Capital withdraw, group performances change careers, film and television industry encounters a cold winter, or will usher in a new round of shuffle

movie 1317℃

On December 5, CCTV reporters interviewed a large number of film and television group performances in Hengdian, and at the same time made a general understanding of the overall situation of the domestic film and television industry. Judging from the current situation, this year’s film and television dramas have set a record low in production in the past three years. As the country’s largest film and television base, Hengdian’s operating rate has fallen by 30% compared to last year. Group actors have said that there is no film to film most of the time. , Have started to change careers. From the off-site perspective, a large amount of capital has also withdrawn from the film and television market.

Capital withdraw, group performances change careers, film and television industry encounters a cold winter, or will usher in a new round of shuffle - Lujuba

Various signs indicate that my country's film and television industry is entering a cold winter.

Now, why does this happen? In the future, what direction the film and television industry will develop, and so on, have become issues that everyone is eager to understand.

Capital withdraw, group performances change careers, film and television industry encounters a cold winter, or will usher in a new round of shuffle - Lujuba

Actually, such a situation may not be a bad thing. It can even be said that instead of a bad thing, it is a good thing. On this point, we should start with the great development of my country's domestic film and television industry. At present, the domestic film and television industry has experienced a total of 4 stages of development. The first three stages are too old and don't need to talk about it in detail. Starting from the fourth stage, the most important movie at this stage is "Tai囧".

Capital withdraw, group performances change careers, film and television industry encounters a cold winter, or will usher in a new round of shuffle - Lujuba

Since Zhang Yimou started the era of Chinese blockbuster films with "Hero", most of the domestic film and television funds have flowed into similar commercial blockbuster production funds. The capital boss is not very interested in some small-scale movies. In 2013, "Tai囧" directed and starred by Xu Zheng was released in the Lunar New Year file. After the movie was released, it triggered a frenzy of audience watching because of its reputation.

In the end, "Thailand" cut a total of 1.267 billion yuan in the box office, becoming the first Chinese-language movie market with a box office of over 1 billion yuan. However, what attracts the attention of the capital market is not only the box office success of this movie, but more importantly, the return on investment of this movie is really generous. It was also from this movie that many domestic capital lords were shocked by the digestive power of the domestic film and television market and the purchasing power of domestic audiences.

So, a lot of capital began to flood the film market.

online, a lot of capital has emerged in the film market, filmmakers and directors no longer have to worry about investment; offline, from first-tier cities to third-tier cities, and even fourth- and fifth-tier cities, movie theaters have opened one after another. Many filmmakers say that the three years from 2014 to 2017 are the golden period of film development. Filmmakers during this period, as long as they have ideas, are not short of money.

However, the Chinese film market during this period is extremely chaotic, and this development method is also extremely unhealthy. As a result, a large number of films that are not good have appeared, but they have got high box office. For example, in the "Little Times" series directed by Guo Jingming, every one of them makes investors earn a lot of money. The production model of small traffic and big IP has become the mainstream of the movie market during this period.

The capital side made a profit, but the audience lost money. They were tricked into the cinema with their hard-earned money, and finally found that only two hours were wasted, and the movie was not worth the price. This situation started in 2014 and lasted until 2017. In the summer of 2017, "Wolf Warriors 2" turned out to be a complete rescue of audiences who were tortured by bad films and were about to lose faith in Chinese films.

not only saved the audience, but also the Chinese film market. Everyone has a basic understanding of the future situation of


"Operation Red Sea" in the 2018 Spring Festival movie, the box office pre-sale is the last to last, the row of movies is the last to the bottom, and the popularity is the last. But after the release, relying on the word of mouth against the sky, it completely turned back, and finally became the box office champion of the Spring Festival stall with a box office of 3.648 billion yuan. In the future, "I'm Not the God of Medicine" once again ignited the summer file after "Wolf Warrior 2"; "Wandering Earth" opened the first year of Chinese science fiction movies, and the audience wanted to stand and applaud in the cinema.

Finally, after three years of madness, Chinese cinema has begun another stage. Excellent movies will surely become the mainstream, and those inferior products born to collect money will also be eliminated. It is precisely because of the impact of these high-quality movies that many low-quality crews have been forced to withdraw, and capital has begun to withdraw gradually. At this point, the long-term madness of Chinese movies is over, and the era of intensive cultivation is about to come.

So, now the domestic film and television market seems to be experiencing a cold winter, but,You can also regard this cold winter as a new round of shuffle. The big waves are scouring the sand, and those who survive this reshuffle are what the market needs and what the audience needs.

Looking at it now, the shuffling has already begun. As for the result, we will wait and see.

Tags: movie