When Trump and Modi were talking and laughing, there was a big conflict not far away

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The picture of When Trump and Modi were talking and laughing, there was a big conflict not far away - Lujuba

comes from a screenshot of CCTV News.

From February 24 to 25, US President Trump made his first official visit to India.

did not expect that at this time, the most serious bloody conflict broke out on the streets of Delhi in decades.

The worst

bloodshed in decades began on February 23, the day before Trump’s visit. On the same day, intense violent clashes between Muslims and Hindus took place in communities such as Karawaal Nagar and Seelampur in northeastern Delhi. , The riot police immediately intervened, but was accused by the Muslims of being "favorite to Hindus", which intensified the conflict. Some witnesses said that on the 25th, Hindus holding iron rods sang religious songs and smashed the Muslim community, and were immediately violently returned by Muslims.

On the same day, a Hindu man boarded the minaret of a mosque in Ashok Nagar, smashed the speaker, inserted the Indian flag and Hindu flag, and uploaded the video to the social network platform, which intensified the conflict.

That night, the mosque was burned down, and the conflict and violence became more and more uncontrollable, forcing the Chief Minister of New Delhi, Kerriwal, to call for a curfew and military intervention in northeast Delhi. According to incomplete statistics, the riot resulted in at least 21 deaths and nearly 200 wounded, including Sharma, an intelligence agent of the Indian Intelligence Agency, who was attacked and beaten to death by a mob. His body was found in the sewer on the 26th. The climax of the three-day riots was on the 24th and the 25th. Trump, who visited in the two days, were in the capital New Delhi and in Ahmedabad, the hometown of Prime Minister Modi.

As the British "Guardian" observer Rao ridiculed, "When the bloody and violent conflict was happening a few miles away, Trump spoke indifferently."

In order to ensure that Trump, the "super foreign guest," has a pleasant trip to India, Modi has painstakingly carried out a lot of "image projects", including changing the water of the stinking Delhi river and building a wall to avoid Trang Pu saw the slums near Ahmedabad Airport.

Therefore, it is really not easy to say whether Trump really couldn't see or hear during the two days of his visit to India.

The "model project" is a fuze, and ethnic conflicts are the root cause

Some people pointed out that it was the Indian federal government's "model project" to welcome Trump that triggered this unprecedented violent conflict.

In order to "clear the field" for Trump's visit, before his arrival, the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party politicians tried to threaten the demonstrators with inflammatory language, and even threatened to "fire at all costs" and issued "Arrival at Trump." The ultimatum "must end before the visit" finally intensified the contradiction.

Previously, the protest sit-in in New Delhi, the capital, had lasted for two months. The aforementioned "ultimatum" was issued precisely because the authorities were impatient to protest the prolonged delay. If there is no "ultimatum" radical change, violent riots may not necessarily break out, but the hidden dangers will not be eliminated at all-because the root is ethnic conflict, and the fuse is Modi's series of policies.

Modi came to power relying on the fanatical support of Hindu populism, and the Bharatiya Janata Party is a party with a strong Hindu populist color.

In recent years, due to the lack of bright spots in the economy and infrastructure, the support rate of Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party, which was once so high, has fallen. Seeing and worrying about it, Modi immediately adopted a series of measures aimed at pleasing the Hindus. Measures.

At the beginning of 2019, Modi hinted that he hoped to strengthen the status of "Hindu values" when attending the activities of traditional Hindu festivals in many places. This made many people worry that he intended to promote Hinduism as the state religion.

In the second half of last year, Modi piloted the "National Registration Law" in Assam, resulting in the group of 1.9 million people being identified as "illegal immigrants", most of them Muslims;

last December, the Modi government forced the " The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) granted Indian citizenship to refugees from all major religions in South Asia except Muslims, which triggered a wave of large-scale, nationwide protests.

India is a multi-religious and populous country with a Muslim population of more than 200 million. If blindly pleasing, condoning, and protecting Hindu populism, it may cause ethnic divisions and vendettas across the country.

On the 24th, Trump said at a press conference in Delhi that he "believes that India can cope with riots and community violence". This is almost his only direct response to the violent riots at hand.

The reason for this is that the opponents of the Bharatiya Janata Party have repeatedly expressed sympathy and support for the liberals in India. Of course, he has to do the opposite. The second is to please American Indian voters.

Trump has been trying to please these people for many years. He found that many of these people are closely related to the local politics of India. Although most Indian Americans live in California and New York, they also have problems in swing states such as Pennsylvania and Michigan. In less densely populated areas, winning these votes will help consolidate your position in the general election.

No one wants to make a big trouble, and it is not easy to deal with the aftermath.

In any case, no one wants to make such a big move. After all, it is so embarrassing and it is not good for any party.

After the incident, the biggest opposition party, the leader of the Congress Party Sonia Gandhi, condemned the government for failing to control the violence and demanded the resignation of the Interior Minister Shah, who has promoted the CAA.

Neighboring Pakistan took the opportunity to "beat". Prime Minister Imran Khan condemned the violence, saying that "whenever racial hatred and ideology intervenes, bloodshed occurs." Amidst domestic and foreign difficulties, Modi finally broke his silence on the 26th, calling for calmness on Twitter, asking the brothers and sisters in Delhi to "keep peace and brotherhood at all times, and the most important thing is to restore calmness and normal order as soon as possible."

However, as many critics have pointed out, CAA and the pro-Hindu populist policy represented by CAA is skinny, and violent riots are nothing but mere hair. The effect can be imagined: In the past few days, including Delhi, demonstrations and protests have continued throughout India. In addition to continuing to protest against ethnic antagonistic policies, there have also been demonstrations against violence and demanding that the government handle the perpetrators fairly.

After returning home on the 25th, "India topics" became the yellow flowers in Trump's notebook. At this moment, his Twitter is full of "more important topics", especially everything that is closely related to the election. As for the violence, riots and bloodshed in India, it can only be left to the host Modi to deal with.

Tags: entertainment