15 popular Hollywood male gods VS now contrast photos, the original 00785 years old is still handsome

movie 1621℃

show business will always have an endless stream of handsome men and beauties, and the handsome guy who envied everyone will add a touch of wind and frost because of the baptism of the years. Let us take stock of the big handsome movie stars in Hollywood, now and when they were young Compare photos!

Tom Hanks : 63-year-old vs 39-year-old

15 popular Hollywood male gods VS now contrast photos, the original 00785 years old is still handsome - Lujuba

Tom Hanks, who has acted in many classic movies, touched countless audiences with his acting skills. I still remember that he was a fool in "Forrest Gump". Looks like?

▼George Clooney: 57-year-old vs. 28-year-old

15 popular Hollywood male gods VS now contrast photos, the original 00785 years old is still handsome - Lujuba

The handsome uncle George Clooney's thick curly hair at the time was not as silver and white as the later one.

▼Charlie Sheen: 54 years old vs 20 years old

15 popular Hollywood male gods VS now contrast photos, the original 00785 years old is still handsome - Lujuba

Jack ·Nicholson: 76 years old vs 31 years old

15 popular Hollywood male gods VS now contrast photos, the original 00785 years old is still handsome - Lujuba

Jack ·Nicholson, who has always been regarded as acting school, has acted in many classic movies, For example, films such as "The Shining", , "Flying over the Cuckoo's Asylum" and , have even performed villains in "Batman".

Clint Eastwood : 89-year-old vs 35-year-old

15 popular Hollywood male gods VS now contrast photos, the original 00785 years old is still handsome - Lujuba

, played and directed by Clint Eastwood, was a household name at the time for his aggressive cowboys and screen iron guys.

▼Hugh Grant: 60-year-old vs 34-year-old

15 popular Hollywood male gods VS now contrast photos, the original 00785 years old is still handsome - Lujuba

Hugh Grant, who used to star in romantic comedies, had gloomy and deep eyes when he was young.

▼Richard Gere: 71 years old vs 30 years old

15 popular Hollywood male gods VS now contrast photos, the original 00785 years old is still handsome - Lujuba

When it comes to Richard Gere, you have to mention "Pretty Girl". The image of a gentleman in the play fascinates many fans~

▼Bruce Willis : 64-year-old vs. 30-year-old

15 popular Hollywood male gods VS now contrast photos, the original 00785 years old is still handsome - Lujuba

Bruce Willis, who often plays the role of a police officer, is deeply rooted in the image of the classic film "Die Hard".

Pierce Brosnan : 66-year-old vs 35-year-old

15 popular Hollywood male gods VS now contrast photos, the original 00785 years old is still handsome - Lujuba

Speaking of Pierce Brosnan, one must think of him as the fifth Bond in the 007 series. He plays the role of a suave but gentleman in the film. He did not act against the harmony at all.

Kevin · Kos Turner: 63-year-old vs 32-year-old

15 popular Hollywood male gods VS now contrast photos, the original 00785 years old is still handsome - Lujuba

Kevin · Kos Turner, who once played the role of Robinson, was also very handsome when he was young.

▼ Mel Gibson: 63 years old vs 31 years old

15 popular Hollywood male gods VS now contrast photos, the original 00785 years old is still handsome - Lujuba

▼ Jude Law: 46 years old vs 23 years old

15 popular Hollywood male gods VS now contrast photos, the original 00785 years old is still handsome - Lujuba

Jude Law was unruly and handsome when he was young, and now he has a sense of maturity and stability that has increased because of the years.

Matthew · McConaughey : 51-year-old vs 27-year-old

15 popular Hollywood male gods VS now contrast photos, the original 00785 years old is still handsome - Lujuba

has performed many romantic comedies, such as "Ten Day Dating Manual", "Lai Family Five" and other films, Matthew McConaughey His acting skills have also received Oscar certification.

▼ Leon Nardo ·DiCaprio: 45 years old vs 19 years old

15 popular Hollywood male gods VS now contrast photos, the original 00785 years old is still handsome - Lujuba

The handsome boy who performed "Titanic" , and later moved towards the water gun route.

▼ Sean Connery: 85-year-old vs 28-year-old

15 popular Hollywood male gods VS now contrast photos, the original 00785 years old is still handsome - Lujuba

The first 007 Bond forever, his performance also laid the foundation for the success of the Bond series in the future.

Actors really deserve to be the soul of a film’s success or failure, not only the acting is important, but the impressive appearance is also very important~

Tags: movie