One Piece Animation stopped broadcasting! And Shueisha asked One Piece comics to start charging after May

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has recently been affected by the epidemic. One Piece officially announced that it will stop broadcasting the One Piece animation "indefinitely" after episode 930. When the new animation will be released will be notified separately. Of course, this is a last resort. The production of animation content requires a large number of computer technicians and artists to gather together. In addition, the dubbing environment of voice actors is often a closed space. Such an environment is very easy in such severe times. Caused a regrettable incident. And earlier, the editorial department of Shueisha had a confirmed case earlier last week, so the impact of this epidemic on One Piece is still relatively large.

One Piece Animation stopped broadcasting! And Shueisha asked One Piece comics to start charging after May - Lujuba

At the same time that One Piece Animation stopped airing, there was also a problem on the comics side. Shueisha requested that all platforms with One Piece copyright start charging after May. With the increasing awareness of copyright among Chinese people, and the fact that One Piece has always been free to watch whether it is anime or manga, Mr. Straw Hat believes that reasonable fees should be supported, but as audiences have more and more criticisms of One Piece With the suspension of animation and the charge for comics, how will this affect the excellent work of One Piece? The procrastination of the animation plot of

One Piece Animation stopped broadcasting! And Shueisha asked One Piece comics to start charging after May - Lujuba

encountered a crisis of suspension, which caused a large number of viewers to abandon the drama

​​One Piece Animation progress is much slower than the progress of the comics, part of the purpose is to ensure the sales of the comics, after all, for the fans of One Piece, it takes the first time. Know what happened. Another part of the purpose is to allow enough time for animation production. The problem lies in the animation, one episode a week, one episode is about 25 minutes of plot, including six minutes of opening and ending, five minutes of memories, plus some insignificant plots, such as meaningless running, facial expressions, etc. Wait, this is another five minutes. The rest is the new plot. This is the case every week. I believe that most Haimi watch animations by pulling the progress bar, just like watching a small movie.

One Piece Animation stopped broadcasting! And Shueisha asked One Piece comics to start charging after May - Lujuba

Because of the procrastination of the animation plot, some people give up their attention to animation early, and only need to wait for the comics every week, and the problem is solved in a few minutes. And there is no longer the previous passion for One Piece. The plot can be saved for a few weeks or even months and then watch slowly without feeling like I missed something. After watching the saved part, I found that the plot hadn't progressed much. This time I encountered the suspension. Although it was forced to stop the broadcasting, in the comments on some forums and related articles, everyone collectively broke out dissatisfaction with the procrastination of the animation plot. "No Pirates After the Top" was watched in some cases. There seems to be some truth. The story of

One Piece Animation stopped broadcasting! And Shueisha asked One Piece comics to start charging after May - Lujuba

is becoming boring and the platform charges further increase the criticism.

​​One Piece has a history of more than 20 years since the update. The huge worldview and excellent story have allowed the audience to persevere, but everything is after the war Changes have taken place. The original compact and tense plot has slowed down. It is common for an enemy to fight for a few months. It took two years for the story of Dres Rosa to end. And all this in the world of One Piece only happened in a few months. After the plot enters the country of Wano, there are more unimportant plots.

One Piece Animation stopped broadcasting! And Shueisha asked One Piece comics to start charging after May - Lujuba

encountered platform charges again at this juncture. Straw Hat once said that excellent works can charge the audience a reasonable fee, but at least the current plot Straw Hat feels that it is becoming more and more perfunctory. The only thing that Straw Hat feels has improved significantly. The translation level has indeed improved a lot, and I believe many viewers think so too. For the current plot, Straw Hat feels a bit unsatisfactory. As for the issue of charges, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom. The only thing that Straw Hat feels significantly improved is that the level of translation has indeed risen a lot.

One Piece Animation stopped broadcasting! And Shueisha asked One Piece comics to start charging after May - Lujuba

One Piece’s IP value gradually declines

​​With more and more excellent animations slowly gaining a foothold in this valuable industry, as well as the problems of One Piece itself, the popularity of One Piece is declining. The IP value ranking of "Shounen JUMP" dropped from seventh place in 2018 to ninth in 2019. Although "Shounen JUMP" includes many works, such as full-time hunter, Gintama and other works, but One Piece is among them The status is very important, and the decline in the commercial value of One Piece is bound to shrink the commercial value of "JUMP". The commercial value of One Piece has indeed fallen a lot in recent years. among themIn addition to the two points mentioned above by Mr. Straw Hat, is there another important reason that is caused by poor peripheral management? The main one is that the game made with the theme of One Piece is unsatisfactory, and the external expansion has encountered a bottleneck, except for a few years. The one-piece theatrical version of One Piece attracted a wave of enthusiasm, and it usually continued to be tepid.

One Piece Animation stopped broadcasting! And Shueisha asked One Piece comics to start charging after May - Lujuba

hopes that Guoman will seize the opportunity to seize the opportunity to chase

. The current epidemic has caused the world to be in chaos, and the comic industry in various countries has also been hit to varying degrees. However, due to the domestic front-line personnel's life-staking efforts and the public's unconditional support for policies, Production has been resumed for a while, and it is the safest country. The animation industry is undoubtedly a golden period of development. Everyone will stay at home as much as possible except for commuting. With the suspension of many foreign animations, good domestic animation works will naturally emerge, and there will be more exposure opportunities. . But we have to face the gap. Pokemon, Marvel, Juvenile JUMP and other giants can not catch up in a short time. I hope that excellent National Man IP can create a world.

One Piece Animation stopped broadcasting! And Shueisha asked One Piece comics to start charging after May - Lujuba

Summary: With the suspension of One Piece Animation and the start of charges for comics and the continuous decline in quality of Shanghai One Piece in recent years, audience dissatisfaction has exploded. While supporting reasonable charges, we hope that the quality of animation can keep up. The decline in the popularity of One Piece and the decline in commercial value have also affected the IP commercial value of the entire "Juvenile JUMP". I hope that Guoman can grasp the current golden age of development and pursue the victory.

One Piece Animation stopped broadcasting! And Shueisha asked One Piece comics to start charging after May - Lujuba

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