Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020

entertainment 1739℃

"The Lion King"


"Star Wars 9: The Rise of Skywalker"

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba


Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Best Editing

zzzzz2 Michael·McCarking

zzz2 Michael·McCarking 23 The Whimsical World"



Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Speed ​​Car King

z 12z

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Best Cinematography


Roger Deakins




"Hollywood of the past"

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Best Adapted Screenplay


"juvenile Jojo's different "Thinking of the World"

Taiga Viditi


"Little Women"

"The Pope's Succession"

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujubaz8 The whimsical world of young Jojo

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

z1The best of marriage screenplay


zz Story"


"Once Upon a Time in Hollywood"


Bong Junho, Han Jin Won

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba


Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Best Documentary Feature

"American Factory"

"Hospital in the Cave"

"Edge of Democracy"

"For Sama"

"Honey Land"









zzzzzzzzzzzz24 Glory"

"Christian Eucharist"

"Les Miserables"


Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba


Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Best animated feature film

"How to Train Your Dragon"

"I Lost the Body"


"I am Lost" "The Secret"

"The Missing Link"

"Toy Story 4"

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Best Supporting Actress

z Casey Bates" Marriage of Richard J. Bates" Zzzy Bates

zz 24zzz Djuwell's Lament 0 ·Johnson "The Whimsical World of Young Jojo"

Florence Pew "Little Women"

Margot Robbie "Breaking News"

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Best Supporting Actor

Tom Hanks "The Good Neighborhood" One Day"

Anthony Hopkins "The Pope's Inheritance"

Al Pacino "The Irishman"

Joe Pesci "The Irishman"

z23 z Brad Pitt "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood"

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba



Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba


zzzFull record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujubazzz

z23 Cynthia Aliver "Harriet"

Scarlett Johansson "Marriage Story"

Saoirse Ronan "Little Women"

Charlize Theron "Sexy Bomb"

Renee Zellweger Judy"

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Renee Zellweger

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

most Best actor

Antonio Banderas "Pain and Glory"

Leonardo DiCaprio "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood"

Adam Driver "Marriage Story"

Joaquin Phoenix "Joker"

Jonathan Pres, "The Succession of the Pope"

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Best Director

Martin Scorsese "The Irishman"

Todd Phillips "The Joker"

zzz Quintas Quintass "01917" Connaught "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood"

Bong Joon Ho "Parasite"

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Best film

"Speed ​​Car King"


z "zzzzzz1" Joker 1 Story"


"Once Upon a Time in Hollywood"


Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba


Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

92nd Oscar Lifetime Achievement Award

David Lynch

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

The famous director David Lynch is a representative of contemporary American non-mainstream movies. His films are gorgeous, black and humorous. Unique in the film industry. He often uses Freud's psychological analysis in the format of road films to show the anxiety and depression of modern people. Representative works: "The Elephant Man", "My Heart is Wild", "Blue Velvet" and "Muholland Road".

Wes Studi

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Wes Studi (Wes Studi), was born in Oklahoma, USA on December 17, 1947, Indian actor, Vietnam War veteran, musician, writer, sculptor and activist. Representative works: "Dancing with Wolves", "The Last Mohican" and "Avatar".

Lina Wiltmiller

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Lina Wiltmiller, female, born in Rome on August 14, 1926, Italian director, producer and screenwriter. Her works such as "Seven Beauties", "Stepping on the Boundary", "Mimi's Temptation", "Love and Chaos" have become classic films of the 1970s, and she has been featured in major international film festivals. . In addition, Wilt Miller was the first woman to be nominated for the Oscar for Best Director.

Full record of the 92nd Oscar-winning film in 2020 - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment