizi almost bumped into Xia He and took Xia He mother and daughter home. After hearing what happened to them, Meizi stayed with Xia He mother and daughter to live in her own home. After learning that Xia He still wanted to be with Yi Nan, Mei Zi promised to help her.

   Meizi gave her home to Xia He's mother and daughter, and dragged her luggage to live in Jiangbei. She told Jiangbei about the return of Yi Nan's ex-girlfriend.

   Xia He thoughtLooking at her and Yi Nan's past, she felt that Yin Fangruo was Yi Nan's wife, he was already married, and Xia He's mother lied to her that Fangruo was just his family's servant. Xia He knew how sorry he was for Yi Nan when he left, and felt that Yi Nan would not forgive her. Her mother comforted her by saying that Yi Nan is a man of affection and would forgive her when she knew the truth.

  Xinglong tea shop opened by the director of Jiangbei Investment Liao, director Liao is the manager of the tea shop, and he sent someone to invite Yin Wanggao to be the director of the tea shop according to the agreement with Jiangbei. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To

Tags: neidi