Legend of Chong Er (Chong Er Chuan) Episode 21

neidi 954℃
Chong Er Legend (Chong Er Chuan) Plot Introduction:

Legend of Chong Er (Chong Er Chuan) Episode 21 - Lujuba

Chong'er legendary TV drama introduction episode 21: Li Mi is waiting for Chong'er to return, Qi Jiang conceals that he is poisoned

Qi Jiang tells Chong'er that he misses him very much, Chong'er asks Qi Jiang to do something for him, and Chong'er masks and pushes with meson Waiting for someone to rescue the descendants of the public by accidentally hitting an arrow, severing the ears opened Qi Jiang and drew his sword, Qi Jiang felt distressed and helped him with medicine.

In the Pure Shrimp Palace, Jinhou received a report that the killing of the public was blocked, and the people in black were helping, and the people in black were very similar to Chong'er. Yun Ji pretended to intercede for Fox Ji and Chong'er to make Jinhou angrily leave , Chong Er returned to the palace and turned around and found that Jinhou was waiting for him with someone. The guards verified that Chong Er's arm was indeed injured. Jin Hou drew his sword in a hurry. Just as Fox Ji ran to protect Chong Er, Jinhou was angry and wanted to kill Chong Er, Qi Jiang It’s her job to hurriedly show up and let go of the public clan. To threaten Jin Hou for personal gain and to kill the public clan and also want to kill Princess Qi Jiang will give all countries a reason to send troops. Jin Hou was angry and ordered to punish Hu Tu and Hu Tu. The two sons were tortured outside the palace. Qi Ji was strong and gentle and persuaded Qi Jiang not to help Chong Er for Shen Sheng. Qi Jiang was upset and decided to consult with Chong Er. When she got outside, he heard Fox Ji persuade Chong Er to marry Qi Jiang as his wife and get Qi Guo's help. Chong Er However, he told his mother that he and Qi Jiang were not a relationship between men and women. Qi Jiang was hit hard and ran away in the rain. The next day he suffered from a cold wind. Qi Ji heard it was cold and sent someone to guard him outside the door for fear of being infected. , Shen Sheng was stopped angry and shouted that the guards made medicine for Qi Jiang.

Chong Er also sat at the door with a lot of thoughts and made medicine, looking at the umbrella left at the door thoughtfully, and sent the medicine to Qi Jiang himself after boiling the medicine, but Qi Jiang was sad and unwilling to see Chong Er, Chong Er could only give the medicine to the maid He also told the maid to take care of Qi Jiang, and Ziyu calculated that Chong Er had committed a peach blossom triumph.

Yiwu rummaged in Yunji's room and was bumped into by Yunji. Yiwu asked her mother to give Qi Jiang the pill to cure the wind and cold. Yunji heard that Qi Jiang was unwilling. Yiwu analyzed to her mother that it would be beneficial to save Qi Jiang. Qi Jiang's heart soft medicine drank Zhonger's medicine, but the medicine was overturned by a stone. Yiwu walked in and admitted that it was the stone he had thrown and took the pill and took Qi Jiang carelessly to let her eat it. Qi Jiang was very angry and wanted to drive him away. Yiwu took out the silver needle and tried the medicine dropped on the ground. It was found to be poisonous. Qi Jiang didn’t believe that it was because of the poison by Chong Er and suspected that Yiwu was causing trouble. Yiwu angrily told Qi Jiang that he saw her maid poisoning the medicine. Qi Jiang Yi contemplated that it was Qi Ji’s poison. In order to cause Qi and Jin’s struggle, Qi Ji actually aligns with Jiang’s poison, and took advantage of Qi’s power to abolish the monarch and let Shen Sheng rise. Qi Jiang hurriedly prevented Yiwu from talking about her. Being poisoned, Qi Jiang excuses that he does not want to be sent back to Qi country to ask Yiwu to conceal that he was poisoned. Yiwu tells Shen Sheng that he has saved Qi Jiang with the god pill, and Shen Sheng is very happy.

Li told her that Chong'er was a rare man in this world and waited for Chong'er to come to her. Qi Ji came to visit Qi Jiang and told Qi Jiang before the bed that she could sacrifice everything for Shen Sheng. Chong'er saw that the winter clothes sent by Li Heng had a note in it. At this time, Fox Ji gave Chong'er winter clothes and found that someone had given Chong'er winter clothes. Chong'er confessed to her mother that the winter clothes were sent by Lixie. Fox Ji learned that Qi Jiang had given Chong'er earrings and warned. Chong'er shouldn't double-heartedly repeat his own back road emotionally.

Jin Hou received the gift form sent by Qi Guo to say Xie Yiwu to save Qi Jiang. Jin Hou blamed Qi Ji for poor management of the house and changed it to Yunji. Qi Ji learned that Yun Ji took care of the harem affairs, and was so angry that she couldn't help herself.

Fox Ji visits Qi Jiang and hopes that Qi Jiang will understand that Chong'er does not understand men and women. Give Chong'er more time. Qi Jiang confides her troubles to Fox Ji. Fox Ji shows her earrings to Qi Jiang and tells her that Chong'er wears them next to her body, Qi Jiangyi She was secretly delighted in Ting Zhong Er's heart.

Tags: neidi