Inventory: The four most failed characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Ultron is on the list!

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1. Ultron

Inventory: The four most failed characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Ultron is on the list! - Lujuba

"Avengers" series is very successful, Loki succeeded in becoming the first big boss relying on his appearance, Thanos dad comes with buff, and even destroying half of the lives in the universe can be successful from the comics. Said that it is for the good of the world to be willing to become the "villain" in everyone's eyes.

However, in addition to the successful introduction of Crimson Witch and Vision, Ultron's sense of existence is weak, and the tactics have also failed, so he can connect to Jarvis. I never thought about uploading myself to the Internet and backing up. a bit?

Even if Ultron is arrogant and thinks that he will not fail, he never thought that in this technological world, he successfully attacked the dominance of the Internet. He should be able to access some very confidential accounts without any password at all. Start a world war, right?

Silently, Ultron has given up so many possibilities of being able to fight smart wars. Instead, he chose to face up to the members of Fulian. You know, Ultron in the comics won in the end. It seems to be to induce the Scarlet Witch and Vision to draw a villain, as a transition between Loki and Thanos, it seems too weak!

Inventory: The four most failed characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Ultron is on the list! - Lujuba

2. Malekis

Although Malekis is a dark elf and the big villain in Thor 2, he is also the most forgotten character in the entire Marvel movie universe. First of all,

is his appearance. To be honest, sometimes I think that as a villain, he is actually just a stepping stone, in order to allow Thor and Loki to develop a human background of brotherhood.

The subtitle of "Thor 2" is "The Dark World", but the whole movie has almost nothing to do with the dark world, and it has nothing to do with the Malekiss that constitutes it. This villain just did something traditional villains would do, such as Dedicated to destroy the undecided universe.

Malkis is indeed a villain, but it's like a bowl of oatmeal without sugar and milk, dull and tasteless! A little failed!

Inventory: The four most failed characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Ultron is on the list! - Lujuba

3. Scarlet Witch

Elizabeth Olsen is very glamorous and has good acting skills, but sometimes it may make people think that it may not be suitable for the role of Scarlet Witch.

Although she should definitely be the first choice in terms of appearance, she is not quite right after thinking about it. Every time she was given a separate shot, she either broke down emotionally or broke out and launched the ultimate attack. It's all in slow motion, and the people watching it are almost exhausted!

always feels that Elizabeth is a bit too hard. The role of Scarlet Witch was originally because of the fact that the comics are so powerful that it was highly anticipated in the movie. But after she finished, everyone wanted to praise Scarlet Witch. The brilliance in the comics is secondly that she is beautiful, which is ugly, so many slow motions, it is not good if it is not beautiful!

also has the European accent of the Scarlet Witch. The Russell brothers explained that the Scarlet Witch and Kuaiyin’s family died during the war when they were young, and they were so displaced and stimulated and raised by Europeans, but it still sounds strange. !

4. Winter Soldier Bucky

Winter Soldier Bucky and the US team do have childhood sweethearts, but this cannot change the fact that from his first appearance to "Infinity War", his existence has only two goals, obey Command and fight, this role has never been truly real.

The real Bucky has only the scene before joining the army, and he is still human. Is this the fate of the Winter Soldier in the Marvel movie universe? Being kidnapped and brainwashed, and tortured for decades, such a story can clearly be a single trilogy, but in the comic story, that is, just a few words, the US team has been frozen for so many years and there is nothing to watch. Head, but Bucky has it!

If Bucky in the movie had some personality, it would be better, but he is no different from a machine, and it feels nothing special. If it is not a friend of the US team and a bit of fighting power, it seems that an individual can replace him.

is the importance of the character's temperature. He has never expressed sadness and despair about the things he has done, nor has he used humor to show that he is really cold-blooded and brainwashed and cares nothing, he just looks at the camera like this , Gasping for breath, as if muttering something in his mouth, nodded occasionally, as if the team with the United States had a clear heart!

I don’t know if the screenwriter is a little weak in handling the Winter Soldier, or he doesn’t want him to be too brilliant. Since the beginning of the "Beauty Team" series, he seems to be an otherwise ordinary taxi.Bing, then trapped in a place for brainwashing, just happens to be a friend of the US team!

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