There is a guy in the United States named Johnson, a guy in England named Statham, and a guy in China named...

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Watching movies or TV shows is a way of leisure and entertainment that everyone chooses in life or after work and study. Film and television dramas are based on life, but higher than life. There are many memorable classic roles in many film and television dramas. Among them is a kind of character, they have a strong body, vigorous skill, rough personality. Today I will introduce the images of a few men.

There is a guy in the United States named Johnson, a guy in England named Statham, and a guy in China named... - LujubaThere is a guy in the United States named Johnson, a guy in England named Statham, and a guy in China named... - Lujuba

There are many images of men in American film and television dramas. Today I will introduce you to Dawn Johnson. Johnson's nickname is Boulder. The title of Boulder comes from his huge muscles. Johnson was originally a professional wrestler, and his status as an athlete allows him to have a strong body. He also mostly played some very man-like characters in the movies.

There is a guy in the United States named Johnson, a guy in England named Statham, and a guy in China named... - Lujuba

Jason Statham is from England. He was also an athlete before, he was a member of the British national diving team, and later entered the showbiz. Most of the images he plays in the movies are those of masters with strong bodies and tough skills. He is indeed a man.

There are also many men in China. The man introduced to you today does not have the skills of the first two, but he is equally worthy of this title. He is Jiang Wen. When Jiang Wen first starred in the movie, he gave everyone the bad impression of being a literary youth, but later his roles were the images of some rough men, such as Zhang Mazi in "Let the Bullets Fly".

Do you still know that those people can be called men?

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