Korean drama is very cheap Chollima Supermarket episode 8 plot introduction

neidi 1831℃

Korean drama is very cheap Chollima Supermarket episode 8 plot introduction

   Zheng Fudong went to the duel and went wrong, prompting a big sale of roasted chicken. Wen Shuojiu's proposal for the fried rice cake branch was adopted

Wen Shuo Jiu went to work early in the morning and felt that his mother got up early to help him prepare lunch boxes for him. Wen Shuo Jiu promised to enjoy it. When he arrived at the supermarket, he heard a report from Pierley that he had lost four Baya employees. In the morning, they also served as a shopping cart for the guests, but disappeared in the afternoon. Wen Shuojiu reported the matter to Zheng Fudong.

Zheng Fudong led Wen Shuojiu, Zhao Meilan, and Pierley respectively to find a photo of an employee. One of them came back soon. Seeing that everyone was busy looking for him, he was enthusiastic, and quickly explained that he was helping one. Wen Shuojiu hurriedly asked him about the whereabouts of the other three people. He guessed that he was also helping the customer out.

At this moment, Zhao Meilan hurriedly reported to Wen Shuojiu. The other three people performed Baya dance for the elderly in the nursing home. The five of them hurried over. Pierley immediately joined them. Zheng Fudong and Wen Shuojiu were also infected. Sing and dance with the old people. Afterwards, Wen Shuojiu reminded the four of them to ask for instructions in advance when they went out to work, but they felt that South Korea did not take good care of the children and the elderly, and they were not as good as the Baya people. This made Zhao Meilan, Wen Shuojiu and Zheng Fudong deeply ashamed. On the pretext of being busy at work and ignoring the loneliness of children and parents, Zheng Fudong immediately decided to let Pierlie and Baya employees take care of the services of the elderly. They vowed not to disappoint Zheng Fudong.

Wen Shuo Jiu came to work early in the morning and saw a lot of elderly people in the supermarket. Pieley brought members of the Baya tribe to perform singing and dancing, and took the opportunity to sell coupons to the elderly. Wen Shuo Jiu thought it was a fraud, but Zheng Fudong But I feel very good and fully support their approach. Wen Shuojiu came home from get off work and found that the employees were all gathered together to watch the reality show of the survival matchup on TV. Today is the supermarket chapter. The contestants are Hydra supermarket and Terai supermarket. The president each took out an oversized box with only A small Wannian ginseng chocolate ball and a bag of 600g dumplings are only half filled, and they are sold at a price of 200 yuan more than the original price. Wen Shuojiu sneered at such a program, but he did not expect to sit firmly in the ratings. One.

At this moment, the third challenger appeared on TV. It turned out to be Zheng Fudong. He brought a large box of eight roasted chickens. In fact, he picked several parts from six whole chickens to make a chicken. The creative idea of ​​"Hydra" won enthusiastic applause from the audience, but the president of Hydra Supermarket raised questions on the spot, repeatedly stating that the price he was selling was too cheap, and that there were seven chickens in a box. Zheng Fudong quickly opened the confirmation and admitted that he was wrong. The news was immediately It caused a great uproar. The citizens felt that the supermarket made a mistake and they took advantage of it, and they lined up to buy it at the Chollima Supermarket. Wen Shuojiu was ecstatic, but Zheng Fudong was not happy.

   Jin Da Ma learned that Zheng Fudong had once again created a hot sales situation and praised him greatly. Jin Jia carefully cooked the fried rice cakes and invited Quan Yingjiu to taste it personally. Quan Yingjiu was so hot that he had a fire in his throat, but he resisted swallowing it and praised Jin Jia’s craftsmanship. Quan Yingjiu deliberately did this, just to kill two birds with one stone. , He decided to give Zheng Fudong full responsibility for this matter, let him clean up the mess for Jin Jia, but also make Jin Da Ma completely disappointed in Jin Jia.

   Quan Yingjiu came to Zheng Fudong and asked him to help Jin Jia prepare the No. 1 fried rice cake store in the Chollima Supermarket. Zheng Fudong agreed without saying a word. On the contrary, Quan Yingjiu could not figure out his mind and guess Zheng Fudong's thoughts. Zheng Fudong took the fried rice cakes made by Jinjia for the employees to taste. Wen Shuo Jiu and Wu Renpei complained incessantly after taking a bite. They were so spicy that they could not speak. Wen Shuo Jiu resolutely refused to open the store because of Jin Jia’s. Stir-fried rice cakes are too unpalatable, but the Bayan employees love the taste.

Jinjia’s No. 1 fried nian gao shop officially opened. In an interview with the media, Jin Jia publicly announced that it would open one hundred branches across the country. The National Dried Rice Cakes Federation convened individual vendors to come to the supermarket to demonstrate and protest. Brought Jinjia and Kwon Youngjiu to inspect the Chollima Supermarket in person. The employees lined up to welcome their arrival. Jinjia cut the ribbon for the No. 1 shop. Jinjia served the fried rice cakes made by himself for Jindama to taste. Kwon Youngjiu desperately stopped the company. , But he insisted on having a taste.

   Golden Horse is so hotHe fainted on the spot, Quan Yingjiu and Zheng Fudong hurried to rescue him. An ambulance rushed in. Jin Jia cried heartily. Quan Yingjiu was kind to him. Jin Da Ma suddenly woke up. He was angry with Jin Jia. Quan Yingjiu drove off the ambulance, and Jin Jia squatted on the ground and groaned. Wen Shuo Jiu appeased the individual vendors who came to demonstrate and immediately wrote a plan. He wanted the national rice cake masters to cooperate with the Malaysian group and join in the form of branches. They can add their previous signatures and new storefronts. The decoration cost was borne by the Malaysian Group. With the support of the Fried Rice Cake Association, he handed over the plan to Zheng Fudong.

   Jin Da Ma called Jin Jia, Quan Yingjiu and Zheng Fudong to be held accountable together, and asked one of them to bear the blame. Zheng Fudong came up with Wen Shuo Jiu's plot, and Jin Da Ma and Jin Jia were both satisfied. The fried rice cake shop officially opened, and it immediately attracted many customers to line up to taste it. Wen Shuo Jiu did not expect this. He thanked Zhao Meilan for helping to persuade the individual bosses. The two of them had a drink to celebrate. They both changed their cups. Wen Shuo Jiu Soon after she drank too much, Zhao Meilan took it out of Wei's house and saw Wen Shuojiu squatting beside the railway in a daze.

   Zhao Meilan took Wen Shuojiu home, but he swayed and couldn't walk, Zhao Meilan had to carry him on his back and hurry.

   Zheng Fudong reported to Jin Da Ma that this plan was proposed by Wen Shuo Jiu, and all the credit should be attributed to him. Zhao Meilan sent Wen Shuo Jiu home and found that the house was neat and tidy, but Wen's mother was not at home. Wen Shuo Jiu had to tell him that on the day of his college entrance examination, his mother died in a car accident in order to send him a lunch box, but he felt that his mother was still with him. By her side, Zhao Meilan was moved to tears by his narration. Wen Shuojiu thanked her for her company and made herself no longer alone. It was also because the supermarket staff made his life colorful.

Tags: neidi