A new interpretation of the movie "Parasite", many people have misunderstood this "Excellent Work of the Year" that the President of South Korea liked

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A new interpretation of the movie 'Parasite', many people have misunderstood this 'Excellent Work of the Year' that the President of South Korea liked - Lujuba

This year’s movie market can be described as hot, not only has the reunion 4 finale screen, and Nezha has broken the record, but if you must choose one as an annual masterpiece, Mao Lijun will be elected this year Palme d’Or’s Korean movie "Parasite".

Of course, Mao Lijun is also extremely looking forward to "Joker" which has not yet been released but has been praised by word of mouth.

Today, Mr. Mao Li will explain to everyone this annual masterpiece "Parasite" that the president of South Korea couldn't help but praise.

Speaking of the movie "Parasite", word-of-mouth can be described as polarized. Some criticize it as too commercial and not worthy of Palme d’Or. Others think that the combination of business and art is its success; others think that although this is A good movie, but not enough to get Palme d’Or.

However, so far, there is still a high score of 8.7 on Douban.

A new interpretation of the movie 'Parasite', many people have misunderstood this 'Excellent Work of the Year' that the President of South Korea liked - Lujuba

Mao Lijun also read a lot of film reviews, but found that many people misunderstood the movie.

Although "Parasite" has a good reputation, it has not been released in China due to some "technical reasons", but I believe that my friends have seen this movie through various channels and have a good understanding of the plot. No longer follow the narrative line of the movie to repeat it.

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let's start with the analysis of the title "Parasites"

A new interpretation of the movie 'Parasite', many people have misunderstood this 'Excellent Work of the Year' that the President of South Korea liked - Lujuba

Some people say that the so-called "parasites", on the one hand refers to the poor living in the homes of the rich, on the other hand, the rich also rely on the services of the poor to survive , And therefore also a parasite.

But Mao Lijun does not agree with this view.

Because the division of labor in society is one of the signs of civilization, whether it is the poor using labor in exchange for remuneration or the rich using money to buy services, there is an equal cooperative relationship between the two. There is no distinction between high and low, and there is no need. Critical parasitic relationship.

On the surface, "parasites" naturally refer to two poor families living in the homes of rich people, but in fact, even this "parasitic relationship" needs to be discussed separately.

First of all, we have to clarify a concept-only those cockroaches and stove horses that live in the house without permission are parasites, but the cats, dogs and dogs that are allowed to live in the house are not. Wenguang, the nanny of

, ​​lives at home at the request of her employer to provide services more conveniently, so it cannot be said to be a "parasite". Her husband Wu Qinshi secretly lives in the basement and lives by stealing food from the kitchen. It is a "parasite".

Besides, the Kim Ki-zek’s family is a nanny who lives in the Park’s family at the request of the employer. Although it took some means to get the job, she also provided services that satisfy the Park’s family, so normally it can’t be regarded as " Parasites".

Jiyu, Ji Ting and Jin Da are in the same situation. Although they have used methods, the rewards they receive are within a reasonable range.

After all, Mrs. Park will also have her own small calculations. As long as they abide by the employment rules and stay within the boundaries, they cannot be said to be so-called "parasites."

Only when they took advantage of the Pu’s family to travel, lived in a mansion, and Jin Dad hid in the basement and lived a sneaky life, they became the “parasites” we discussed.

In addition to this superficial meaning, "parasite" also has a deeper metaphor, which refers to "people parasitic in a false life"

"pretend" the word appeared when Ji Woo counseled Duohui for the second time.

Because his parents favored his younger brother Dasong more, Dahui accumulated a lot of grievances in his heart.

When Ji-woo asked his sister Ji-ting to pretend to be an art teacher, Da-hye was worried that Ji-woo would fall in love with the art teacher, so he revealed to him the true face of his younger brother, Da-song, saying that he actually didn’t have any artistic talents, and those were all pretends. If there is no talent, there is no need to find an art teacher.

Ji Woo is naturally not too interested in these, instead let her use "pretend" to write articles.

Although the word "pretend" only appears once, it actually runs through the theme of the movie.

First talk about Wu Qinshi. He feels that living in the basement is very comfortable. Not only is there no pressure from reality

, ​​but he can also walk to the ground while Mr. Park is outside his family and pretend to live a rich life with his wife.

Let's talk about the Kim Ki-zee family. They all get jobs by "pretending", even pretending that the mansion is their home, falling into self-satisfaction with the illusion.

However, no matter how real and beautiful this "illusion" is, under the heavy rain of "reality", the cruel side of life will eventually appear in front of them.

The heavy rain may be accidental for the Ji Woo family, but this dilemma of falling from heaven to hell will inevitably happen. Even if there is no heavy rain, there is the possibility of identity exposure.

In the gymnasium where he took refuge, Kim Dad asked Ji-woo why he was carrying the stone, but Ji-woo said: It’s not that he wants to bring the stone, but that the stone always follows him.

There are many interpretations of stone. Some people say it represents "desire", while others say it is a "stepping stone".

But I don't think it is. When

Shanshui Stone was sent to Jiyu's house, a friend said, "This stone can bring wealth and luck to the family."

Jin Dad and Ji Woo are also like treasures, as if their lives can be fundamentally changed with this stone.

is just like in reality, many people want to get rich overnight, but hope that they are gambling, buying lottery tickets and other unrealistic methods.

The stone that can bring good luck is a kind of spiritual sustenance for Ji Woo and Kim Dad, but if this sustenance is taken too seriously, it will become an inescapable "monolith".

and the ending picture also shows that the stone does not represent desire.

Buying a luxury house is Jiyu’s dream and his desire. If he let go of his desire, it means letting go of the luxury house. The

stone may be said to represent a "fantasy and inaction", or a "illusion" used by the Jin family for self-intoxication. However, this "illusion" will eventually surface in reality.

Only by putting it down and stepping forward will it be possible to get the life of Jiyu's dream.

The "parasitic illusion" is not unique to the two poor families, and the same is true for the Pu family.

Mr. Park should be a technology upstart who has just made a fortune in recent years. Although they are among the rich, they are not really "upper rich."

We can draw this conclusion from several details:

First of all, Mr. Park’s industry is VR equipment, namely virtual reality technology (which also echoes the concept of "pretend"), and VR has only become popular in recent years. Emerging industries.

Secondly, Mr. Park occasionally takes the subway;

and Mrs. Park drive MiNi Cooper and friends who take a taxi.

It can be seen that the Pu’s circle of friends may not be regarded as the so-called "upper class", they are just successful strugglers, and the parasitic upper class is their "pretend". Mr.

Park (Mrs. Park) does not have artistic elements, but he likes to pretend to be elegant:

still hangs the introduction of the former owner (architect Nangong Xianzi) in their own mansion to show their own style; and Because he did not want to lower the so-called style, he found an excuse to fire the young driver.

Based on the previous analysis, the "parasites" on the surface are two poor families, but in the metaphor, the three families are actually parasites.

Let's talk about another very important concept-"plan"

Comparing two poor families, we can actually find that they have many similarities.

Faced with Wu Qinshi's plea, Dad Jin was shocked. He never imagined that anyone would be willing to live in such a dark place.

Wu Qinshi numbly thinks: He is not the only one who lives in the basement, isn't it the same for those who live in the semi-basement? The concept of

made Dad Jin speechless. At this moment, he hadn't realized that he and Wu Qinshi's ways of doing things were so consistent.

For example, when the internet is shut down at home and his wife asks him what plans he has, he will only give a plan such as "holding his hands up." In addition, after encountering the battle in the basement, facing the panicked daughter, he could only choose to escape. Although he comforted his children, he could not actually say any effective measures. The only difference between

Jin Dad and Wu Qinshi is that one lives in the semi-basement and the other lives in the deeper basement.

is rightThe sons and daughters said: Dad has his own plan, let them just forget it, but in fact they think it is impossible to have any plan.

Because there is no plan, it will not deviate from the plan.

Compared with social injustice, no plan is the root of the failure of Kim Ki-ze and Wu Qin-se’s lives.

Some people say that the Kim Kizak family is actually very hardworking, because they will also take the initiative to find a job, but in my opinion, the scene of the Kim Kizak family working at the beginning of the movie is quite ironic. When

got a job offer for the pizza shop origami box, they didn't use the attitude they should have to welcome the job, they just rushed to cope with the current predicament.

How can such a working attitude not be eliminated by society?

is as high as one-fourth of the failure rate and one-tenth is deducted. Can you say that they are oppressed?

It is not so much that Wu Qinshi and Jin Dad are imprisoned in the basement, but rather they are imprisoned in their own thinking.

They live in reality, but their spirit is parasitic in the illusion. Because

has no fundamental plan for a lifetime, they follow the trend and open a cake shop. As a result, if there is a problem in the cake shop, they will fail, and they have no firm goal. Once you encounter a failure, you think that even if you make a plan, your life is getting worse and worse. In the end, you live in a semi-basement, and you can only comfort yourself with a "false appearance" instead of jumping away, and you end up in an endless loop. The critique of the rich in

movies mainly revolves around "smell".

Class consolidation and class antagonism are naturally unavoidable practical problems, but in my opinion, the focus of the movie is not to depict class consolidation in the general sense, but to explore the reasons for class consolidation.

is also "the fighter who has successfully risen to the rich class, in order to maintain the so-called style, build a wall between himself and other fighters."

But what difference can actually be made between people?

Despite the high and low incomes, everyone is equal. Even the rich Mr. Park will still be excited about cheap underwear. The so-called class consolidation does not exist in reality, but more in people's hearts. There is also a description of "kindness" in the

movie. When making this video, I found an interesting detail. The box used to hold the stone at the beginning of

has a clearly visible Chinese paragraph-this passage is from "Zhu Ziyu" "Class" talks about the three realms of "benevolence", which will not be detailed here, and those who are interested can check it out by themselves.

"Parasite" finally ends in the small semi-basement of the Jin family. Many people would think that Ji Woo has not realized his dream, it is just an unattainable dream.

Actually, it is not necessarily

. If we ask "Did Jiyu realize his dream"

I don't think even the director knows the answer to this question. After all, the future is unpredictable, and whether a person can succeed will be restricted by many factors.

But if we ask "Is it possible for Jiyu to realize his dream"

then the answer is yes!

because he has taken the first step to success-"making a fundamental plan"

There is no denying that there is an unjust side of society, and many people may not succeed even if they work hard.

But clear plans and unremitting efforts will never be the reason for anyone's failure.

's self-made deeds are not a fantasy, and class boundaries are by no means insurmountable.

What reason do we have to question people who are fighting for their dreams?

Tags: movie