This man could have saved the DC movie, but he finally chose to give up

movie 921℃
Hello, everyone, today I will discuss a very interesting question with you:

"Who was the savior of the DC movie universe?"

This man could have saved the DC movie, but he finally chose to give up - Lujuba

Maybe starting this year, DCEU is no longer the sweet pastry in the eyes of Warner. As they put all their resources into the formation of HBO MAX, streaming media platforms have become a battlefield for entertainment giants. Of course, this does not mean that Warner will not continue to shoot DC movies. It is just that compared to HBO MAX’s plan, the DC movie universe has become irrelevant, because Batman has completely replaced, Superman has withdrawn indefinitely, and the Justice League has fallen apart. Although Warner once looked down on the TV drama market, they still chose to compromise in the face of the trend of the times.

According to the news at the end of January, director Wen Ziren is making original animations for HBO Max other than "Aquaman: Atlantis", and the swamp monster he previously produced for DC Universe (streaming media) has already been Confirmed to be hacked, this shows that not only the DC movie universe, but even the DC streaming media platform will integrate all resources into HBO Max.

This man could have saved the DC movie, but he finally chose to give up - Lujuba

Compared with the general trend of the rise of streaming media, how is the DC movie universe today?

Although the DC movie "Joker" once again created a miracle, as an independent film, does its success really have anything to do with DCEU?

From the point of view of comics fans, "Joker" is a perfect adaptation. It redefines the role of the clown from another angle, but it is far from the clown in our impression. This is a very good story. , But it’s too dark and full of tragedy. It’s well shot, but I find it hard for me to like this movie.

This man could have saved the DC movie, but he finally chose to give up - Lujuba

The film after "Joker" is "Birds of Prey". This film has no sincerity since the beginning of the selection, and Warner still made many mistakes in this film. For example, the release date is not well chosen. It is Valentine's Day after waiting a few more days. It has to be released before Valentine's Day. As a result, the box office for the second weekend was cut in half, and overall it would be good to be able to return to the original.

In addition to the issue of selection, "Birds of Prey" has been malicious to male audiences from the beginning. The main consumer group of comics is teenagers, and they position it as "R-rated film" . Warner owns let Halle Quinn has the ambition to become the second Deadpool, but they do not have the strength to guarantee the quality of the movie.

Since Harley Quinn cannot save the DC movie universe, who should save this world?

This man could have saved the DC movie, but he finally chose to give up - Lujuba

is of course the darkest man in this universe, he is Batman.

The new version of "Batman" starring Robert Pattinson will become DCEU's last hope. Whether it is to abandon the DC movie universe or continue this unsuccessful story, Warner will devote itself to Batman. With great energy, to some extent, this movie will be the last fight in the DC movie universe. If it fails completely, then Batman's restart will have to wait until a few years later.

This man could have saved the DC movie, but he finally chose to give up - Lujuba

The savior of the DC universe is actually not directed by Zach Snyder. In the eyes of Warner at the time, Big Ben is the real talent. An Oscar-level screenwriter and director, twice won the Oscar Award, has With the world’s top level of director and screenwriter, he will become the secret of DCEU's defeat of the Marvel universe.

But why did the cooperation between Big Ben and Warner end in failure?

This man could have saved the DC movie, but he finally chose to give up - Lujuba

"A relationship crisis that has lasted for many years!"

Daben and Jennifer Garner can be said to be golden boys and girls in the European and American entertainment circles. They got married in 2005, but when the ten-year marriage life ended, It is indeed a terrible emotional crisis waiting for Daben. He and Ghana separated in 2015, and the reason has always been around Daben’s "lace scandal!"

This man could have saved the DC movie, but he finally chose to give up - Lujuba

Ghana gave up his career for Daben, and he Not only gossip with her own babysitter, but also with various actressesThere are also various gossips. To put it simply, after Daben's film "Escape from Tehran" won the Oscar, he was completely inflated, and his life fell directly from the peak to the trough due to family problems.

This man could have saved the DC movie, but he finally chose to give up - Lujuba

and family reasons are only part of the problem. The real headache for this genius director (screenwriter) is that he originally thought that Warner's DC movie universe would allow him to set foot on the pinnacle of his life again, thereby completely changing his image of "facial paralysis".

But Warner’s decision-makers had big problems at the time. Not only were they eager for quick success, they even decided to use a movie to fight against the movie universe that Marvel has run for many years?

This man could have saved the DC movie, but he finally chose to give up - Lujuba

became a victim of "Batman vs. Superman" directed by Zach Snyder. Zha initially disagreed with the film. After being convinced by Warner, the edited version was completely abandoned by Warner. The online version has become the real reason for the polarization of the film’s reputation. The exciting plot has been cut off. Can fans have fun watching it?

Blindly and confidently, Warner has pitted too many people. They are indeed an established film company, but they have made too many mistakes in decision-making. Even if we don’t mention the 2017 Justice League, the film is called "King Arthur: "Beast of the Beast" movie also directly caused them to lose 150 million US dollars, and in their original plan, King Arthur should be a series comparable to the Lord of the Rings.

This man could have saved the DC movie, but he finally chose to give up - Lujuba

So Daben shed tears when he recently promoted the movie "Road to Return", because everything he experienced back then was almost the same as the protagonist in this movie.

Although he has a lot of lace news, although his private life is not correct, but Jennifer Garner is indeed the love of this life. At that time, he fell into a vicious cycle of lifestyle. He had conflicts with his wife and ran to drink. The movie did not go smoothly. He knew that everything was his fault, but he believed that only alcohol could vent his pressure.

This man could have saved the DC movie, but he finally chose to give up - Lujuba

And the more he drinks, the more angry his wife is, the starring movie is not in good condition, BVS is also a complete failure, his own film "Life in the Night" has also become a real "bad movie." All of destroyed Daben's life and work like a snowball, and the relationship between him and his ex-wife did not end until 2018, and the result was their divorce.

So we look back at the time when Big Ben was writing the script of "Batman". He wrote the script of Batman after a month of autism in January 2017, but in the end he chose to give up his guidance. The media announced at that time The reason is that Daben is not satisfied with his script, but he did not clearly state the real reason.

This man could have saved the DC movie, but he finally chose to give up - Lujuba

But Daben’s state at the time has almost collapsed. "Life in the Night" is the biggest example. His script is actually well written, but Daben has no courage to shoot this movie. The relationship problem with his wife makes him Depressed, not only did he not have confidence in himself, he also did not have much confidence in Warner.

If he gritted his teeth and insisted on shooting the movie "Batman", maybe Daben could really become the savior of DCEU, but he retreated. It can only be said that Warner's luck was too bad. They reached a partnership with this true "all-rounder" at the peak of Daben's life, but the next three years of love and hatred between Daben and his wife Entangled, he was addicted to alcohol three times and was unable to extricate himself, and was sent to the alcohol rehabilitation center three times. This is the real reason why he dare not play Batman again.

This man could have saved the DC movie, but he finally chose to give up - Lujuba

Of course, all this is not all to blame. After all, although he was in a bad state at the time, his vision of watching movies was definitely professional. He knew the problem with the DC movie universe, but he couldn’t tell the truth. Director Zach Snyder cannot be blamed, only that Warner lacks a truly wise leader.

Tags: movie