Recommend 3 women's revenge movies, high ratings on Douban

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1. The two parts to Kill Bill

Recommend 3 women's revenge movies, high ratings on Douban - Lujuba

Kill Bill was directed by the well-known director Quentin. The film is a complete revenge movie, and revenge runs through the whole main line of the movie. Quentin can be said to have played the aesthetics of violence to the extreme. Many shots in the movie are bloody, but not offensive. This is Quentin's aesthetics of violence. The

Recommend 3 women's revenge movies, high ratings on Douban - Lujuba

​​movie is about a pregnant female assassin who wants to wash her hands in the golden basin, but this caused dissatisfaction with the boss of the organization, so a large number of assassins were sent to assassinate the hostess at her wedding. After luckily surviving, the hostess vowed to take revenge, and since then started her road to revenge.

Recommend 3 women's revenge movies, high ratings on Douban - Lujuba

The film is full of a lot of violence and blood, but it still makes the audience look excited. No matter how difficult the road ahead, the heroine has never given up on her goal. She steadfastly moved forward on the road of revenge, step by step, and finally she succeeded in killing Bill. The perfect music and close beat rhythm make the entire revenge process more enjoyable.

2, the whole story of Kim Funan's murder

​​This is a Korean movie, and it is also a story of revenge by women. Compared to Killing Bill, the film explores human nature more deeply. If killing Bill is a visual feast, then the Jin Funan murder incident is a film that interrogates human nature and is thought-provoking.

The movie tells the story of a poor woman who was oppressed by her family and neighbors and broke out after her daughter's death. During her revenge, the heroine killed all those who had oppressed her. The movie ends in bloody and cruel revenge, but at the same time, it makes people feel helpless and thought-provoking.

3, confession

This is a beautifully named but extremely cruel movie. This is not only the teacher's confession to the students, but also the revenge of the mother who lost her daughter to the murderer! This is also a movie about human nature, but this time the protagonist is no longer an adult, but a minor.

Revenge is refreshing, but we don’t need to ask whether the word “minor” really becomes a protective umbrella to protect those minors who have committed serious crimes. Then, how innocent the victims are!

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