Too domineering! Zhang Yuqi's golden sentence: Money does not require reason

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Too domineering! Zhang Yuqi's golden sentence: Money does not require reason - Lujuba

Wonderful barrage, all in the client &xe61d;

reported on October 8 Recently, Zhang Yuqi was asked in an interview: “How expensive is it to buy? Reason?”, the domineering response: “If you have money in your card, nothing needs to be controlled rationally; when you don’t have enough money in your card, I think you need reason all the time."

Too domineering! Zhang Yuqi's golden sentence: Money does not require reason - Lujuba

Zhang Yuqi is talking When she started her own consumption view, she always said that she never bought a diamond ring when she talked about choosing a diamond ring in a live broadcast: “Never buy diamonds under one carat, and diamonds under one carat are collectively called broken diamonds.” Domineeringly said; "Broken diamonds are worthless." Netizens said one after another: "I don't understand the lives of rich people."

(responsible editor: Feng Xiaoyu_NBJS12019)

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