Kite Episode 6 Plot Introduction

neidi 418℃

kite episode 6 plot introduction

   Zheng Yaoxian entered Yan'an under a pseudonym, Jiang Xin’s identity was confirmed by the organization

In the

   Central Interrogation Room, Lu Hanqing was subjected to various tortures and was tortured into a human form, but he was so strong that he did not say a word. Under Tianhu's severe torture, he was still chanting Mao Zedong's "Serving the People" with a sigh of force. The Zhongtong agent was so angry that he would send him on the road.

   But Tianhu is not a person who does things based on feelings when his brain is hot. Lu Hanqing's unyielding and unyielding made him see the power of faith, and he can't help but sigh that the Kuomintang lacks faith and is like scattered sand. Moreover, Zhong Tong Zhi always wanted to send secret agents to the Communist Party, but because he was unfamiliar with the other party’s words and deeds, he never implemented it. This incident inspired Tian Hu, so he let him leave Lu Hanqing’s life temporarily As a bait, he ordered his subordinates to study Marxist-Leninist works carefully, read Mao Zedong's articles, and strive to know oneself and the enemy. After three months, he would test himself, and set up a model and reward him. In order to prevent being brainwashed by the Communist Party in this process, Tianhu asked people to select the young masters of the landlord and capitalists who had a deep hatred with the Communist Party to participate in the event.

   The Kuomintang military transfer team went to northern Shaanxi to conduct military mediation for the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Han Bing, the chief of the Security Section of the Eighth Route Army in northern Shaanxi, transferred a front-line commander named Ma Xiaowu to the Security Section, and together he was responsible for his own representatives. At the same time, the secret telegram of the Shancheng Underground Party was also sent to northern Shaanxi.

   Zheng Yaoxian followed the military dispatch team to northern Shaanxi as the Central Daily reporter Jin Moran. As soon as the two met, Han Bing and Zheng Yaoxian secretly stared at each other. Han Bing saw that Zheng Yaoxian’s sharp eyes were different from the others, and concluded that he It is the Devil Six in the telegram.

   Zheng Yaoxian also saw Han Bing's concern for him, and secretly told Jiang Xin to apply to her and go to Yan'an for an interview. After Han Bing reported the situation to his superiors, the superiors decided to take the plan and catch the turtle in the urn, even if he approved Jiang Xin's request.

   At a press conference hosted by the Eighth Route Army in Northern Shaanxi, Han Bing, as a spokesperson, spoke to the Kuomintang representatives, American mediators and a team of journalists and gave a verbal introduction to the actual situation of the recent war between the two sides. Zheng Yaoxian publicly spoke as a reporter from the Central Daily News His identity was proposed to Yan'an for an interview, and he directly attacked Han Bing with sharp words, but Han Bing dealt with it in two ways.


   The Eighth Route Army formally gave a reply to the interview, Gong Shun felt that the other party’s response was too quick and unreasonable, and worried that there was fraud, but Zheng Yaoxian knew that this was a trick from Yan'an to ask Jun to enter the urn and wanted to close the door. dog. But he didn’t worry much, because he had already revealed his whereabouts to the outside world at the press conference, and the Eighth Route Army would not easily do it to himself without catching his exact handle. After all, they should pay attention to the influence. .

  Han Bing clearly knew that if it was not an important task, the military command would not send Zheng Yaoxian, the trump card agent, so she decided to report to Chen Guohua, suggesting that he consult the central government and order relevant personnel in the border area to closely monitor Zheng Yaoxian's actions.

   Before the outbreak of the Pacific War, the military reunification organization organized a lot of manpower and material resources to analyze the military dynamics of Japan. However, in the face of more than 300,000 pieces of information, they tossed for a week and made no progress, but Zheng Yaoxian only used it. Find out the decisive information in half an hour. He analyzed from a report on Japan's energy reserves that Japan lacks strategic materials such as rubber and oil, so it will not go north to attack the Soviet Union, but will go south to attack the American colonies in Southeast Asia, where rubber and oil are produced. It is precisely because of this that Zheng Yaoxian's name has become the only Chinese agent to be registered by both the US Strategic Intelligence Agency and the British MI6.

   Zheng Yaoxian’s glorious history is clear to Han Bing. Similarly, Han Bing was blacklisted by Japanese intelligence agencies because of his bravery, courage, and resourceful experience in pursuing Japanese invaders. The name is second only to his own past. Zheng Yaoxian also knows it clearly. Although the two have never met, But it can be said to be an old acquaintance and an old opponent. Ma Xiaowu couldn’t help being speechless when he heard Zheng Yaoxian’s glorious history. He felt that his personality was too straightforward to be suitable for security work, but Han Bing thought he had a silly face, and he couldn’t find him when he was thrown into the crowd. He was easy-going. If you are familiar with each other, you can associate with relatives. This isIt is an essential quality for security work.

   Jiang Xin quickly got in touch with the organization. After verification, her identity was confirmed. Not only was she an underground party, but she was also the precious girl of Deputy Director Jiang. Because Jiang Xin is still too young and inexperienced, all the joy, anger, sorrow and joy are written on his face. Chen Guohua is worried that he will expose his identity to Zheng Yaoxian, so that Han Bing finds ways to pay more attention to her safety. The heart stays in the side zone.

   At this time, Zheng Yaoxian was also playing his own Xiao Jiujiu. He instructed the palace concubine to hand over the photographic equipment with the micro-transmitter hidden to Jiang Xin for safekeeping, and ordered Jiang Xin to push out and lose the car in case of an accident. Bao Shuai. Gong Shun was ordered to hand over the photographic equipment to Jiang Xin and forced her to go with him in case Zheng Yao first had an accident. Jiang Xin smashed Gong Shun with disdain.

   Soon, Zheng Yaoxian went to the Yan'an base area that he had gone back thousands of times in his dreams. Han Bing was in charge of receiving him. After the two met, they exchanged tit-for-tat against the hidden machine, and neither of them benefited. There is no downfall. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To

Tags: neidi