The movie "Yang Jingyu" released the ultimate poster trailer, inheriting the heroic spirit to be a strong Chinese

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The movie 'Yang Jingyu' released the ultimate poster trailer, inheriting the heroic spirit to be a strong Chinese - Lujuba

is a tribute to the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China. The anti-Japanese movie "Yang Jingyu", featuring the famous anti-Japanese national hero Yang Jingyu as the main character, released the ultimate poster and trailer today. It will be screened nationwide on the special day of September 18. Directed by Hong Kong director Lv Xiaolong, the film truly reproduces the heroic story of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Army, represented by Yang Jingyu, in the desperate battle between the white mountains and the black waters, and established Yang Jingyu's great image as a "national hero and pioneer of the country". Carrying forward the spirit of patriotism and stimulating national pride has important practical significance.

Be a hard-hearted Chinese who would rather die than surrender.

Judging from the trailer, the war action scene of "Yang Jingyu" is full of attractiveness. The soldiers of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Army fought with the mighty Japanese army. Scene after scene. At the same time, this movie also has a gripping storyline. The frenzied Japanese invaders dispatched a large-scale force to fight the Northeast Anti-Japanese War, and Yang Jingyu became the main target of the Japanese invaders. The story of intense excitement, wit and bravery began. The

trailer begins with a line from the suicide note of the Japanese officer Ryuichiro Kishiya: It may be inappropriate for His Majesty to launch this war of aggression against China. China has iron-blooded soldiers like Yang Jingyu and will certainly not perish. What kind of hero was such a shock to the Japanese army, from which we can see one or two things. Yang Jingyu contained 300,000 Japanese troops alone, and the fierce and courageous dispatch on the battlefield made the Japanese troops fearful. Besieged in the snow and ice, he shouted, "I am here, and the flag of the Anti-Union League is here", shouting the heroism of not giving way to death, and finally making a heroic sacrifice for being outnumbered. It was such an iron-clad hero that made all the Japanese soldiers present cry the cry of men.

The patriotic book of Chinese filmmakers, keeping in mind the mission.

In order to restore the true historical plot, the director led the crew to brave the freezing of minus 40 degrees and travel more than 10,000 kilometers to Mohe County and Hailin City, Heilongjiang Province, the northernmost part of China. Take a shot. According to the director, there were a lot of difficulties during shooting. One was that the journey was too long, and it took five days and five nights to drive. There were more than 200 people in the film crew, and it was time-consuming and labor-intensive to travel long distances. Another is the severe cold weather in Mohe. Most of the crew are from southerners, and they have never filmed in such a harsh environment. The bigger problem is that the local weather is severe, the equipment is too cold to turn on, and it can barely take two hours a day. Despite all the difficulties, the main creative team of the movie "Yang Jingyu" persisted in completing the shooting task. This kind of professionalism is admirable. The director of

, ​​Lu Xiaolong, was once an action actor. He directed, shot and released many popular and popular Kung Fu movies and won "100 Patriotic Movies". The popular "Great Wall Battle" is one of his masterpieces. As an overseas Chinese and growing up abroad, he loves his motherland deeper than ordinary people. Speaking of the original intention of the film "Yang Jingyu", director Lu Xiaolong has always had a patriotic and national spirit. He said, "Young people now have very vague memories of this period of history, and even don't even know it. I finished filming this film. After the play, go to school to show them to them, let them learn more about the spirit of Yang Jingyu. The national road show is in full swing, and the national spirit is immortal. The anti-Japanese memorial hall, military camps, grassroots and other places were screened and received a lot of praise. Thousands of viewers were deeply shocked and moved by the "Yang Jingyu spirit" after watching the film. A student representative said after watching the film "This movie gave me a deeper understanding of Yang Jingyu, especially his roar in the last scene of the movie. I saw the backbone and courage of a Chinese hero. At the same time, I also felt that the war of resistance was not easy, and the hero’s spirit is worth it. Let's learn, we must remember history and move on! "Although the filming process of

was difficult, director Lv Xiaolong said, "When I encounter difficulties in my work, I feel that Yang Jingyu is by my side, and he asked me to do this. So I didn't feel tired or hard at all, his national spirit and strength supported me. "When I heard the audience's comments on the film, the director laughed, "There are still many heroes in China, such as Yang Jingyu, Zhao Yiman, Zhao Shangzhi, etc. I will shoot these heroes. No matter how hard it is, I think this is me. duty of. "The

movie "Yang Jingyu" was produced by Changying Group Co., Ltd., Zhumadian Tianzhongren Culture Media Co., Ltd., Bayi Film Studio, Guangxi Film Group Co., Ltd., and Henan Songxun Culture Communication Co., Ltd.Produced by the company, Beijing Wanlong Feiteng Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd., Shanghai Nanjie Industrial Co., Ltd., Henan Caihongfang Wine Co., Ltd., the Propaganda Department of the Jilin Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Propaganda Department of the Henan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Propaganda Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Zhumadian of the Communist Party of China The publicity department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Publicity Department of the Tonghua Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the Publicity Department of the Xinyang Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China will be jointly filmed and will be screened nationwide on September 18.

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