Emergency Doctor Episode 29 Plot Introduction

neidi 1742℃

Emergency Doctor Episode 29 Plot Introduction

   Wu Zhongkai died suddenly due to myocardial infarction, Dr. Hai feels guilty and feels down

When the spiritual nutrition master was about to enter the operating room, he was still chattering with his three disciples about his spiritual nutrition. One of the disciples worried that after his carcinoid was removed, he would not have the symptoms of red clouds. The newly recruited disciples couldn't explain, but the master said that he had some excuses, so they were relieved.

Director Wu Zhongkai was the chief surgeon for this operation. He asked Haiyang to be his assistant and said that he would talk to him about Wen after the operation. Haiyang promised, but his heart was throbbing, not knowing how to welcome him. What is the result, but seeing Director Wu hesitating to speak, Haiyang feels very bottomless.

During the operation, Wu Zhongkai still tried his best to teach the ocean and teach him techniques. Just when the operation was about to end, Wu Zhongkai suddenly felt uncomfortable, so he asked the ocean to close the abdominal cavity for himself, and he walked aside to rest. . But when he turned around, he felt chest pain and tightness, and he fainted instantly on the ground. The medical staff on the side hurried over to perform cardiac resuscitation for him, but in the end Wu Zhongkai was not rescued. After the sea was stitched up for the master, Director Wu was pushed out, and he hid in the bathroom and cried. , All the medical staff who received the information rushed to send Director Wu off, and everyone was in a heavy heart.

After the operation, the master became even more proud and even more boastful. He saw that everyone was begging to sell his theory, and he even wanted to win over He Jianyi and Yin Xiang. These two were giving When a patient with gastric cancer in clinical practice was doing ideological work, the master kept chattering around. He Jianyi couldn't help but yelled at him, saying that the doctor who performed the operation was so tired that he fell under the shadowless lamp. Without the doctor's contribution, his illness would not be cured, and the master suddenly shut up.

Hai Hai was hit hard by the sudden death of Director Wu. He felt that as an emergency doctor, he could not do anything for him. He felt very guilty. In addition, he felt that he owed Director Wu an apology, which made him suffer. He couldn't work normally anymore, so he took time off and lay in the dorm and let himself be decadent.

   The emergency department has a huge flow of patients, and the doctors are too busy. He Jian loses her temper. When Dang Zhenni learned about it, she went to the ocean everywhere, and finally found him in the staff dormitory. Dang Jane struggled with all her strength, and finally persuaded the ocean to stop depressed and cheered up to go to work.

He Jianyi persuaded him after seeing the ocean and told him that Director Wu Zhongkai had just given the patient anesthesia during an operation ten years ago, and he received the news that his mother had died of cerebral hemorrhage, but he still insisted Finished the history of the operation for the patient. He Jianyi reminded Haiyang that as a doctor, you should not be so vulnerable and you should not let your bad emotions affect your work. Haiyang kept it in his heart after hearing the words, he hesitantly told He Jianyi about the plagiarism of his graduation thesis, saying that he would follow him if he wanted to kill or plagiarize. He Jianyi knew that Haiyang was a good doctor. He didn't want to ruin his future because of this. So he chose to open one eye and close one eye instead of pursuing it, and asked him to go with him to the early gastric cancer patient. The patient undergoes surgery.

The gastric cancer patient won the 5 million prize in the lottery ticket he bought before he fell ill. He was so excited about it. Before the operation, he said that if he recovered from the illness, he would give half of the prize money to the doctor. He Jianyi and Hai Hai half joked Just donate it to the emergency fund.

After Li Chengliang greeted Liu Huimin, he took Qiangqiang from school to his duty room in the hospital. Seeing that he lived in such a simple place, Qiangqiang asked him to go home. Li Chengliang sighed and said that he had made a mistake. ,Can not go back. Qiangqiang was still young and didn't understand the meaning of his father's words. He even made an idea to ask him to go back and apologize to his mother. Li Chengliang turned the topic helplessly.

   After learning from Qiangqiang that Liu Huimin was going to donate bone marrow to her daughter, Li Chengliang came to her and asked her to see Haoyue, and Liu Huimin took him outside of Haoyue's ward. The two saw Fang Zhijun looking inside at the door. Liu Huimin didn't pay attention to him at all. Li Chengliang didn't know what was going on, and even exchanged a few words with Fang Zhijun. Fang Zhijun felt embarrassed and quickly found an excuse to slip away.

   In the emergency department, a patient with abdominal pain was admitted, and all examinations were normal, but the patient was so painful that Liu Huimin watched her and ordered fasting water and nutrient solution. As a result, Qiao Na found that the patient no longer had any pain after receiving high sugar. Liu Huimin asked her to take the patient’s urine out in the sun to observe the changes. Qiao Na did what she said. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To

Tags: neidi