The Lost 1/2 Episode 6 Diversity Plot

neidi 1806℃

The Lost 1/2 Episode 6 Diversity Plot Introduction

Lu Jinyu secretly guards Su Yan, Lu Jinyu and Su Yan's scandal spread to a raging

   Lu Jinyu returned to her place of work and asked her director to go through the formalities of staying and not paying because Lu Jinyu wanted to stay with Su Yan for a period of time before she woke up. The director used to be the teacher of both of them in college. After hearing this, he remembered the previous school years between Su Yan and Lu Jinyu. He appointed Lu Jinyu as the monitor and Su Yan as the deputy monitor. With a stinky face, the director said that he still remembered her reluctance then.

   recalled back to Su Yan’s college days. Lu Jinyu attracted the attention of a senior girl because of her handsome appearance. The senior girl kept looking for opportunities to chat with Lu Jinyu, but Lu Jinyu ignored her and wanted to take Su Yan. As a shield, Su Yan ignored her. Afterwards, Lu Jinyu found Su Yan and wanted to chat with her, but Su Yan kept keeping a certain distance from Lu Jinyu, keeping Lu Jinyu away from herself, and told him about the transaction between her and the Han family. Lu Jinyu, you can't beat Su Yan.

   When Su Yan was in a sketching class, she made a friend, Wu Wanhua, but she didn’t expect Wu Wanhua to speak ill of Su Yan behind a group of senior sisters afterwards. Lu Jinyu accidentally heard these unpleasant words, and Lu Jinyu directly appeared and beat him. They interrupted their conversation and claimed to the seniors that the cadre dinner party that he was going to attend with the seniors was no longer there. When this was said, everyone present was embarrassed.

   Every time after finishing class, Su Yan would go to a restaurant to work part-time to earn some living expenses, but Lu Jinyu was not worried about Su Yan, so he secretly followed her to the place where Su Yan was working part-time, and kept paying attention not far away. Su Yan, who was on the go, waited until late at night, even though he was stung by mosquitoes, he still didn't want to leave. Among the crowd coming and going, Lu Jinyu saw no one else, only Su Yan.

   Lu Jinyu took a leaflet of Su Yan's working restaurant and came to the office of the Department of Student Union. Everyone was discussing about dinner. In order to help Su Yan get a good performance, Lu Jinyu led everyone to the restaurant where Su Yan was working, but he unexpectedly attracted it instead. Embarrassed. Su Yan was washing the dishes in the back kitchen. Su Yan asked Lu Jinyu why he brought them over for dinner, but Lu Jinyu bluntly said that he brought them here in order to help Su Yan earn performance. After Su Yan's work was completed, Lu Jinyu was still there waiting for Su Yan. Su Yan originally lived and worked in the restaurant, but suddenly the chef of the restaurant quarreled with his wife, so the boss asked Su Yan to sleep outside temporarily.

   Lu Jinyu took the initiative to help Su Yan settle the accommodation. The two went to the hotel together. Lu Jinyu helped Su Yan complete the housing registration and left. However, this scene was captured by other people with a camera. Han Juan was practicing swimming in the swimming pool. After taking a bath in the swimming room, he saw other girls gossiping about Su Yan and a man opening a room. It turned out that Lu Jinyu and Su Yan were spread to the forum by interested people. There was a lot of discussion about this. When Han Juanjuan saw it, she was furious, and immediately ran to the school to find Su Yan trouble, and slap Su Yan, but Su Yan did not fight back, just talked about the slap with Han Juanjuan, and since then the grievance with her was wiped out. . On the side, Lu Jinyu stepped forward to show everyone that he was chasing Su Yan, but at the same time, he also clarified to everyone that he and Su Yan were not as dirty as everyone thought, and did not do anything beyond the rules.

This article is the original story, please do not reprint without permission!

Tags: neidi