[Hot Interpretation] "Xiao Huanxi" Tong Wenjie encountered sexual harassment by his boss in the workplace, these six suggestions are for you!

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In April 2019, the tenth meeting of the 13th National People’s Congress conducted a second review of the property rights and personality rights of the Civil Code. On August 21, the Legal Work Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress held a press conference and notified the relevant civil law. The legislative progress of the drafts of each chapter. Among them, the main opinions on the second review draft of the draft edition of personality rights include detailed provisions on sexual harassment.

's recent hit drama "Xiaohuanxi" presents the reality of sexual harassment, which is a real, but hidden problem. There are old people at

, and there are Xiao Fangyuan and Tong Wenjie on the bottom. Every day they bear the pressure of the whole family: rent, mortgage, utilities, tuition for his son Fang Yifan to learn to dance, and alimony for his parents. Fang Yuan played the role of a "family cook" at home for a long time after being unemployed, and the economic pressure was more on Tong Wenjie.

[Hot Interpretation] 'Xiao Huanxi' Tong Wenjie encountered sexual harassment by his boss in the workplace, these six suggestions are for you! - Lujuba

Tong Wenjie's superior Raymond treated her badly and blocked her in the bathroom to harass her during dinner.

[Hot Interpretation] 'Xiao Huanxi' Tong Wenjie encountered sexual harassment by his boss in the workplace, these six suggestions are for you! - Lujuba

The unspoken rules of the workplace are a practical problem that many women face. Tong Wenjie’s experience has made many female audiences feel the same. They said, "No matter how fierce Tong Wenjie is, she should be very helpless in this situation. It was me that would have been wronged and crying. ".

In reality, many women who have encountered this experience either chose to forbearance or left because of fame, position, job, family partner, etc. Most of them did not dare to resist, nor did they dare to speak about it, even I dare not say it to the closest people.

Sexual harassment in the workplace is not a case.

On July 23, 2018, a woman posted that she participated in a charity walking event organized by Lei in July 2015. At the end of the trek, Lei chose to enter Beijing with her. She was sexually assaulted in the hotel where she was staying. According to the girl, interns and volunteers from other Lei organizations have been sexually assaulted by her. On the same day, Lei issued a statement in his personal circle of friends, acknowledging the allegations of sexual assault and was willing to bear relevant legal responsibilities.

[Hot Interpretation] 'Xiao Huanxi' Tong Wenjie encountered sexual harassment by his boss in the workplace, these six suggestions are for you! - Lujuba

Beihang Professor Chen sexually assaulted students: Chen, once worked in Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, was engaged in the teaching of postgraduates and doctoral students, and was selected as a special professor in the 2015 "Changjiang Scholars Award Program". On January 1, 2018, Chen was reported by his real name and sexually harassed several female students. Subsequently, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics conducted an investigation. It was determined that Chen's academic sexual assault was true and dealt with.

What is workplace sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment usually refers to sexual desire as the starting point, using sexually suggestive words or actions to target the harassed object, causing the other party's unpleasant feeling, usually the offender's body touches the victim's gender characteristics and hinders the victim Act freely and trigger a reaction from the victim.

Workplace sexual harassment is mainly manifested in the use of power to engage in sexual harassment, and the implementation of this behavior is not limited to the workplace.

[Hot Interpretation] 'Xiao Huanxi' Tong Wenjie encountered sexual harassment by his boss in the workplace, these six suggestions are for you! - Lujuba

In August 2018, during the initial review of the draft edition of personality rights, it stipulated that: “Where words, actions, or subordination are used against the wishes of others to sexually harass others, the victim may request the perpetrator to bear civil liability in accordance with the law. The employer shall Take reasonable prevention, complaint, and disposal measures in the workplace to prevent and stop sexual harassment".

According to the requirement of “Workplace Sexual Harassment Is Not Confined to Workplace” in the second review draft of the Personal Rights Compilation, in the future, the responsibility of relevant employers to prevent workplace sexual harassment will not be limited to “workplaces”, as long as it is a workplace that “utilizes power relations” Regardless of whether sexual harassment occurs in the workplace or not, relevant employers are in fact obliged to take corresponding measures such as prevention, complaint, and disposal to prevent and stop it.

How to face sexual harassment in the workplace

1. Be resolute and clearly opposed to

facing workplace sexual harassment. The victim should refuse from the beginning. The attitude of rejection must be clear. Tell the other party your displeas clearly. Don’t hold it contempt or ignore it. Attitude, patience or avoidance cannot solve the problem.

2. Decline unclear workplace social interactions

Try to avoid being alone with leaders of the opposite sex for a long time, and do not go out to eat, drink tea, or chat with leaders alone.

3. Don’t easily accept unknown gifts from others

In the process of work, some people will give special attention to some people in order to carry out sexual harassment. When the leader or boss gives you special attention, be vigilant.

4. seekThe object of help

can be family members, trusted friends or colleagues.

5. Pay attention to retaining evidence

Sexual harassment in the workplace mostly occurs in situations where there are only two people, so the preservation of evidence is very necessary. Please cell phone the other party’s documents of sexual harassment in time: telephone recordings, photos, , WeChat, text messages, emails, etc. may become key evidence.

6. Give others help in time.

If you see someone around you committing sexual harassment, please give the victim as much help and support as you can, and do not ignore or condone.

looks forward to the improvement of relevant laws and regulations

The second draft of the draft edition of personality rights investigates the civil liability for sexual harassment in the workplace, but the administrative punishment and penalties still need to be improved. The Law on Public Security Administration Punishments and the Criminal Law do not specify “sexual harassment” "Concept, we look forward to the clarification and refinement of the corresponding punishment regulations.

hopes that women can treat their careers with a normal heart in the workplace. Work is only part of life, not all. Don't sacrifice your dignity for some petty gains in front of you, and cause regrets in the future. If you encounter sexual harassment in the workplace, I hope you can speak it out loudly, so that the other person does not think you are weak and can be bullied, and further persecute you. Sources of

: People's Daily, China Central Broadcasting Corporation,

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