The 55th episode of the flower blooms and the moon is full that year

neidi 1818℃

That year, the flower blooms and the moon is full, episode 55 plot introduction

  Blessed in disguise, golden flower tea breaks out of the market, Zhou Ying rewards the shopkeeper

on the eve of the new year

No one thought that the tea that had been soaked in water tasted more mellow, so Zhou thought about how to sell it, but everyone knew that the tea was soaked, I'm afraid no one wants to buy it, in order to sell it. After going out, Zhou Ying thought of a good idea. She gathered several beautiful girls from the East Yard and invited Qianhong to teach them walking, sitting and making tea. She intends to train them into elegant and dignified ladies, and go to Yulong Tea House to make tea for the guests. tea. To start talking about this, Qianhong is best at it. Not only did she guide the girls' behavior, she also suggested that they re-order the autumn fragrant dresses that complement the golden flower tea. The combination is simply amazing.

Zhao Baishi has always been so unsalty and not indifferent. Wu Yi tried her best to please him. Seeing Zhao Baishi chanting Zhou Dunyi’s Ailian several times at home, she said that she bought a pot of lotus from outside and rebuilt it. However, when Zhao Baishi saw it, it was only a faint saying "I am interested." Wu Yi offered to accompany Zhao Baishi to study at the desk. Zhao Baishi agreed. She was overjoyed, holding Zhao Baishi in her hand to rescue herself that day The robe that Shi draped on his body sat aside and talked affectionately about his love for him, but he didn't want to say that Zhao Baishi fell asleep with his hand on his forehead, Wu Yi was very helpless. While putting on Zhao Baishi, Wu Yi found a piece of crimson foreign cloth hidden in his sleeve, and couldn't help but become suspicious again.

Wu Zezhong was about to enter Beijing after he left. Before leaving, he explained his views and ambitions to his master and classmates at the Weijing Academy. When he was impassioned, he suddenly saw the pseudonymous Sanzi working as a handyman in the Academy. Shen Xingyi, although Shen Xingyi covered it in every possible way, he was still recognized by Wu Ze.

After the Wu family’s tea was soaked in water, the Shen family dominated the family. Then Xie Shangde was sure that the merchants could only get the goods from themselves, and immediately rose up and grabbed the shelf. Not only did the tea price rise, but it also signed a contract for a limited time. , The crowds of merchants are in a hurry. In order to regain his previous face, he also deliberately went to close at noon, blocking everyone out of the door, and letting them come back later.

   However, what he did not expect was that he had just closed the door here, and someone reported to the merchants that there was a new tea from the Wu family, and everyone rushed to Yulongquan. At this time, Zhou Ying was making tea for everyone in the street with the slim girls. After tasting the tea, everyone felt that the tea tastes better than before, so they ordered her. Buhe was very happy and signed again with Yulong. Made an appointment.

When Xie Shangde had enough shelves, he found out after checking the door that there was no merchant in front of the door. Instead, there was a loud voice from Yulong outsiders not far away, so he ran to check, and found that Buhe took the initiative to ask the shopkeeper Yan. The five-year contract was changed to ten years, and the Shen's tea shop was greatly devalued. Xie Shangde hurriedly went back to report to Shen Sihai, and Shen Sihai had nothing to do when he heard the words, so he went to ask Du Mingli to do it again.

   Du Mingli originally wanted to let the Shen family advance funds to open a bank. After reading the account books of the various companies that Du Mingli had brought, he found that all the business was barely maintained, and he was shocked. Shen Sihai said that in one and a half years, the Shen family's signboard would be completely collapsed, but Du Mingli smiled sinisterly and said that Zhou Ying would not survive for a year. When Shen Sihai heard this, Du Mingli gave him a face-to-face instruction. .....

At the time when the Shen family was miserable, the Wu family was happily taking stock of this year’s income. The shopkeepers of various businesses all over the country gathered in Jingyang, and they handed over their years to the brothers Zhou Ying and Wu Weiwu in the Six Rafters Hall. Looking at the boxes of real gold and silver and the stacks of silver bills, the brothers Wu Weiwu happily closed their mouths from ear to ear. That is a total of four million taels of silver. How can we not let them? Excited? But Zhou Ying always smiled without speaking.

   After paying the bill, Zhou Ying had a banquet in the yard to entertain all the shopkeepers. A few shopkeepers who consciously earn the highest income sat in the chief, but they were politely invited aside by Wang Shijun, saying that the table would be reserved for distinguished guests. They moved a land, but they were told that they still couldn’t work. They were thrown out twice in a row.After staying, there were complaints, and they thought that the two tables were reserved for the officials. Everyone was very angry.

At this time, there was a voice of "a distinguished guest" coming from the door, and everyone turned their heads to look around. This was incapable of being surprised and delighted. It turned out that the so-called distinguished guest turned out to be the parents of these shopkeepers! Everyone burst into tears when they saw it. The boss still remembers his parents, how much affirmation and encouragement this is for them, everyone's heart is warm, and the few shopkeepers who just murmured are even more guilty.

Zhou Ying asked people to move a table, she stood up neatly, took up the wine bowl and toasted two bowls of wine, the first bowl was to the ancestors, thank them for their blessing, and the second bowl was to the father and mother of the shopkeeper. Wishing them longevity and well-being, Zhou Ying knelt down and knocked their heads upright. Then he asked Wang Shijun to change the wine jar for himself, and proudly toasted a jar of wine to the shopkeepers, saying that they were his brothers, and would like to help them in the same boat and share the blessings. These words completely moved these shopkeepers, and they expressed to Zhou Ying that they would never leave the Wu family and have been obedient all their lives. So far, the excitement during the dinner was brought to a climax.

After that, Jiang Fuqi gave everyone an even greater surprise and touch. First, the table was full of gold ingots to reward the shopkeepers Huang Chengcheng, and the second was when the Jingyang Confucian Temple was rebuilt, Zhou Ying donated a lot of money in the name of the shopkeepers. The transcripts on the stele inscribed with their names were obtained, which touched everyone even more, and one after another thanked Zhou Ying.

   While everyone was drinking, Zhou Ying found a corner and squatted on the ground alone. Whenever such a lively occasion, her heart will be more lonely and miss Wu Pin even more. After that, Zhou Ying went to the Shentang, lit the eternal lamp for Wu Pin and Wu Weiwen, and put on the incense again, sitting on the ground and talking to Wu Pinxu about the sadness of happiness that has passed since losing him. Wang Shijun, who deeply understands Zhou Ying's intentions, also stayed silently outside, licking the pain in his heart alone... (Original plot of Lu Juba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To

Tags: neidi