Tranquility is 46 years old, acting as a slapstick!

movie 125℃
Tranquility is 46 years old, acting as a slapstick! - Lujuba

"Sunny Day" is a quietly famous work, this movie made her a hot movie star. You know, the entire 90s movies basically belonged to her and Gong Li. In the interview, she also dared to say: By the time I was 23 or 24 years old, I was basically acting in a good movie. Of course, Gong Li was also very famous at that time, but she never made other people’s movies. It's all from Zhang Yimou. Apart from her, in the 90s, I really had no other competitors. But if Gong Li is going to make other people's movies, then I'm probably fine.

Tranquility is 46 years old, acting as a slapstick! - Lujuba

won the Best Actress Award at the 42nd San Sebastian International Film Festival at the age of 20. (That’s right, it’s the one that Fan Bingbing took some time ago, the one that was so hot.) At the age of 23, he was nominated for the Best Actress in the 33rd Taiwan Film Golden Horse Awards. At the age of 24, he won the Best Actress Award at the 20th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award for "Red River Valley". At the age of 27, she won the Best Actress in the 19th Chinese Film Golden Rooster Awards.

Tranquility is 46 years old, acting as a slapstick! - Lujuba

I still remember that in 2003, it was Serenity with long hair, and suddenly her bald head appeared at the press conference. This also became the original media headline, and one after another reported news about Serenity bald head. Tranquility's answer to the reason for the bald head is also very simple and neat: "It's too hot in summer to cut comfortably and cool." Regardless of whether there is any hidden feeling in this, tranquility is so bold.

Tranquility is 46 years old this year, both in terms of mentality and skin care are particularly good, and even participated in a reality show about love before. Many people watched the show, and they liked the performance of Tranquility in the program. It even felt so sweet. Regardless of the specific age, Tranquility is still quite young.

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